OBJECTIVES a. To evaluate the impact of continuing schemes b. To evaluate the quality as per Designated Best uses (DBU) c. To establish nutrient budget and cycling of nutrients d. To evaluate the impact of activities of catchment on the quality e. To evaluate the changes in flora and fauna (defining biodiversity)
OUR APPROACH: SITE SELECTION Site selected will be recorded with the help of GPS device. Length of RS Lake will be divided into minimum 20 stations, distance and linear transect method will be used for sampling. Appropriate statistical design (ANOVA/DUNCAN) will be followed depending on matching the questions being asked by the collection of data. Minimum number of sampling replicates will be estimated statistically. Lake depth with meter stick, flow velocity with tennis ball and water temperature of the study site for each type of substratum with digital temperature probe.
BIOMONITORING Biological monitoring, or biomonitoring, is the use of biological responses to assess changes in the environment, generally changes due to anthropogenic causes. Biomonitoring programmes may be qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quantitative.
BIOMONITORING: BENEFITS Biological Monitoring will enable the Consultant to identify the following factors : Identification of Pollutants/toxicants Source of Pollutants/toxicants/anthropogenic fallouts, agricultural runoffs containing harmful agrochemicals, pesticides Seasonal variations of the pollutants, toxicants etc. Ecological changes Species richness, variations, vulnerability of key species Identification of Species sensitive to pollutants and tolerant species Identification of Bioindicators Number of macroinvertebrate taxa (e.g. family, genus) at site Toxicity studies will enable to understand the level and presence of hazardous chemicals, toxicants, pollutants, etc. Role of pollutants/toxicants may cause numbers or biomass to increase (for example, nutrients) or decrease (for example, pesticide). Community level biomonitoring provides information on the magnitude and ecological effects of the stresses on the system.
Sensitive phytoplankton/benthos/nekton species of lakes Bar H= -
SEARCH FOR VULNERABLE SPECIES: A NEW APPROACH Development of a library for both endangered, key vulnerable floral and faunal community and bioindicator species in the of Rabindra Saravar lake using DNA Barcoding.
The following parameters will be measured in aquatic system: pH Temperature Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Conductivity Turbidity Colour Odour Oil & grease Total Alkalinity Total Hardness Calcium Magnesium Dissolved Oxygen Sulphates Chloride Carbonates and Bicarbonates Sodium Potassium Mercury Chromium Cadmium Lead Nickel Arsenic Boron Nitrate-Nitrogen Ammoniacal Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Sulphates Phosphates BOD COD Total Pesticides
Phosphorous (Phosphate-P) Total pesticides Sand-Silt-Clay ratio The following parameters will be measured: pH TOC Conductivity Nitrates (Nitrogen) Potassium Calcium Sodium Carbon Oil & grease Mercury Chromium Cadmium Lead Phosphorous (Phosphate-P) Total pesticides Sand-Silt-Clay ratio
FOR PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY MONITORING AS A PART OF AQUATIC HEALTH MONITORING The chlorophyll pigment by recording the optical density at 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm with the help of spectrophotometer as per the following expressions: Chl a = 11.85 OD664 – 1.54 OD647 - 0.08 OD630 Chl b = 21.03 OD647 – 5.43 OD664 - 2.66 OD630 Chl c = 24.52 OD630 – 1.67 OD664 - 7.60 OD647
Results (WATER QUALITY) pH of the lake water is alkaline and varies between 8.2 to 8.8 with an average of 8.6 collected from surface water and different depths. (0.8 m – 4.0 m). Average DO is around 8.5 (8.3 - 8.7) mg/l. COD value is above limit (Average 15.3 mg/l) varying between 10.2 -20.4 mg/l. BOD values are also above the 3 mg/l level ranging between 3.5 to 6.4. Faecal coliform organisms are between (1358 to 7803 MPN/100ml). lead (Pb – 0.007 - 0.01 mg/l), zinc (Zn – 0.10 – 0.14 mg/l) and mercury (Hg – 0.05 mg/l) particularly underneath the Lake Gardens connector Bridge and in the areas where people are inhabiting and using the lake water for cleaning and bathing which are above the desirable limits and needs to treated. This is largely due to immersion of God/Goddess idol and throwing other puja waste in or near the water course. (Reports enclosed. Sampling and Test Analyses by Good Earth Enviro Care Laboratory, affiliated to West Bengal Pollution Control Board).
Sediment Analysis report The Sediment analyses provides similar trend where pH varies between 7.4 – 8.2, TOC (9.9 – 17.5), Faecal coliform (19 -712 MPN/g), Aresenic (0.0012 – 0.0045 mg/g), Zinc (0.027 – 0.039 mg/g), Lead 0.0185 – 0.048 mg/g) and Mercury (0.0019 mg/g) makes the water of Rabindra Saravar lake unsuitable and unhealthy for the growth of fishes and other micro and macro organisms.