Business Model/ Business Plan and Logic Model


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Presentation transcript:

Business Model/ Business Plan and Logic Model Lecture 3 Business Model/ Business Plan and Logic Model

Today’s Topic Logic Models: Fairly Simple to Understand- but takes practice Important to achieve Mission: brief summary of activities, definition of value, goals and measures of success, and how you are innovative or adaptive (p44) Important to beat the odds: 80% of nonprofits fail in first 5 years. (p47)

Intro to Logic Models What is a Logic Model? a systematic and visual way to share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve. Kellogg Foundation 2004:3

Arrows are the relationships- the knocking down of the dominos. Intro to Logic Models Like a newspaper- wherever you are you can pick up a local newspaper and it may be unique but is intelligible- you know there is an editorial, local, international section, comics, advertisements, sports- you know how to read it. Logic models too may have different designs, but have the same basic parts. What is a Logic Model? a systematic and visual way to share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve. Arrows are the relationships- the knocking down of the dominos. Kellogg Foundation 2004:3

Logic Models and How to Create One This is you. Making a logic model helps make sure your dominos are in line. This is your program Logic Models and How to Create One

The business model is “a blueprint for how you will create value” “It comes from the social sciences” (IV DV) (Brooks p44-45)

Many logic models, begin with what community need you are addressing.

What is your community need? Lab 1 shows you how to document it. Simply make a chart out of raw or half baked data (or even cooked data if you need to) but make your own chart. Social Problem: an undesirable condition of the individual or the environment (York 2009, page 57) A 'need' is: A gap between what is and what should be (York 2008, 56)

Some examples of community need. What would you say this documents?

Now how will you solve it?

Intro to Logic Models What is a Logic Model? a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve. Kellogg Foundation 2004:3

Logic Models are tools for Assessment Kellogg Foundation 2004:3

A Helpful tool for: Planning Implementation Evaluation

A Helpful tool for: Planning Implementation Evaluation

Logic Models come in many formats and styles

Program Planning Logic Model Imagination Library book distribution program – one book a month to children from birth through age 5 – results demonstrated in literature Wrap around services and role modeling of reading as delivered by local service provider agencies Assume our community will respond as others have to the Imagination Library. Assume funding can be raised Assume language barriers can be overcome Assume services offered are sufficient 50% of children entering Syracuse City Schools are not ready according to DIBELS assessments of pre-literacy skills Literature reviewed on Imagination library book programs shows favorable results The Community Foundation completed a 5 year read ahead imitative building literacy capacity of local childcares and literacy providers A coalition of stakeholders including learners, business, government, nonprofits and institutions of higher education have committed to the value of literacy for the community’s future prosperity ↑ number of adults who read to their children daily ↑ percent of children that register on time for kindergarten ↑ the % of children assessed as ready on the Initial Sound Fluency ↑ % of kids assessed as ready on Letter Naming Fluency Increased literacy and school success reaching post school into career and a revitalized economy Assets: The Say Yes initiative has been launched to provide a pipeline from k through college but children begin unprepared for kindergarten Needs: The community has to focus on preparing children to take advantage of the many resources we have from school age on

Program Implementation Logic Model PR group to outreach to and enroll families Database system and mailing and book return system Nonprofits serving families with youth Assessment team Book sign up outreach and PR Local organizations referring children Book database and mailing system managed Wrap around services coordinated Ongoing assessment and reflective evaluation # of children enrolled match or exceed projections (20% of population by end of year 1, 40% year 2, 60% year 3, 100% year 4) # of local organizations referring children (7 or more) Database and address updates minimize # of returned books (0 books returned from same address more than once) # of children & families attending/ receiving wrap around services – particularly higher need families (half of all children enrolled) Ongoing reflective use of dashboard to refine program implementation (monthly dashboard created) 1-3 year ↑ number of adults who read to their children daily ↑ percent of children that register on time for kindergarten 4-6 year ↑ the % of children assessed as ready for school on the Initial Sound Fluency DIBELS ↑ % of kids assessed as ready for school on Letter Naming Fluency DIBELS Increased literacy and school success reaching post school into career and a revitalized economy Increased community literacy across the lifespan Maximized community engagement

