EEO Special Emphasis Programs Meeting Mission success by embracing our diversity
Posturing for Success The ability of our organization to recruit, retain and sustain the most competent and progressive individuals in the coming generations depends on how effectively our force can reflect the changes in our country: Embracing our Diversity Women in combat Inclusion of Diverse Denominations in the Chaplain’s Program Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
Special Emphasis Program Mission Special Emphasis Programs are implemented and observed to ensure that ALL persons are provided an equal opportunity in employment and program delivery activities. These programs improve the workplace environment by promoting and fostering diversity in the workplace through awareness and education. Helping NCNG employees and others to appreciate, value, understand, and celebrate social and cultural similarities and differences. The Equal Opportunity Program demonstrates how the Military can provide a path to success, regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status.
Special Emphasis Program Objectives Month Observance Date POCs Event August: Women's Equality Day 26-Aug-16 Speaker Pam Saulsby September: Hispanic Heritage Month Naturalization Ceremony 145 AW October: National Disability Employment Awareness Month Speaker Kyle Snyder, RET NCANG November: National American Indian Awareness Month UNC Chapel Hill: Lumbee Story Telling December: "Origins Of The Guard" Happy Holidays vs Merry Christmas, Demonstrate the Diversity of Our Organization January: MLK's Birthday Food drive for NCNG relief fund or another veteran non-profit February: Black History Month Film: The Birth of a Nation March: Women's History Month Speaker Gayle Tzemach Lemmon author of "Ashley's War" April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month SFC Kristian Hall May: Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month SFC Autry, Ju., National Association of Asian American Professionals: Research Triangle Park Troop Dancing, Yoga/Meditation Exercise (Kadampa Raleigh), Chef's Academy Food Samples June: LGBT ????
“Origins Of Our Guard" Looking Back and Moving Forward This event would take place during the holiday season and center around bringing together our fulltime staff for food, sharing of our unique cultural backgrounds and fellowship Soldiers and/or Airmen will be selected by section to provide food samples in addition to a catered holiday meal Entertainment will include selected performances from cultural groups in the community and the “History of the Guard” Vignette