Enabling the connected smart city ecosystem Basildon 2.0


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Presentation transcript:

Enabling the connected smart city ecosystem Basildon 2.0 Bala Mahendran Chief Executive Basildon Borough Council

Contents Introduction to the Basildon Ecosystem 01 Basildon the place 02 The operating climate National and local context 03 Next Generation basildon Place shaping an effective future ecosystem 04 Our smart starters Creating opportunity, improving lives 05 summary Find your place in Basildon

the basildon Ecosystem Belfast Northern IREland Scotland Edinburgh Cardiff London Wales England the basildon Ecosystem New Town 1949 Population over 180,000 2034 projected population of 204,000 7,000 businesses operating in the area Second largest economy in the Thames Gateway after Canary Wharf with £4.8bn GVA (Centre for Cities, 2015) Home to 70,000 jobs 63% green belt

International Politics Operating climate 01 02 03 04 Funding CUTS Eu Relationship Digitalisation International Politics

next generation Basildon A smarter city that does not just survive, but thrives Economic growth Regenerating town centers Encouraging inward investment Growing local businesses the Basildon challenge Up-skilling Increasing learning opportunities Introducing skill enhancement projects Independent income Taking a commercial yet customer centric approach Selling services Practicing competitive procurement inclusive Growth Leadership of place shaping New tools, enhanced insight and, highly strategic and collaborative ways of working Building trust and engagement for flexible change

The Basildon ECO SYSTEM …OUR SMART STARTERS Challenge faced: housing stock depreciation Solution: Using big data and technology to shape the future Building research establishment (BRE) Managing our housing stock by applying Integrated Dwelling Level Housing Stock Modelling Challenge faced: improving health and wellbeing Solution: Tackling urban air pollution and its impact on communities Project green cube Analysis of air quality and its impact on medical, GP and school performance used to establish pollution reduction measures

Challenge faced: ageing population Solution: Enhancing adult social care Pilot advanced technologies in partnership with specialist tech firms Sensors and mobile technologies to be used to monitor the elderly to enable greater insight. This will allow for better response to adult care requirements. Challenge faced: improving accessibility and outcomes Solution: Improving Access to public services basildon Community hub - 2016 Through co-location of local services at the Basildon Centre such as local government, probation service, citizens advice bureau, the police and more, access to services has become more convenient and cost efficient. Challenge faced: aligning skill base to local opportunities Solution: Harnessing the digital potential Innovation Warehouse Using big data to improve our services and deliver local interconnectivity. Through this project we are funding a self sustaining model of digital and technological opportunities.

FIND YOUR PLACE IN BASILDON Presenter: Bala Mahendran, CEO Basildon Council www.basildon.gov.uk 0044 (0)7773934173 georgina.blakemore@basildon.gov.uk Georgina Blakemore 044 (0)7809 105 392 karthik.durgaprasad@basildon.gov.uk Karthik Durgaprasad Contact Us