Nemertoda By:Jayda Lee
General Characteristics Nemertoda is made up of round worms,worms with long slender bodies that taper at both ends. Roundworms range in length from less than 1mm to 120cm(4ft). Roundworms have a digestive tract with two openings. Food enters the digestive tract through the mouth at the anterior end. About 80,000 species of roundworms are known ,but biologists estimate that there may be 500,000 or more species. About 150 species of roundworms are parasites of plants and animals. Humans are host to about 50 roundworm species.
Interesting Facts Nematoda are the most abundant multicellular animal on earth. A handful of soil can contain up to thousands of microscopic worms. They are a free-living species that commonly feeds on bacteria, fungi, and other Nematoda.
Vocab. Words Anus- Where undigested material is eliminated Cuticle- Protective, noncellular layer Roundworms- worms with long, slender bodies that taper at both ends.
Hookworms Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Nematoda Class-Secernentea Order-Strongylida Family-Secernentea Genus-Ancylostoma Species-Ancylostoma duodenale
Pinworm Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class: Secernentea Subclass: Spiruria Order: Oxyurida Family: Oxyuridae Genus: Enterobius
Filarial worms Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class: Secernentea Order: Camallanida Superfamily: Dracunculoidea Family: Dracunculidae Genus: Dracunculus Species: D. medinensis
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