System Map Romania 11th November 2016 System Maps originate from the EU-funded DOMICE Project (2010-2012). They are flow charts which help you to understand and interrogate the probation system in each jurisdiction. There are two main screens for each jurisdiction. The first shows what probation does; the second how it is organised. They compliment the Probation in Europe Handbook and include much of the data from the relevant chapters. The aim is to provide an easily accessible summary of current probation arrangements to support case transfers and co-operative working Each map shows the probation system in 4 “domains” – 1: Pre-Trial Provisions; 2: Non-Custodial Options; 3: Immediate Custody and 4: Early Release. Almost all probation casework can be fitted into one of these 4 “domains” They are built using Microsoft PowerPoint. You can download and run the files, and even amend them for your own use. You cannot upload amended files. If you think one needs to be amended, please contact the e-mail address below Please report proposed amendments to Tony Grapes at With thanks to: Valentin SCHIAUCU Ioan DURNESCU
Conditional Release Commission CEP System Map - ROMANIA 11th November 2016 1: Pre-Sentence Options 2: Non-Custodial Options ? ? ? Breach ? Pre-trial custody ? Postponement of Sentence ? ? Electronic Monitoring as an Alternative to Pre-Trial Custody ? Suspension of Imprisonment under Supervision ? ? ? ? Victim Support and Assistance ? ? Community Service ? ? ? Electronic Monitoring as a Sentence Reports to Assist with Sentencing ? ? ? ? Conditional Suspension of Imprisonment ? Victim-Offender Mediation ? Sentence Passed 3: Immediate Custody 4: Early Release Less than 2 years left to serve Unsupervised Conditional Release ? Diversion from Trial or Sentence Immediate Custody ? ? Conditional Release Commission ? Supervised Conditional Release (Parole) ? ? ? ? ? Population 19,950,000 Prisoners/100,000 143 Probation caseload (adult) 39812 No of Probation Officers 318 Probation Budget (€€) 3,751,101 Electronic Monitoring as a Requirement of Conditional Release ? ? Unsupervised release at full term ? ? ? Pardoned Cases ? ? A feature of this probation system; the probation service either runs it or contributes to it “Live” but delivered by an agency other than probation Common feature of probation NOT “live” here Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Decision Point Hidden Data Law and Regulation Other Information of Interest Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Hidden Data Metrics ? ? ?
42 X Probation System MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Courts of Appeal x 15 High Court of Cessation and Justice MINISTRY OF JUSTICE ? ? Probation System ? Courts of Appeal x 15 ? National Probation Directorate ? Director ? ? ? Inspection Body ? ? Assistant Director Assistant Director Prosecutor’s Office International Relations and Progs Judicial Service Economic Department Methodology and Training Service Human Resources Service Research & Strategic Development IT and Communications Office Tribunals x 42 Probation Services ? Co-operation Chief ? 42 X Courts of First Instance x 188 Probation Counsellors ? ? ? Volunteers ? ? ? Hidden Data Law and Regulation Hidden Data Metrics Hidden Data Other Information of Interest Xmnd Management Position Ymcxnd Operational Position ? ? ?