QUIZ 2 1 Term 4 Year Blueprint Text Question Numbers Points Possible Phonemic Awareness ACELA 1457.8 Blend words. 1 ACELA 1457.5 Produce rhyming words. 2 ACELA 1457.3 Identify medial sounds. 3 ACELA 1457. 6 Substitute sounds to make new words. 4 5 Phonics ACELA 1459.2 Read long vowels. 6a 6b ACELA 1459.3 Identify letters that make more than one sound. 7a 7b High-Frequency Words and Vocabulary Development ACELA 1778.2 Read high-frequency words. (sentences) 8 9 10 Reading Comprehension ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing. 11a 11b 12 ACELA 1447.2 Identify recount and procedural text. 13a 13b ACELA 1448.1 Identify class and subclass patterns in text. 14 ACELA 1450.3 Explore digital text. 15 16 ACELA 1450.1 Identify ways text is organised. 17 Grammar ACELA 1455.2 Use words with different ending forms. 18 ACELA 1452.5 Identify adverbs. 19 Total 23 25 Blueprint Term 4 QUIZ 2 Year 1
Teacher says, “Today, you will blend words Teacher says, “Today, you will blend words.” Point to the leaf and say, “This is a picture of a leaf, l/ea/f. To blend the word, we say llleeeafff. Now, you will blend words.” Learning Objective: ACELA 1457.8 Blend words. 1 Point to the picture and say, “This is a picture of a queen qu/ee/n. Blend the word qu/ee/n.” Students should blend the word queen: queeeennn. Answer is either correct or incorrect.
Teacher says, “Today, you will produce rhyming words Teacher says, “Today, you will produce rhyming words. Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound like cow and plow. Now, you will produce or make rhyming words.” Learning Objective: ACELA 1457.5 Produce rhyming words. 2 Point to the pictures and say, “Produce a word that rhymes with coil and oil.” Students should answer with an –oil rhyming word. Answer is either correct or incorrect. Rhyming options are spoil, soil, boil, foil.
Teacher says, “Today you will Identify medial sounds Teacher says, “Today you will Identify medial sounds.” Point to clean and say, “This is a picture of the word clean. The medial sound in clean is long e. Now you will identify medial sounds.” Learning Objective: ACELA 1457.3 Identify medial sounds. 3 Point to the pictures and say, “What is the medial sound in the word book? Students should reply with: short oo or the short /oo/ sound. Answer is either correct or incorrect.
Teacher says, “Today, you will make new words Teacher says, “Today, you will make new words.” Point to the seat and say, “This is a picture of a seat. To make new words, we will change the ending sound. We will change the /t/ in seat to /m/ to make the new word seam. Say the new word sea/m = seam. Now, you will make new words.” Learning Objective: ACELA 1457.6 Substitute sounds to make new words.(ending) 4 Point to seal and say, “Say this word. Now change the /l/ sound in seal to /d/ to make a new word.” Say the new word. Note: repeat the /d/ sound if necessary. Students should say seed. Answer is either correct or incorrect.
Teacher says, “Today, you will make new words Teacher says, “Today, you will make new words.” Point to the king and say, “This is a picture of a king. To make new words, we will change or add to the beginning sound. We will change the /k/ in king to /w/ to make the new word wing. Say the new word w/ing = wing. Now, you will make new words.” Learning Objective: ACELA 1457.6 Substitute sounds to make new words.(beginning) 5 Point to ring and say, “Say this word. Now change the /r/ sound in ring to /s//w/ to make a new word.” Say the new word. Note: repeat the /s//w/ sound if necessary. Students should say swing. Answer is either correct or incorrect.
Teacher says, “Today, you will read words with different letter sounds and letter patterns.” green corn Learning Objective: ACELA 1459.2 Read long vowels. 6a Point to the word green and say, “Read this word.” Students receive 1 point for saying green. Learning Objective: ACELA 1459.2 Read long vowels. 6b Point to the word green and say, “Does this word have a long a sound? Yes or No?” Students receive 1 point for saying no to the long a sound question. Learning Objective: ACELA 1459.3 Identify letters that make more than one sound. 7a Point to the word corn and say, “Read this word.” Students receive 1 point for saying corn. Learning Objective: ACELA 1459.3 Identify letters that make more than one sound. 7b Point to the word corn and say “Does this word have an r-controlled /or/ sound? Yes or No?” Students receive 1 point for saying yes to the r-controlled or/or/question.
