Title: What can I expect in 8th grade language arts this year? August 27, 2012 Title: What can I expect in 8th grade language arts this year? Warm Up: Read syllabus, underlining anything that is confusing to you, and making a list of question in the margins. Homework: Finish your letter to Mrs. Lucero – you may write it neatly or type it and print it, or use letter generator link below and print it. letter generator Objective: understand the 8th grade LA prospectus Incorporate elements of a business letter to create personal recommendation Agenda: Agendas/forms/lockers Syllabus Summer Reading – Due Fri, Sept. 7 Letter of recommendation Pass out forms – students will not get locker assigned until fees are paid Syllabus – go over carefully, and note that bottom must be signed by parents. This will be kept in the resources section of their notebooks. It is important to get supplies listed in syllabus ASAP – students should copy 8/27 info into notebook. Pop quiz later in week for completed and organized notebook. Summer reading – remind students to bring summer reading projects on Tuesday, and be prepared to revise as we discuss each component. Business letter – pass out worksheet – go over and remind students to detach portion for their parents. Demonstrate letter generator, and encourage students to check website to use resource. For remainder of class, have students begin planning their letters (refer to plan-gather-build-share) and writing rough drafts.
August 28, 2012 August 28, 2012 EQ/Title: “We Wear the Mask” What are some elements of poetry that help us understand the meaning? Warm Up: Vocabulary activity worksheet Homework: Paraphrase “We Wear the Mask,” making sure to reword everything on each line of poetry. Revise Summer Reading Project Notes: Summer Reading Project section 1 Poetry reading, preparation for paraphrasing Closure: Students complete vocabulary activity, working at their table to use context clues, and dictionaries to complete worksheet Students turn in forms and homework (recommendation letter to Mrs. Lucero) Summer Reading project section 1. Go over expectations and answer questions. Review vocabulary worksheet – having students compare/contrast answers and come up with sentences. Brainstorm about elements of poetry that help us understand the meaning – look for stanzas, rhyme, rhythm, regular or irregular form, etc. “We Wear the Mask” – pass out worksheet, and play Rita Dove recording from Smartfile. Have students highlight vocabulary words that we already defined in left side poem. Have students read aloud to each other, and develop some ideas about the meaning of the poem. Go over TPCASTT – explaining that students will paraphrase poem for homework.
August 29, 2012 August 29, 2012 EQ/Title: “We Wear the Mask” How can analysis of historically relevant poetry help us understand about ourselves? Warm Up: Finish side 2 of Vocabulary Worksheet Homework: Complete TPCASTT, revise Summer Reading Project Notes: Summer Reading Project section 2 Notebook organization Read the biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar, listing 5 elements from his life that may have influenced his writing. Discussion of line-by-line paraphrasing. TPCASTT Closure: Students complete warm up with class set of Dunbar biography pages Students turn in forms and check homework Summer Reading project section 2. Go over expectations and answer questions. Review warm up – how do elements from Dunbar’s life affect his poetry? Discuss paraphrasing – line by line analysis Discuss historical significance of time period – ask for student prior knowledge. Have students begin TPCASTT and CLOZE activity – completing for homework Introduce personal Mask Activity if time. Closure
August 30, 2012 August 30, 2012 EQ/Title: What are the challenges we face when reconciling our external mask with our inner self? Warm Up: Quickwrite – what do you “wear” as your public mask? What about you is not something you always want people to know/see? Homework: Complete planning for your mask – including 5 symbols for each side, and begin decorating. Notes: Maya Angelou reading of “We Wear the Mask” Summer Reading Part 3 – Mask making activity Springboard tear out – Glossary Unit 1 through page 52 Intro to challenges Closure: What people know/see about me- who the world sees Personal things that are not as evident to others Warm up – quickwrite– Check homework for grade Maya Angelou reading – discuss how the emotional reading helps us understand the historical significance of the poem Review mask activity – go over the assignment requirements, and complete the chart. Review symbolism – decide on symbols for your characteristics.
