Teaching Assistants: Miss Cambell, Miss Patterson & Mrs Frost Autumn Term 2016 Teacher: Miss Lewins Teaching Assistants: Miss Cambell, Miss Patterson & Mrs Frost
The Seven Areas of Learning Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Expressive and Creative Arts Physical Development Understanding the World
Prime Areas & Specific Areas Prime areas: PSED, Communication and Language, Physical Development Specific Areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive art and design
Autumn Term Topics Super Me! My World Harvest/Autumn Ourselves Our Families Our Likes/dislikes Our friends Favourite stories & Nursery Rhymes My World Harvest/Autumn Cultural differences Christmas
Personal, Social & Emotional Development (relationships/self confidence and self awareness/feelings and behaviour) Taking risks and making mistakes – its ok! Building self esteem Behaviour in school – traffic lights Negotiating problems without aggression Dressing and undressing independently Managing personal hygiene Forming relationships, sharing, turn taking, Y3 reading buddy
Communication and Language (listening and attention/understanding/speaking) Maintaining attention, sitting quietly (as and when appropriate) Reading to the children Responding to and following instructions – 1 step / 2 step Taking part in quality conversations and discussion/show and tell Exploring new words – hungry/famished, clothing/garments, fewest/most Role play Talk partners/turn to your partner in phonics Paired reading with Y3
Physical Development (moving and handling/health and self care) Developing an awareness of space Different ways of moving (with confidence) Apparatus – developing confidence and awareness of safe practise – climbing, jumping and balancing Self care – health and hygiene awareness Pencil & scissor control – dominant hand, forming recognisable letters, cutting up the Argos catalogue!
Literacy (reading/writing) Developing a love for books Listening to stories The sounds in words (phonics) Read Write Inc (phonics, ditty reading, writing - pure sounds) Guided reading Ditties and Green cards Writing own name and other words from memory (such as mum, dad, love) Writing to improve play
What is phonics? A way of teaching children to read Recognising sounds in their written form Identifying combinations of souds eg. ‘oo’ (book) Blending sounds together to read words – Fred Talk 15 minutes a day in school Children are grouped by ability Assessment takes place once each half term
Writing in Reception Mark making Talk for writing Letter formation – Read, Write, Inc ‘patter’ Sentence maker
Mathematical Development (numbers/shape, space and measures) Say and use number names, in order where appropriate (0-10/0-20) Sort and match objects - numicon Describe shapes – corners, edges Using mathematical language, e.g. circle, bigger to describe shape/size, behind/in/under Find 1 more/less Big Maths (Mrs Poole)
Expressive Arts & Design (exploring and using media and materials/being imaginative) Exploring different media, e.g. collage, paint, clay, role play Music making (instruments) Portraits Singing songs and nursery rhymes Christmas decorations
Understanding the World (people and communities/the world/technology) Family experiences and routines - News Similarities & differences Constructing with purpose Using ICT (360/Ipads/Mathletics) E-safety – facebook etc
PHSE PHSE: Personal, Social and Health Education Circle time Dansi – puppet Issues addressed include…frienships, feelings, making decisions Supports Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum learning goals.
Outdoor Learning Cooking on the camp fire Exploration Use of equipment including hoops and balls Nature trails / I spy Mark making in mud Walks in the local environment Shape/sound/number hunts
Parent Consultations New informal style Opportunity to see the teacher in a relaxed environment Concerns addressed as they arise Autumn Term – appointments now available
A Typical Day – Autumn (but there never really is one!) 9.00am Assembly 9.30am Phonics 9.50am Activate followed indoor & outdoor activites 10.30am Snack Time including story/singing 10.45am Activities resume 11.45am Big Maths 12.00pm Lunch time 1.15pm Carpet session – story/singing/IWB game 1.30pm Activities (PE – Tuesday/Thursday & Field - Friday) 2.30pm Tidy Up/Get changed/Paired reading 3.00pm Story/Singing/Prepare for home time
Parent Support Quality conversations-Talk, talk, talk!!! Be positive…Smile and your child will smile with you! High aspirations Help us help you – stories, games Time (story – 10 minutes!) If you’re not sure – ask!
What parents really want to know… Does my child behave? What do I write in the reading diary? What is a dough disco? What do the children do on field days? What happens at lunchtime? Times/ Opening packets/ supervisors/toilet/ What are the traffic lights? What happens if you’re on the red light? Do the children get a snack? What is activate? How long can we keep Saturday? What is numicon? What are merit badges and why do you get them?
Labelling House keeping… Buy big! Field day clothing Head lice Reading folders Reading diary INDEPENDENCE
Diary Dates Non uniform day – Friday 18th September Macmillan Coffee Morning – Friday 30th September Harvest Festival – Wednesday 19th October 2pm. CoLA – Friday 21st October 9-10am. School closes 3.15pm Open Class – Thursday 8th December 3.15-4pm Christmas Production – Monday-Wednesday 5-7th December 2pm CoLA – Monday 12th December 9am Class party – Thursday 15th December 1.30pm. Party clothes can be worn to school. COLA – Celebration of Learning Assembly – all classes contribute
Any questions? (Thank you for coming!)