east-asia and the pacific precarious work (workshop 2) east-asia and the pacific china, fiji, indonesia, malaysia, philippines, vietnam
precarious work precarious jobs? jobs that are: INDECENT --without contracts; temporary workers/part time workers; no social security/protection; job order (public service); no union; absence of living wages; no consultation, etc. e.g. domestic work, informal fishing, commercial sex workers, child labor, informal workers, workers in garbage dumps, small-scale mining and quarrying, agency workers, agriculture workers, and others
union initiatives on precarious job? (and success story) precarious work union initiatives on precarious job? (and success story) Organizing; Education, training and capacity-building; legislative/policy advocacy; training for work scholarship program (philippines); collective bargaining; Others success(?): ratification of core conventions --we will work harder, swifter, faster, and higher to get there adoption of domestic work convention new laws strengthening FoA and CB, and renewed union effort to amend prevailing anti-union laws new
C.L.S. FOA/CB Forced Labour Discrimination Child Labour Conv. 87 FOA/CB Forced Labour Discrimination Child Labour Country Conv. 87 Conv. 98 Conv. 29 Conv. 105 Conv. 100 Conv. 111 Conv. 138 Conv. 182 Brunei 2008 Cambodia 1999 1969 2006 Indonesia 1998 1957 1950 1958 2000 Lao 1964 2005 Malaysia 1961 den. 1997 Myanmar 1955 Philippines 1953 1960 Singapore 1965 2002 2001 Thailand 2004 Viet Nam 2007 2003 China 1990 2006 1999 2002 Fiji 2002 1974 1974 1974 2003
rights in labour law for contract-casual/agency workers? precarious work rights in labour law for contract-casual/agency workers? government-mandated fringe benefits benefits same with regular employees e.g. social security, medical/health care, etc. --(but there are challenges) Union membership elligibility on first day of employment --(philippines, not perfect in practice) Minimum wages --(compliance, a big challenge) others
union responses to employment flexibilty precarious work union responses to employment flexibilty 3 things: ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE
union responses to employment flexibilty precarious work union responses to employment flexibilty we also: Filed bills in the legislature for security of employment 90/10 (tucp); collective advocacy for implementation of decent work (DWCP), equal work/equal pay principle, etc.; labor law revision/review to improve protection mechanisms for all workers, including workers in precarious employment; international solidarity actions (can you name some? ) others
east-asia and the pacific precarious work east-asia and the pacific Orkun! china, fiji, indonesia, malaysia, philippines, vietnam