EQ/Title: What defines a hero? Warm Up: Tear out SB pages August 31, 2012 August 31, 2012 EQ/Title: What defines a hero? Warm Up: Tear out SB pages 1-52, then write your name on the binder of your SB book and return it to the shelf. Put the pages in your Springboard section. Homework: Complete mask and reflection, revise Summer Reading Project Notes: Archetypes video – write down the names and definitions of archetypal characters as you hear them Summer Reading project – last section Archetypes pre-assessment Notebook check Springboard pages 4-5 Closure: Archetypes pre-assessment Video – 8:30, 11:45, 2:15 Notebook check SB pages
EQ/Title: What are some strategies I use to face life challenges? September 4, 2012 September 4, 2012 EQ/Title: What are some strategies I use to face life challenges? Warm Up: Put SB 2-6 in Sept 4 section. Read and highlight SB4, putting a question mark next to unfamiliar concepts Complete SB5 Homework: Revise summer reading project - check Notes: Intro to Challenge of Heroism Mask presentations SB6 – independent work Challenges group activity Closure: Essay components – discuss definition essay and go over unit. Volunteers to share masks Model creation of a word map, using the word revise Word Map independent work – 10 minutes Challenges group activity and sharing – Begin archetypes study if time
Challenges With your group, discuss your responses to SB6 Write the word “Challenges” in large letters Draw at least 2 visuals that help understand the meaning of the word List at least 5 synonyms Write a definition in your own words Make it visually appealing, and be prepared to share with the class.
Homework: Archetypal characters worksheet Notes: September 5, 2012 September 5, 2012 EQ/Title: What are some human personality traits that are represented by archetypal characters? Warm Up: SB 7-8 Homework: Archetypal characters worksheet Notes: Archetypes powerpoint Bring in picture books that have archetypal characters for Sept. 6, 2012 Closure: Discuss TONE – how words with similar definitions can have very different connotations Archetypes powerpoint Review EQ – brainstorm some human personality traits – and which archetypes represent them.
September 6, 2012 September 6, 2012 EQ/Title: How does our understanding of archetypes make stories more meaningful? Warm Up: SB 9 Homework: Paraphrase “A Man” SB 10- remember to be detailed in finding synonyms/ phrases for every important word in every line. Notes: Finish Archetypes notes Archetypes are everywhere activity Closure: Discuss Warm up - Review archetypal characters – find examples Explain archetypes are everywhere activity Review HW paraphrasing expectations Discuss EQ - Closure
Homework: Paraphrase “Moco Limping” SB 13 Notes: September 7, 2012 September 7, 2012 EQ/Title: Why are so many archetypes present in picture books for children, and what does this teach them about life? Warm Up: TPCASTT SB 10 “A Man” Homework: Paraphrase “Moco Limping” SB 13 Notes: Review “A Man” Archetypes are everywhere activity Closure: Go over “A Man” Finish Archetypes are Everywhere Begin graphic organizer for personal challenges Writing Prompt SB12? Begin paraphrasing Moco Limping
EQ/Title: Who would you consider a hero, and why? Warm Up: September 10, 2012 September 10, 2012 EQ/Title: Who would you consider a hero, and why? Warm Up: TPCASTT SB 12 “Moco Limping” Homework: Write a final draft of Hero definition paragraph. Type – double spaced, and PRINT - Notes: Review “Moco Limping” Hero definition essay Closure: Go over “A Man” Finish Archetypes are Everywhere Begin graphic organizer for personal challenges Writing Prompt SB12? Begin paraphrasing Moco Limping
What defines a hero? Character Map – decide on traits, and what evidence you would use to support it. Decide on 2 or 3 traits that you would like to focus your paragraph on. Make sure you have evidence from the sources listed on the back of your character map. You must have evidence from at least 3 sources. BE SURE to cite your sources!!!! Write topic sentence, complete essay planner, and write 12 sentence paragraph.
September 11, 2012 September 11, 2012 EQ/Title: Who were the heroes of 9/11? Warm Up: Grammar pre-assessment Homework: Complete graphic organizer (see Writing section of website) Write paragraph defining archetypal character #1 (may not be a hero). Notes: Discuss Archetypes project – due Sept. 24. Review Hero definition essays Overview of 9/11/01 Jigsaw: read article and fill out WWWWWH chart Create poster explaining your hero of 9/11, and be ready to share Closure: Discuss Archetypes project – pass out sheet – Due Sept. 24. Students turn in hero definition paragraph – Collect as a pre-assessment for writing Discuss 9/11 – video? Talk about all the different types of heroes. Jigsaw – students read article, create a WWWWWH, create visual Discuss that all people in groups must share Groups share – take grade while sharing.
