Team 3 Gro-Bro April 13, 2017 Final Project Review sam Final Project Review Team 3 Gro-Bro April 13, 2017 Advisor: Professor Jackson Michael D’Anna, Samantha de Groot, Maxwell Joyce and Shaun Palmer 1 1 1
Team Members Michael D’Anna Samantha de Groot Maxwell Joyce us Team Members Michael D’Anna Samantha de Groot Maxwell Joyce Shaun Palmer 2 2 2
The Problem Widespread access to local produce Food deserts Reduce carbon footprint of shipping For people without the time, space and knowledge to garden sam 3 3 3
Our Solution: Fully Automated Smart Greenhouse Array of sensors inside greenhouse Continuous measurements Displays information on app Sensor data used for the water pump and nutrient dispersal control shaun 4 4 4
Block Diagram mike 5 5 5
Specifications Automated ✓ Lighting control ✓ Hydroponic watering ✓ Nutrient dispersal/pH regulation ✓ Closed loop system to recycle water ✓ Must fit inside of a studio apartment ~(2’x4’) ✓ Yield 6 fruiting plants ✓ Reusable ✓ App with simple UI – easy for people to use and learn ✓ mike 6 6 6
FPR Deliverables Yield 5-8 fruiting plants ✓ Make the structure more aesthetically pleasing – add logo and finishing touches ✓ Finalize android app GUI ✓ max 7 7 7
Android App Improvements max 8 8 8
Control Unit Improvements Added log files to keep track of every action performed Now remembers exact state- hours since last watering, lights Sensors Repaired oxidized hygrometers Added BJT circuit to turn on only when taking measurement mike 9 9 9
Greenhouse Performance vs. Control Plants sam 10 10 10
Greenhouse Performance vs. Control Plants sam 11 11 11
Cost Analysis Cost to make greenhouse: ~$925 Operation of greenhouse: 4.2 kWh per day At $0.12/kWh electricity cost and 60 days to grow tomatoes, costs $30.24 to grow 6 tomato plants, which each yield ~12-15lb of tomatoes = ~80 lb total Nutrients cost ~$15 per 60 days = ~$45 total for 80 lb of tomatoes … ~$0.56/lb Store-bought tomatoes average ~$2.00/lb shaun 12 12 12
Cost Analysis… Break even after 642 lb of tomatoes = 8 (60 day) seed to harvest growth cycles If spacing cycles 1 month apart, takes 2 years to break even Shaun, 8 lb to make a quart of spaghetti sauce, Savings over 10 years = $3800 13 13 13
Questions? ??? 14 14 14
Project Demonstration Time lapse video Show plants App demo 15 15 15
Time Lapse Video 18 days 16 16 16