8. They stop at the red light. Learning Objective: ACELA 1778.2 Read high-frequency words (sentences). 8 Point to the sentence and say, “Read this sentence.” Answer is either correct or incorrect. 9 10 8. They stop at the red light. 9. He walked over the hill. 10. The girl runs through the park.
At School At school you will learn maths. At school you will learn English. At school you will learn how to read. The school is made of brick. At School At school you will learn maths. At school you will learn English. At school you will learn how to read. The school is made of brick. Read At School to the students before asking questions 11a-11b. Text Statistics Text Title: At school Word Count: 38 Teacher says, “Today, you will revise writing. I will read a story called At School, you will track with me. Then, you will answer some questions about revising writing.” Read At School to the students before asking questions 11a-11b. Learning Objective: ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing 11a Teacher asks, “Should the sentence ‘The school is made of brick.’ be deleted from the text? Yes or No?” Students receive 1 point for saying yes. Learning Objective: ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing 11b Teacher asks, “How do you know?” Students receive 1 point for saying the sentence does not belong to the topic. 11. Should the sentence “The school is made of brick” be deleted from the text? yes no How do you know?
At School At school you will learn maths. At school you will learn English. At school you will learn how to read. The school is made of brick. At School At school you will learn maths. At school you will learn English. At school you will learn how to read. The school is made of brick. Text Statistics Text Title: At school Word Count: 38 Teacher says, “Today, you will revise writing. I will read a story called At School, you will track with me. Then, you will answer some questions about revising writing.” Read At School to the students before asking question 12. Learning Objective: ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing 12 Teacher asks, “Which sentence should be added to the text?” Responses Analysis of Responses A. Can you see the clock on the school? This does not belong with the topic. B. At school, you will learn science. Correct Answer C. The school has a flag. 12. Which sentence should be added to the text? A. Can you see the clock on the school? B. At school, you will learn science. C. The school has a flag.
My Holiday Last week I went on a holiday. I went camping at the lake. On the first day, I saw three lizards and two birds in a tree. Then, I saw a snake by a bush. On the second day, I saw a fox sleeping in the grass. On the third day, I saw two turtles swimming in the lake. My Holiday Last week I went on a holiday. I went camping at the lake. On the first day, I saw three lizards and two birds in a tree. Then, I saw a snake by a bush. On the second day, I saw a fox sleeping in the grass. On the third day, I saw two turtles swimming in the lake. Read My holiday to the students before asking questions 13a-13b. Record student’s response on record sheet. Text Statistics Text Title: At school Word Count: 38 Teacher says, “Today, I am going to read a text to you. Remember, that we can identify recount and procedural text. Recount text tells about something that already happened. Procedural text tells how to do something in order.” Read the text My holiday and ask questions 13a and 13b. Read answer choices. Record students’ responses. Learning Objective: ACELA 1447.2 Identify recount and procedural text. 13a Teacher asks, “Is the text My Holiday procedural or recount?” Responses Analysis of Responses procedural This tells how to do something. recount Correct Answer 13. Is the text My Holiday procedural or recount? Learning Objective: Learning Objective: ACELA 1447.2 Identify recount and procedural text. 13b Teacher says, “How do you know?” Students receive 1 point for saying that the text is recount because it about something that already happened. procedural recount How do you know?