September 12, 2012 September 12, 2012 EQ/Title: What are the signs that something “big” is about to happen to you? Warm Up: Grammar Books – Read page 66 & 67, complete Exercise 11, only writing down prepositions. Homework: Complete graphic organizer (see Writing section of website) Write paragraph defining archetypal character #2. Notes: Discussion of prepositions Peer editing of essays Begin Hero’s Journey – Stage I Closure: Grammar pre-assessment Check HW – Archetypal Character #1 Peer editing – watch for 1st and 2nd person, contractions, and unsupported statements. Hero’s journey stage 1
Peer editing checklist 1.Read the paragraph once to get an idea of what it is about. 2. Read again and create a graphic organizer using the information in the paragraph… is it well supported without any “holes”? 3. Read the essay a third time and check for: run-ons, fragments, and proper punctuation 1st or 2nd person (no I, you, we, our, etc.) 4. Mark the essay with revisions and suggestions. 5. Conference with the author.
September 13, 2012 September 13, 2012 EQ/Title: What are some test taking strategies to help me be successful? Warm Up: Formative Exam Homework: Complete graphic organizer (see Writing section of website) Write paragraph defining archetypal character #3. Notes: Formative Exam Closure:
Review of prepositions Check on Archetypes project progress September 14, 2012 September 14, 2012 EQ/Title: What are the signs that something “big” is about to happen to you? Warm Up: On a NEW piece of paper in your grammar section, use pgs. 66 & 67 to write a definition of a preposition, and copy the lists of prepositions in your notebook. THEN do exercise 12 on pg 68, writing the prepositional phrases and underlining the preposition. Homework: Complete graphic organizer (see Writing section of website) Write paragraph defining archetypal character #4. Notes: Review of prepositions Check on Archetypes project progress Hero’s Journey – Stage I Closure: Grammar books – pgs 66 & 67 – start “grammar dictionary” on prepositions complete Ex 12, pg. 68. *** First block needs mini-lesson on grammar Review Character paragraphs – Check character essays #2 and #3 Continue with hero’s journey – Stage I
Monday, September 17, 2012 September 17, 2012 EQ/Title: What do you do to prepare for a huge event in your life? Warm Up: Check answers for Friday’s warm up – Create a new sentence with your table, adding prepositional phrases to the sentence “Gladys walked.” Homework: Complete graphic organizer (see Writing section of website) Write paragraph defining archetypal setting #1 Notes: Prepositions practice Show exemplars for Archetypes projects. Review Continue with hero’s journey, Stages I and II Closure: Grammar worksheet #7 – review info on prepositions/prepositional phrases Continue with hero’s journey, Stages I & II
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 September 18, 2012 EQ/Title: Why is it so important to divide a big project into smaller pieces? Warm Up: Worksheet #7. Complete, and be prepared to trade and grade. Homework: Complete graphic organizer (see Writing section of website) Write paragraph defining archetypal setting #2 *** be ready for notebook quiz. Notes: Prepositions quiz Continue with hero’s journey, Closure: Prepositions review - Continue with hero’s journey, Stages II and III
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 September 19, 2012 EQ/Title: When you get yourself in a “jam,” what can you do to get yourself out of it? Warm Up: Write the sentences (in “grammar” section) and identify prep phrases with parentheses. Homework: Type and print all paragraphs for character archetypes. Be prepared to share with classmates for peer editing Notes: Review Prepositional phrases Notebook check Explain HW – prepare/edit character essays Finish Hero’s journey 1. The real owner of the property is not available for comment. 2. I have no time for your excuses or delays. 3. The manager came for the answer. 4. In this century we are preserving our forests. 5. You will always be one of my best friends. Closure: Grammar books – revised lesson based on results from Tuesday’s assessment. More practice with prepositions needed, and more direct instruction. Have students open grammar books to prepositions page to have prepositions in front of them. Notebook check Finish Hero’s journey. If still time, have students work on Hero’s Journey worksheet #2 in class.
