Student Learning Outcomes in Disability Service Practices Jean Ashmore, AHEAD Representative to CAS Ann Knettler-Smith, Drexel University Sally Scott, AHEAD
AHEAD Survey on Student Learning Outcomes Developed to learn about use of (or not) student learning and development outcomes in disability services To inform AHEAD about same, plus needs for member development To inform CAS on SLO practices in the disability services realm Completed in Spring 2016 Total respondents = 472
Respondents’ Demographic Information
Where is the DS department housed?
How familiar are you with the concept of student learning outcomes?
How familiar are you with CAS Disability Resources and Services standards and guidelines?
How familiar are you with AHEAD Program Standards?
Student learning outcomes are currently used in DS
Student learning outcomes have been used in DS in the past but not at present
Student learning outcomes are used by other campus departments
Differences in SLO Use Disability Services Other campus departments 72% report SLOs not used in DS Other campus departments 72% report SLOs are used in other departments Implications for disability units Why such differences in practice? Does DS, in general, need to begin using SLOs?
What prompted DS use of student learning outcomes What prompted DS use of student learning outcomes? (check all that apply)
How were your DS student learning outcomes developed?
Who developed your student learning outcomes?
Do you assess SLOs in your program?
If you assess SLOs, when do you assess them?
What purpose do SLOs serve your department? (check all that apply)
Examples of SLOs in DS Practice Students who meet with SS will identify their learning style and strategies to be successful that align with their learning style. 80% of students who attended monthly meetings with a Disability Services Professional Staff person will demonstrate higher average GPAs and use of services as compared to first-time, first-year students registered with Disability Services who did not meet with a staff person on a monthly basis.
Example of SLOs in DS Practice Describe the process for requesting accommodations: (Collected through Accommodations Conference) Below - unable to articulate process Developing- identified two of the following: send accommodation notice, schedule a time to meet with instructor, discuss accommodations with instructor Meets expectations - includes: Sending notice via student portal Scheduling a time to meet with instructor Discussing accommodations with instructor all steps which include sending no tice via student po rtal, scheduling a tim e to m eet with instructo r,
Example of a faculty learning outcome Faculty demonstrate the ability to: 1. Add an alt tag to an image, 2. Identify principles of Universal Design, 3. Identify design elements in their course that demonstrate Universal Design.
Indicate the frequency of assessment or assessment cycle timing for this SLO: Results indicate SLO assessment cycles to be: About half assess at the end of each instructional term About half assess once per year, typically at the end of academic year Some assess at the conclusion of specific programs or modules, e.g. orientation
Would resources from AHEAD on SLOs be useful to you?
Please rank the following training options from 1(highest) to 4 (lowest) Discussion groups Periodic notices and updates On-line trainings Face to face settings (conferences, workshops) 1 (Highest) 7% 19 14.3% 39 50.9% 139 27.8% 76 2 17.9% 47 21.7% 57 28.1% 74 32.3% 85 3 29.8% 78 33.6% 88 14.5% 38 22.1% 58 4 (Lowest) 45.6% 114 30.8% 77 4.8% 12 18.8%
AHEAD, next steps on SLOs Expect AHEAD webinars Look for SLO/CAS resources at the AHEAD Information Services Portal Continue learning from CAS experts to inform AHEAD members Contact Information Jean Ashmore Ann Knettler-Smith Sally Scott