Text Statistics Text Title: At school Word Count: 38 My Holiday Last week I went on a holiday. I went camping at the lake. On the first day, I saw three lizards and two birds in a tree. Then, I saw a snake by a bush. On the second day, I saw a fox sleeping in the grass. On the third day, I saw two turtles swimming in the lake. Read My holiday again to the students before asking question 14. Record student’s response on record sheet. Read My holiday again to the students before asking question 14. Record student’s response on record sheet. 14. What is the class title that these things belong to? Learning Objective: ACELA 1448.1 Identify class and subclass patterns in text. 14 What is the class title that these things belong to – tree, bush and grass? Responses Analysis of Responses plants Correct Answer – This is the class title for the things/images. animals There are no animals in the pictures. tree bush grass plants animals
a. 15. What is an example of a link? b. Read the table to the students before asking question 15. Repeat table if necessary. Record student’s response on record sheet. Molly types in the link: http://www.australiazoo.com.au/ Directions Molly clicks on animals She scrolls down the page She clicks on Harriet: A Reptile Legend She wants to use the navigation bar to click the back arrow Learning Objective: ACELA 1450.3 Explore digital text. 15 Teacher asks, “What is an example of a link?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. home button This is a navigation button. b. link Correct Answer – This is the example of the link. Read the table again to the students before asking question 16. Repeat the text if necessary. Record student’s response on record sheet. 15. What is an example of a link? a. b. Learning Objective: ACELA 1450.3 Explore digital text. 16 Teacher asks, “Molly needs to click the back arrow. What is an example of a back arrow?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. back button Correct Answer – This an example of the back arrow. b. forward button The is the navigation button to move forward a page. c. home button This is the navigation button to move to the home page. 16. Molly needs to click the back arrow. What is an example of a back arrow? a. b. c.
3 4 Seeds and Sprouts Water Sun a. Table of Contents Plants need water to grow. Some plants need more water than others. Plants need sun to grow strong. Some plants need more sun than others. Sun Water Some plants start as seeds. Some plants start as bulbs. Both seeds and bulbs will grow into big plants. Seeds and Sprouts 3 4 Point to the image of the book say, “Look at the image on this page.” Ask question 17 and record response on record sheet. Learning Objective: ACELA 1450.1 Identify ways text is organised. 17 Teacher asks, “What are the features that are used to organise the text?” a. Table of Contents b. Headers c. Page numbers d. Images This question is worth up to 3 points. Students receive 1 point for each response. 1 point for b. headers. 1 point for c. page numbers. 1 point for d. Images. 17. What are the features that are used to organise the text? a. Table of Contents b. Headers c. Page numbers d. Images
Ending Form Words yells yelling yelled Adverb quickly shyly sadly Teacher says, “I am going to read a sentence with a blank. You will select the word that best completes the sentence. Remember that different ending forms are –s, -ed and –ing. Remember that an adverb tells how an action happened. 18. Which ending form word best completes the sentence? Ending Form Words yells yelling yelled Sophie is ___________at the sheep. Learning Objective: ACELA 1455.2 Use words with different ending forms. 18 Point to the words yells, yelling and yelled and say, “What different ending form word best completes the sentence?” Responses Analysis of Responses yells This ending form does not best complete the sentence. Sophie is yells at the sheep is not correct. yelling Correct Answer – This is the ending form that best completes the sentence. yelled This ending form does not best complete the sentence. Sophie is yelled at the sheep is not correct. Learning Objective: ACELA 1452.5 Identify adverbs. 19 Teacher asks, “Which adverb best completes the sentence?” Responses Analysis of Responses quickly Correct Answer – This is the adverb that best completes the sentence. shyly People do not run shyly. sadly People do not run sadly. 19. Which adverb best completes the sentence? Adverb quickly shyly sadly He ran ____________down the hill.
Record Sheet Year 1 Term 4 English Quiz 2 Record the student’s response by circling C (correct) or INC (incorrect). Print this document for each student. Student Name: ________________________________________ Date:_______________ Question Numbers Points Possible Student Response Phonemic Awareness C=correct INC-incorrect ACELA 1457.8 Blend words. 1 C INC ACELA 1457.5 Produce rhyming words. 2 ACELA 1457.3 Identify medial sounds. 3 ACELA 1457. 6 Substitute sounds to make new words. 4 5 Phonics ACELA 1459.2 Read long vowels. 6a 6b ACELA 1459.3 Identify letters that make more than one sound. 7a 7b High-Frequency Words and Vocabulary Development ACELA 1778.2 Read high-frequency words. (sentences) 8 9 10 Reading Comprehension ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing 11a 11b 12 ACELA 1447.2 Identify recount and procedural text. 13a 13b ACELA 1448.1 Identify class and subclass patterns in text. 14 ACELA 1450.3 Explore digital text. 15 16 ACELA 1450.1 Identify ways text is organised. 17 0 1 2 3 Grammar ACELA 1455.2 Use words with different ending forms. 18 ACELA 1452.5 Identify adverbs 19 Total 23 25 _____/25