Thursday, September 20, 2012 September 20, 2012 EQ/Title: What are some ways to organize my thoughts before writing? Warm Up: Review hero’s journey organizer for essay Homework: Complete Hero’s journey essay. Notes: Review compound nouns Peer editing of essays Explain HW – Hero’s Journey paragraph Closure: Grammar books – nouns – review and exercise Show graphic organizer modification for hero’s journey, using 3 stages as the different “traits” Peer editing – have students attach a peer editing sheet to essays If still time, have students work on Hero essay organizer in class.
Friday, September 21, 2012 September 21, 2012 EQ/Title: What are some common themes of the “monomyth”? Warm Up: Organize all essays completed so far into the order you would like to use for the Archetypes project. Homework: Complete Hero’s journey essay, Complete Archetypes project Notes: Star Wars – students should add examples to Hero’s journey page Closure: Review archetypes project expectations Star Wars playing on closed circuit for McQueen and Lucero – Lucero will send student down at 8:20, 11:35 and 1:55
Monday, September 24, 2012 September 24, 2012 EQ/Title: How can technology enhance learning? Warm Up: Get SB book from shelf, tear out all pages up to 102, and put in SB section of notebook. Homework: Read chapters 1-3 of The Giver Notes: -iPad experience survey -iPad introduction/practice Closure: Prepare for The Giver unit by tearing out SB pages Take iPad experience survey – explain QR codes, Scan app, Survey process iPad practice
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 September 25, 2012 EQ/Title: What is your idea of a perfect society? Warm Up: -Put SB 57-62 on this page of interactive notebook. -Look up Utopia – using iPad, dictionary, etc. Write a definition for the word (in your Vocabulary section) Homework: Paragraph (10-12 sentences): Why would Danielle be interested in the concepts of More’s Utopia? Notes: -Vocab technique introduction -quiz on chapters 1-2 -Utopia – model reading. -Partner work Closure: Vocabulary introduction Quiz on chapters 1-2 Intro to Utopia – discussion of meaning of word, and Thomas More’s Utopia Ever After clips – why is this important?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 September 26, 2012 EQ/Title: Why is it important to use precise language when expressing yourself? Warm Up: -tear out 373-426 of SB and put in ONGOING RESOURCES -Tone Word sort – Group activity. Complete, and put in your vocabulary section of your notebook. Homework: Read chapters 4-6 of The Giver Notes: - Discussion of Tone – Do a Frayer model for TONE in your vocabulary section - Tone word sort Chapter 1 – Precise words (on 9/25 page) SB 60-61 Begin anticipation guide if time. Closure: Tone discussion - Tone word sort – sort words, and then within each category, put in order from least to greatest Chapter 1 – precise words lesson, SB 60 and 61 If extra time, have students use their vocabulary words in a story
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/LTI2NTkyMDQ4Nw If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. Poll: How would you describe the word "tone" i...
Thursday, September 27, 2012 September 27, 2012 EQ/Title: What is the best way to decide major life decisions? Who should have input into those decisions? Warm Up: Put SB 67-70 in 9/27 section. Complete The Giver anticipation guide Homework: Write a compare/contrast paragraph - Notes: The Giver anticipation guide survey Babies and Birthdays activity, SB 68-69 Discussion of Compare/Contrast essay. Ticket out the door Closure: The Giver anticipation guide – individually Anticipation guide survey – all students vote, then discuss as a class. Babies and Birthdays – Class discussion of differences – student writes responses on the board
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MTUwMTcxNzcxOQ If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. Poll: What precise words can you use to descri...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/LTExNjI0NjU1ODU If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. Poll: What precise words can you use to descri...
Friday, September 28, 2012 September 2, 2012 EQ/Title: When I read, am I comprehending the main points? Warm Up: Birthday Traditions – read, and list the main idea of the passage, and supporting details Homework: Read Chapters 7-9 of The Giver. Notes: Birthday traditions Frayer model for Society – group share Quiz, Vocab Ch 1-3, Comprehension chapters 3-6. Closure: Birthday traditions – follow up to Birthday activity, global awareness component Frayer model for society – individuals complete, then table comes up with definition to share – post on polleverywhere.com Vocabulary study activity – table comes up with story using vocab words. Vocab quiz, then comprehension quiz. Trade and grade If time, comprehension questions for The Giver.