Program Implementation Logic Model PR group to outreach to and enroll families Database system and mailing and book return system Nonprofits serving families with youth Assessment team Book sign up outreach and PR Local organizations referring children Book database and mailing system managed Wrap around services coordinated Ongoing assessment and reflective evaluation # of children enrolled match or exceed projections (20% of population by end of year 1, 40% year 2, 60% year 3, 100% year 4) # of local organizations referring children (7 or more) Database and address updates minimize # of returned books (0 books returned from same address more than once) # of children & families attending/ receiving wrap around services – particularly higher need families (half of all children enrolled) Ongoing reflective use of dashboard to refine program implementation (monthly dashboard created) 1-3 year ↑ number of adults who read to their children daily ↑ percent of children that register on time for kindergarten 4-6 year ↑ the % of children assessed as ready for school on the Initial Sound Fluency DIBELS ↑ % of kids assessed as ready for school on Letter Naming Fluency DIBELS Increased literacy and school success reaching post school into career and a revitalized economy Increased community literacy across the lifespan Maximized community engagement

Problem, Need Situation Resources Activities, Services For Customers Served Goal/ Outputs1 Goal/ Outcome 2 Goal/ Outcome 3   1. # of children enrolled # of local organizations referring children Database and address updates # of children & families attending/ receiving wrap around services 1. Half of children are showing up to kindergarten unready Partner Agencies Children Enrolled 2. ↑ number of adults who read to their children daily ↑ percent of children that register on time for kindergarten Distributing Books Books Events 3. ↑ the % of children assessed as ready for school on the Initial Sound Fluency DIBELS ↑ % of kids assessed as ready for school on Letter Naming Fluency DIBELS

http://www. valleyhomesusa

Now Let’s practice a logic model with Bonnie Clack! Use the following logic model.

Program Implementation Logic Model

Ch 4 talks about a business plan - we read a real business plan – notice it is basically CLAS Wolk Bonnie Clac Video by RWJ Foundation (6 min):

How many people you help Activities What you do. Resources People Program Implementation Logic Model Outputs How many people you help For example, # of people served, number of workshops held, # who attended, # of books mailed, # of people enrolled Activities What you do. Resources People Money Partners Space ?

How their lives improved. Program Implementation Logic Model Outcomes How their lives improved.

Tip: List out your outcomes them put them in chronological order. short term outcomes, those changes or benefits that are most closely associated with or caused by the programs outputs intermediate outcomes, those changes that result from an application of the short term outcomes. Long term outcomes or program impacts, follow from the benefits accrued though the intermediate outcomes. Tip: List out your outcomes them put them in chronological order.                                           Fig. 1. Elements of the Logic Model.!&_cdi=5852&view=c&_acct=C000040778&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=735929&md5=6e6b6f92758532f01a88230d7ec29380

Hand out Connelly and York Be sure to study this for the Mid Term

Peter York (2011:6) on typical nonprofit goals such as “no longer homeless” or “eliminating a disease”: “Such goals are inspirational, but they are almost always beyond the direct reach of a single intervention or program. It is more realistic, for example, to measure whether clients in a program to help the homeless actually follow through with a job referral or a doctor’s appointment. Such goals may sound less inspiring but actually represent a significant achievement. More importantly, they are within reach — and they are the building blocks for achieving broader societal change, one person at a time.” Be Realistic…

Trick of the Trade: Start with the End Goal You probably have many goals, but pick one to start with.

