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Presentation transcript:

Quick Plenaries

Contents = brings you back to contents Success Criteria Success & Improve Contents Plenary Triangle A www...ebi Plenary Triangle B Work Partners Key Word Key Word Sentence 1 thing learned, 1 to remember Peer Assessment Pick a box Work Partners Timed Make a question Step by Step Success Criteria Choose a statement to complete = brings you back to contents

Plenary What’s making tea got to do with Maths? Step by step guide to making a cup of tea. Put water in the kettle and turn it on. Put a tea bag in the cup (and any sugar if needed). When kettle has boiled fill cup with water to 80% full. Leave tea to brew to desired strength. Take out the tea bag. Put in milk to taste (not more than 15% or you’ll spill). Enjoy!!!! Now write a step by step guide for one thing you have learned today. This activity is best done once students have seen your writing success criteria for mathematics. Then this will be a really meaningful activity.

Key words for the lesson Something to think about... Draw a triangle into your book, like the one below. Fill in each section with: Something you’ve done well today Something to think about for next time Key words from the lesson Plenary I’ve done well with... Get the students to sketch a triangle (like the one above) into their book. Then get them to complete each section in relation to the lesson., Key words for the lesson Something to think about...

Plenary Pleased about Pleased about Key Word Key Word Key Word To Sketch the triangle into your book and complete each section for how you feel about the lesson today. To think about Pleased about Pleased about A more detailed plenary triangle, base level needs 3 key words from the lesson, middle section needs 2 things you have learned/please about and the top of the triangle is what you need to go away and revise. Key Word Key Word Key Word

Write as many different things as you can about the word below. Put anything related to the word, it doesn’t have to be about Maths! Key word of choice You can choose to do this for a key word or the topic you are about to cover/ already covered. It can be used as an entry activity, plenary or as part of the lesson. Give the students a time limit and then share ideas as a class. You can share ideas in pairs 1st and then as a class.

 Plenary One thing I have learned today is... One thing I need to remember for next time is... Get the students to draw two big bubbles in their book and copy and complete the statements. Get them to share what they have written with the class. 

Plenary Pick a box from below to copy and complete in your book Today the most important thing I have learned is... One thing I need to remember from today's lesson is... Students choose 1 box to put in their book and complete. Get the class to share what they have written. Next time I do a this topic I will make sure I... One thing I have found hard today is...

Write down one thing that you need to do to improve Plenary Write down one thing that has helped you be successful in today's lesson Write down one thing that you need to do to improve Students to write in their books two sentences, the 1st to explain what they have done well and the 2nd to explain what they need to do to improve. Students to then share what they have written with the class.

www…ebi what went well … even better if Plenary www…ebi what went well … even better if This is a really quick plenary. Get students to write in their book www (what went well) something they found that they were good at and are confident with. They then need to write ebi (even better if) so something that they would like to improve in their work. Get students to share what they have written.

Plenary Turn to your work partner, one of you is A and the other is B. A tell B what you have learned. B tell A what you have found challenging. This is a really quick plenary. Get each pair of students to label themselves A and B. Student A should tell student B what they have learned. Student B should tell student A what they found challenging. Student A then writes what student B has said in student B’s book. And student B writes what student A said in student A’s book. This is a great activity for literacy as they students have to listen to each other and then write in full sentences what their partner has said. Write down what your partner has said in their book.

Get ready to share (your partner will read your sentence)! Plenary Write down the meaning of one of they key words from today’s lesson. Using as many of the key words as you can from today's lesson, write a sentence to describe what you have learned. Get ready to share (your partner will read your sentence)! This is a really quick plenary. Get students to write in their book the meaning of one of the key words. Then using as many of they key words as they can write a full sentence to say what they have learned. Get students work partner to share what they have written. This encourages writing, make sure the students write their answers in full sentences.

On your partners work, mark the work they have done and write: Peer Assessment On your partners work, mark the work they have done and write: 1 thing that they have done well 1 thing they need to do to improve Get ready we will be sharing! Now get the groups to swap work back. Each group to read out to the class what they have done well and what they need to do to improve.

Plenary Tell your partner what you have done well (you only have 30 seconds each). This slide is timed, so the student have a set time to complete each section of the plenary activity.

Plenary Tell your partner what you have done well (you only have 30 seconds each). Now write down in your book 1 thing you need to remember for next time (you have 45 seconds).

Plenary Tell your partner what you have done well (you only have 30 seconds each). Now write down in your book 1 thing you need to remember for next time (you have 45 seconds). Now tell your partner what you need to do to improve (you have 30 seconds each).

Plenary Tell your partner what you have done well (you only have 30 seconds each). Now write down in your book 1 thing you need to remember for next time (you have 45 seconds). Now tell your partner what you need to do to improve (you have 30 seconds each). In your partners book write down one thing they have told you (you have 60 seconds).

Plenary Tell your partner what you have done well (you only have 30 seconds each). Now write down in your book 1 thing you need to remember for next time (you have 45 seconds). Now tell your partner what you need to do to improve (you have 30 seconds each). In your partners book write down one thing they have told you (you have 60 seconds). Get ready to share!

Plenary Swap books with your work partner. In their book write a question about what we have been learning today. You need to be able to answer it. Take back your own book and answer your partners question, show full workings out. Swap books back and mark the question you made up that your partner has completed. Write down what they have done well and what they need to do to improve. The steps come on with a click of the mouse, as the students are ready to move on.

Step by Step Success Criteria... Step 1 – write success criteria and the title in your own book. Step 2 – Pass on your book clockwise. Write in the book you have, the 1st part of what we have learned today. Step 3 – Pass on your book clockwise. Read what has been written and then write in the book you have, the next step in what we have learned today. The idea of this activity is that each student contributes to success criteria – step by step. It is very important that you have used success criteria several times before completing this activity (otherwise students will find it difficult to complete the task). To finish pick a few people to read the success criteria they have got written in their book. Step 4 - Is the success criteria complete? No Yes Step 5 – Pass book back to it’s owner and check your own. Make any corrections necessary.

Choose of one the statements and complete for todays lesson Plenary The strategy I used today was… One thing I need to remember from today’s lesson is … Choose of one the statements and complete for todays lesson When I got stuck I decided to… I already knew....so this helped me work out… I know this is wrong because… I did not know how to… but now I can… I was successful when I … The most important thing I learned today is… Next time I will … Today I have learned…