Monday, October 1, 2012 October 1, 2012 EQ/Title: What can I do to become a more active reader? Warm Up: Pg 25 in grammar book – Write a definition for NOUN in your grammar section, and complete exercise 1 – do a table check. Homework: Continue finding key points for chapters 1-9 of The Giver. Notes: Discussion of Nouns Quiz overview – how did you do? Do you need to make it up? Giver discussion – Chapters 1-9. What are the major events in each chapter? Closure: Birthday traditions – follow up to Birthday activity, global awareness component Frayer model for society – individuals complete, then table comes up with definition to share – post on polleverywhere.com Vocabulary study activity – table comes up with story using vocab words. Vocab quiz, then comprehension quiz. Trade and grade If time, comprehension questions for The Giver.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 October 2, 2012 EQ/Title: What is the difference between TONE and MOOD? Warm Up: Pg 26 in grammar book – Write a definition for COMPOUND NOUN in your grammar section, and complete exercise 2 on pg 27 – do a table check Homework:Read chapters 10-12 in The Giver. Add key points to your Giver Guide. Notes: Discussion of Compound Nouns Check Ch 1-9 key points HW Vocabulary Tone powerpoint Listen to/read “The Lady, or the Tiger?” by Frank Stockton. Do pg 714 #1-9 Closure: Compound nouns Check 1-9 key points Vocabulary intro Tone powerpoint The Lady, or the Tiger – read and answer questions.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 October 3, 2012 EQ/Title: How can I analyze important passages? Warm Up: Pg 708 of Holt book – paraphrase lines 25-32. Homework: DJ’s for Chapters 10-12. Notes: Quiz chapters 7-10 Finish “The Lady, or the Tiger?” Dialectical Journal discussion and practice Closure: Go over paraphrasing - Quiz for chapters 7-10 Gaggle - Discuss and practice DJ’s – pick passages and write dj’s
Thursday, October 4, 2012 October 4, 2012 EQ/Title: What is the difference between TONE and MOOD? Warm Up: Pg 31 in grammar book – Write a definition for PRONOUN, and complete Exercise 4. Homework: Read chapters 13-15 of The Giver Notes: Table analysis of DJ’s Continue with tone/mood lesson – analyze tone in The Giver Closure: Check Ch 1-9, key points HW Go over compound nouns Hand out DJ information, and discuss Begin writing DJ’s for chapters 7-9
Friday, October 5, 2012 October 5, 2012 EQ/Title: Why do we feel that choice is important in life? Warm Up: Pg 709 of Holt book – paraphrase lines 64-72. Homework: DJ’s for chapters 13-15 of The Giver Notes: Vocabulary quiz Chapters 11-14 quiz Continue working on DJ’s for chapters 13-15. Closure: Check Ch 1-9, key points HW Go over compound nouns Hand out DJ information, and discuss Begin writing DJ’s for chapters 7-9
Monday, October 8, 2012 October 8, 2012 EQ/Title: What can I do to be more successful on tests/quizzes? Warm Up: Write down 3 possible quiz questions from chapters 13-15 of The Giver Homework: Read Chapters 16-18 of The Giver Notes: Anticipation guide – finish Holt book page 714 – answer questions 5, 7 and 8 in your Notes section. Chapter Questions - create Closure: Write questions Anticipation guide – finish Follow up with Holt book – questions 5, 7 and 8
Quizlet.com A link to my website is on the door, as well as on the school webpage. Go to my webpage, then raise your hand, so that I can create an icon on your iPad. login to Quizlet.com using the following : Username: lucerostudents Password: hermitcrabs
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 October 9, 2012 EQ/Title: How do authors make their characters believable? Warm Up: SB 70 – (Look on Sept 27 notebook page) Homework: DJ’s for Chapters 16-18 of The Giver Notes: -Notes on characterization -Complete characterization chart Closure: SB-70 Characterization powerpoint Bookfair Finish characterization table with groups
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 October 10, 2012 EQ/Title: What are the different ways that characters are defined? Warm Up: Grammar book page 31 – write a definition for pronoun and antecedent and complete exercise 4. Complete a table check Homework: Read chapters 19-21 of The Giver Notes: -Vocabulary -Finish Characterization -Gallery walk Closure: Pronoun exercises Vocabulary instruction Characterization review – check SB70 Characterization chart – do gallery walk to complete
Thursday, October 11, 2012 October 11, 2012 EQ/Title: How do different groups handle major life events? Warm Up: SB 72 Homework: DJ’s for chapters 19-21 of The Giver Notes: -Vocabulary activity -Circle of Life lesson Closure: Have tables create a story using ALL vocabulary words to share with the class. Discuss circle of life in The Giver Circle of Life lesson – use ipads to create presentation.
