UN system in the KYRGYZ REPUBLIC R-UNDG ECA Issue-based Coalition on Social Protection 28 April 2017
27 UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes UNDAF 2018 – 2022 27 UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes UNDAF process: consultative, based on the national priorities and Development Agenda 2030 UNDAF Roadmap UNDAF Country Analysis Orientation workshop for national partners and stakeholders UNDAF Strategic Prioritization Retreat and Results Based Management Workshop + national priorities UNDAF 2018 – 2022 development UNDAF consultations with national partners CCA: governance, gender equality, economic situation, social system, environment and climate change. Against SDGs
UNDAF 2018 - 2022 Priority Outcome I. Sustainable and inclusive economic growth, industrial, rural and agricultural development, food security and nutrition 1. By 2022, inclusive and sustainable economic growth is increased through agricultural, industrial and rural development, decent work, improved livelihoods, food security and nutrition II. Good Governance and the rule of law 2. By 2022, institutions at all levels are more accountable and inclusive ensuring justice, human rights, gender equality and sustainable peace for all III. Environment, climate change, and disaster risk management 3. By 2022, communities are more resilient to climate and disaster risks and are engaged in sustainable and inclusive natural resource management and risk-informed development IV. Social Protection, Health and Education 4. By 2022, social protection, health and education systems are more effective and inclusive, and provide quality services
Management arrangements Joint Strategic Coordination Committee UNCT (Chaired by UN RC) Results Group 1 Results Group 2 Results Group 3 Results Group 4 M&E group UNCG OMT Fair and consensus distribution in chairing Results Group. Group 4 Chair: UNICEF, Co-chair WHO
UNDAF 2018-2022: Outcome 4 Outcome 4: By 2022, social protection, health and education systems are more effective and inclusive, and provide quality services The outcome will support the Government to improve: Quality and availability of social protection services and cash transfer programs, health and education services, including efforts to: Strengthen access to and quality of health care systems, promote healthy lifestyles, health education, and protect mothers and children, victims of human trafficking; Provide full preschool education, a stronger education financing system, school meals, and include children and young people with disabilities in high-quality education services; and Protect the social rights of children, especially during the early years, prevent family separation, reduce child poverty.
Rationale: social protection Major vulnerable groups are prioritised in sectoral policies and normative framework. GDP share of social protection and social insurance > 10 per cent. Only 0.5 per cent for poverty-targeted benefit. Programs fragmented and effectiveness is to be improved. Social services system is underdeveloped, not based on needs assessment though declared for vulnerable groups: poor families with children, children without parental care, persons with disabilities, working children, and the elder; victims of human trafficking. Limited productive safety net measures, i.e. public works, trainings, and microcredit schemes, and national school meals programme. Social protection standards not in line with international norms and practices. Social protection perceived as an expenditure burden rather than a strategic public investment in human capital. Limited range of community-based and non-residential services. Current SP strategy prioritises poor and vulnerable children and their families; PWD, elderly.
Strategies: social protection Outreach to the most vulnerable, detecting and addressing vulnerabilities [social and economic case management, strengthening family support and alternative care system], Improve coverage and effectiveness of social assistance, Enhance social service system planning and delivery, including productive services and pro-active support schemes [trainings, paid public works, microcredits etc], Promote public policies and provision of services that support unpaid care (childcare, elderly care, care of the sick and PWD) and facilitate entry into employment for women, Enhance social protection standardization based on international norms and best practices, including SPF, Improve coordination with other sectors as to better address multiple deprivations.
SDG ‘nationalisation’ UN SDG WG inclusive of all UN agencies: coordination, integration in strategic development planning processes and monitoring system DPCC Thematic WG on Social Protection: UN + International Conference Implementation of the national SDGs monitoring system (September 2016) supported by UN Review and adoption of SDG indicators initiated and led by NSO Sectoral WGs to review indicators led by NSO with participation of Ministry of Economy and PM Office, UN agencies Support to elaboration of National Sustainable Development Concept 2040 [human capital at the center] and respective Governmental Plan
Observations and Lessons Learnt SP becomes a contested area crowded by UN mainly/UN agencies’ mandates. Aspiration for up-stream. Though policy-messages are not always clear. Declared system strengthening, however tendency to project approach. Visibility