TEMPUS-Project Osnabrueck Seminar Feb 4-6 2010 Setting up procedures and criteria for accreditation and registration of qualifications in the NQF – the German experience TEMPUS-Project Osnabrueck Seminar Feb 4-6 2010 gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
YES, WE CAN Talk to each other gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
But before… We have to work hard – Work hard – Play hard gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Germany Higher Education Federal level (BMBF = Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) Overall objectives – but no framework Laender level (KMK = Kultusministerkonferenz) Independence gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Accreditation Board (Council) So far has accredited 7 + Accreditation agencies Non-specialised Specialised Legally a quango: KMK „dependent“ Supervisory function on behalf of the KMK Consists of members from universities (various types), industry and students) Administration in Bonn gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Accreditation Agencies Accreditation Committee Accreditation Advisory Group (often subject specific) Counsellors (Peers) Administration gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Accreditation Agencies Site visits by Peers Professors (according to discipline, at least 1 from traditional universities, 1 from „new“ ones) Expert from industry Student Agency representative European Standards and Guidelines European Register gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Site Visits Self-evaluation (very detailed) On-site interviews Report Management / presidents Deans Study-programme directors Teaching staff (on the respective programme) Students Report Recommendation to the Committee gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Total Quality Management General / Vocational Education and Training Learning Chain -Labour Market -Qualificationsframeworks -Strategy Change of Paradigm Learner´s Profile Programme Profile Learning Outcomes Learning Space Module Definition Module Structure Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning and Teaching Material Total Quality Management Communication gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Challenge at Programme level In outcome-based education the educational outcomes are clearly and unambiguously specified. These determine the curriculum content and its organisation, the teaching methods and strategies, the courses offered, the assessment process, the educational environment and the curriculum timetable. They also provide a framework for curriculum evaluation. (Harden et al., 1999a)
Accreditation Agency Decision: Consequences in most Laender Accrediation Committee Yes / No / Corrective actions Reaccreditation BA 5-7 yrs / MA 3-4 yrs Consequences in most Laender Laender Government financial support Management by Objectives: „Business Plans“ agreed between Laender and University Costs (cluster accreditation) gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
New Development System accreditation as an alternative to programme accreditation System: Quality assurance and enhancement system gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Qualitatively Related Learning Outcomes EQF National Level Quality assured Sectoral Level Organisational Level Learning Programme Quantitatively Related Credits Learning Unit / Module Quality assured
Different Story DQR - German Qualifications Framework for LLL Draft Working Groups Question Marks gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Income of Universities In most Laender Undergraduate: 500 Euro per semester Postgraduate: consecutive studies the same, continuous education : market price gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Bologna- and Copenhagen Processes Shift of Paradigm New way of thinking Self-assessment Learning outcomes Workload Bologna- and Copenhagen Processes gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
More than we can stomach?? But changing education and training is a slow process! It may take more than a life-time More than we can stomach?? gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de
Enjoy your lunch After: Both groups will meet in the Mensa one group stays here and does the real work another one goes to „the greens“ Both groups will meet in the Mensa After lunch: Meet International Office of the university in our standard room Evening? To be decided gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de