Aminatou Sar, seconaf, rhsc wednesday, february 1, 2017 From Introduction to Integration The importance of strong supply chain for successful integration of DMPA Aminatou Sar, seconaf, rhsc wednesday, february 1, 2017 Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
SECONAF: Forum for Contraceptive Security in Francophone Africa SECONAF is one of the Implementing Mechanisms of the RHSC (Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition) with over 580 members disseminated in more than 44 countries in Africa and around the world SECONAF VISION is a Francophone Africa where anyone can choose, access and use affordable and quality supplies to ensure their best sexual and reproductive health SECONAF MISSION is to gather a diversity of partners and mobilise their collective forces to improve access to a large range of affordable and quality sexual and reproductive health supplies across francophone Africa Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
Where are our members and which countries have approved DMPA/SC? In Francophone Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cote d’Ivoire DRC Madagascar Niger Senegal Elsewhere Ghana Kenya Malawi Mozambique Nigeria Uganda Zambia India Bangladesh Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
Strong supply chains are key for successful introduction and integration of DMPA-SC - Contraceptive security exists when anyone can choose, get and use a large set of quality and affordable reproductive health supplies when needed. - Increasing access to next generation of injectables is one way to ensure that RH Supplies follow the pillars AVAILABILITY, EQUITY, QUALITY and CHOICE. - well-performing supply chains help ensure contraceptive security - many countries currently have challenges/weaknesses with their existing supply chains. The introduction of DMPA-SC represents an opportunity to discuss how to address these issues to ensure success. . Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
SUCCESSFUL EXAMPLE OF DMPA-SC INTRODUCTION IN SENEGAL* - Senegal had already been working to improve supply chain performance through the IPM so when DMPA-SC was introduced in this system, it was more successful - DMPA-SC available at all levels of the health system (public as well as private) from January 2015 - 120,861 doses administrated so far - Limited stockouts due to private distribution system with 1,86% (In 2012, Stockouts were 80%) - Other countries in the room/region have started to take action to address supply chain performance and that there are many possible approaches to learn from * Source: Sayana Press Pilot project results, October 2016 Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
Recommendations for Advocacy - The new generation of injectables increase diversity of choice for users but a strong communication plan to disseminate them will be key for better access. - A strong policy advocacy needs to be done for supply chain strengthening and to ensure successful introduction and integration of DMPA-SC - DMPA-SC introduction and integration plans to include specific activities around combatting stockouts. Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
Want to know more about supply chain strengthening? - Join SECONAF resources/groups/seconaf/ RHSC System Strengthening Working group strengthening-working-group/ - Take Stock Campaign: - Need Basic Principles of Supply Chain Management for Health Systems? Visite I+Solutions acamademy, - DELIVER Project: - Check out the newly set up Africa Research Center (ARC) which will focus on supply chains Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal
MERCI! Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables - January 30 - February 2, 2017 - Dakar, Senegal