Friday, October 12, 2012 October 12, 2012 EQ/Title: Describe how different people/creatures handle major life events. Warm Up: Create one sentence using as many vocabulary words as possible. Homework: read chapters 22-23 of The Giver Notes: -Vocabulary activity -Circle of Life lesson Closure: Assess vocab and reading comprehension Continue with creation of presentations Present
Monday, October 15, 2012 October 15, 2012 EQ/Title: What are some similarities and differences between all the life societies we discussed? Warm Up: Write all your vocabulary words in this section, along with a synonym and symbol for each one. Homework: Create a study guide for your final test for The Giver. Notes: -Present Circle of Life Keynote presentations -Vocabulary test -begin working on study guides. Closure: Assess vocab and reading comprehension Continue with creation of presentations Present
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 October 16, 2012 EQ/Title: What is the difference between mood and tone? Warm Up: Make a list of all the words you can think of that express feeling or emotion Homework: STUDY for your final test for The Giver. Notes: -Mood/tone activity Closure: Mood and tone activity – Have students copy venn diagram on Mood vs. Tone Prior knowledge link to “The Lady, or the Tiger?” short story focusing on TONE Youtube clip on tone/mood words – students copy them down Listen to “The Monkey’s Paw” writing down the words the author uses to set the mood, particularly of the setting. Do #5 on page 385 of Holt book Share study guides –
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 October 17, 2012 EQ/Title: What did I do to prepare for my final test for The Giver, and how could I improve my study habits for the next novel study? Warm Up: Study for your test on The Giver. Homework: No homework… Yeah!!! Notes: Closure: Answer final questions on The Giver After test activity – read and highlight utopia project packet
Thursday, October 18, 2012 October 18, 2012 EQ/Title: What elements make up a “perfect” society? Warm Up: Grammar page 7 – Read explanation, and do exercise 3 on pg 9. Homework: write a well constructed paragraph (topic sentence and supporting details) explaining how your ideas about utopian societies have evolved throughout our novel study Notes: Last 3 anticipation guide questions. Review and discussion about anticipation guide topics. Review elements of the utopia project Discuss expectations Closure:
Utopian societies – review and have students do research. October 19,22,23,24, EQ/Title: What are some common themes in modern utopian societies? Warm Up: Make a list of traits that must be considered when planning for a new society. Homework: Finish research, fill out modern utopian society section of Utopia Project Packet, and write compare/contrast paragraph Notes: Notebook check Clean out notebooks Utopian societies – review and have students do research. Closure:
Thursday, October 25, 2012 October 25, 2012 EQ/Title: How do different aspects of society work together to make people happy? Warm Up: Group meeting – complete meeting form in packet – and decide on essay topics and have approved. Homework: Complete essay organizers and planners Notes: Put it all together – Group meeting, decide on essay assignments and type of product Begin working on product and finishing packet - Writers workshops – students rotate to various rooms. Group meeting – what still needs to be done? Closure: Discuss group responsibilities and roles Decide on essay topics, and approve all groups (on yellow sheet). Writers workshops – students move to various teachers (corresponding with the groups that taught the mini lessons) to discuss and begin essays.
Friday, October 26, 2012 October 26, 2012 EQ/Title: How do different aspects of society work together to make people happy? Warm Up: Make a list of ideas for what you think is most important to include in your utopia. Homework: Notes: Put it all together – Group meeting, decide on roles. Aspects of society – complete page 6 Decide on government and leader, and submit to Mrs. Lucero for approval. Group meeting – what still needs to be done? Closure: