1. Cape Agulhas is the southernmost point on what continent? Grow Week 16 1. Cape Agulhas is the southernmost point on what continent? 2. What capital city is near 20 degrees N latitude and 100 degrees W longitude? 3. The Aral Sea was located along what two Asian countries? 4. Name at least 4 countries on the African continent that are landlocked. 5. In what island nation does the Equator cross 120 degrees E longitude? 6. What is the name of the only U.S. state capital with three words in its name? 7. In what country does 40 degrees E longitude cross 40 degrees N latitude? 8. Which city is the capital of Hungary: Bucharest, Budapest, Vienna, or Prague?
Answers Africa Mexico City Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Chad, Niger, Mali, CAR, Uganda, Lesotho, Malawi, Burundi, Zambia, Rwanda, Zimbabwe Indonesia Salt Lake City Turkey Budapest