Domino rally video: In case you wonder whether the change you plan can have a ripple effect on the community: 4:30min to 4:57

Assessment: Outcomes Paul Connolly and Peter York 2002

MEGO Scale

At your tables you have 2 puzzles Let’s play a game At your tables you have 2 puzzles

Please put these in the correct order to fix the logic model. 1 Program Implementation Logic Model GAME- Please put these in the correct order to fix the logic model. 1 Better grades in school Tutors Books Meeting Space 1 on 1 tutoring sessions Increase in high school graduation rates # of youth tutored

These are out of order, can you fix it? 1 Program Implementation Logic Model GAME- These are out of order, can you fix it? 1 Tutors Books Meeting Space 1 on 1 tutoring sessions # of youth tutored Better grades in school Increase in high school graduation rates

# of adults attending classes Program Implementation Logic Model GAME- These are out of order, can you fix it? 2 Job skills classes Increase in percent of participants employed Job trainer Classroom Decrease in unemployment rate # of adults attending classes

# of adults attending classes Program Implementation Logic Model GAME- These are out of order, can you fix it? 2 Job trainer Classroom Job skills classes # of adults attending classes Increase in percent of participants employed Decrease in unemployment rate

Inventing or Adapting and Existing Program for your Final Project Lists of sample programs: Results First Clearinghouse Download Promising Practices Network

What works for Children Child Trends' What Works/LINKS database is a searchable database of over 700 social interventions for children. What Works includes descriptions of rigorously evaluated programs targeted at improving child or youth outcomes. Programs must have had at least one randomized, intent-to-treat evaluation (i.e., everyone was assigned by lottery to the treatment or experimental group and all were included in the analysis of impacts, whether or not they actually participated or were served).  You can search the database by program population, outcome, approach, or a combination of these. What Works (and Doesn't) LINKS Syntheses

If you want to change to another program other than where you were assigned- you must do so by 1 week from today

Use the Class planning tool from Lab 2

To help you see the flow from identified community need to logic model and then to outcome data for assessment (and budget).

Outputs are the products, goods and services provided to the program’s direct customers. For example, # of people served, number of workshops held, # who attended, # of convicts participating, # of books mailed, # of people enrolled Resources include human and financial resources as well as other inputs required to support the program such as partnerships. Information on customer needs is an essential resource to the program. Activities include all those action steps necessary to produce program outputs.                                           Fig. 1. Elements of the Logic Model.!&_cdi=5852&view=c&_acct=C000040778&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=735929&md5=6e6b6f92758532f01a88230d7ec29380

Use in future class..

A Business Plan is more than just a logic model. It is all of CLASS Sketch out the following for Bonnie CLAC and point to what it says on which page of the business plan for CLAS

Bonnie Clack Imagination Library Your Program Community Need Logical Approach Assessment Strategy Sustainability Plan Special Interest

For future class

What is a Logic Model?- an example from the federal government Whether we realize it or not we are logic modeling all the time. Logic models can be applied to almost anything we do or are engaged in. It is just putting ‘structure’ to a way of thinking…a graphic representation of our mental processes that focus on achieving outcomes.

Logic Models and How to Create One

Today’s Topic is Logic Models: How do we explain what we do to others?

Logic Models are tools for Assessment Kellogg Foundation 2004:3

Levels of Impact Source: Ridzi 2012:103. Managing Evaluation Expectations When Measuring Philanthropic Impact. The Foundation Review

Flip chart

Let’s practice Volunteers program ideas? Walking program* Mentoring program for young girls Soup kitchen English language classes Neighborhood tour Soccer program for refugee children Senior recreation program

Start with the end goal.

Program Implementation Logic Model

Audiences How do we explain what we do to others? The Community Clients/ people you serve Current and Potential Staff/Volunteers Board Members Funders Government Officials Donors How do we explain what we do to others?

They can look different and have many uses and looks But the essential components are the same (systematic)

A Helpful tool for: Planning Implementation Evaluation

How many people you help Activities What you do. Resources People Program Implementation Logic Model Outputs How many people you help For example, # of people served, number of workshops held, # who attended, # of books mailed, # of people enrolled Activities What you do. Resources People Money Partners Space ?

How their lives improved. Program Implementation Logic Model Outcomes How their lives improved.

What activities, outputs and outcomes do you hear in the following video?

Video Clip: Asking for Donations is competing with many other compelling needs

Bob Doucette

Baby Cries when Book ends as an outcome?

Dollywood Syracuse Expansion Video