Towards cross-domain interoperable framework for natural hazards and disaster risk reduction information Robert Tomas, Ph.D EC-DG Joint Research Centre, Digital Economy Unit-B06 WS on Information Infrastructure for Disaster Risk Management, Brussels, Hotel Bloom, 26.1.2017
Natural disasters – no country borders © 2014 Taranaki Regional Council © 2014 College of Architecture, Texas A&M University. © 2014 U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey © 2014 Die Welt 2
Talk objectives To present the interoperability framework developed for natural hazards domain To demonstrate its applicability - extensibility for other domains e.g. disaster damage & loss recording
Legislative framework EU EU– INSPIRE Directive (since 2007) Set of Implementing Rules & Technical Guidelines Decision on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (since 2014) Guidance for Recording and Sharing Disaster Damage and Loss Data 2015 International activities/frameworks GEO/GEOSS SBA – Disaster Resilience IUGS – CGI Sendai, SDGs, COP21, UNISDR, OECD..
INSPIRE Directive (in force since 2007) General rules to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe for Community environmental policies and Policies or activities which impact on the environment INSPIRE is built on the SDIs established and operated by the Member States Spatial data held by/on behalf of public authorities INSPIRE is a Framework Directive Detailed technical provisions in Implementing Rules INSPIRE fully operational in EU by 2020
INSPIRE thematic scope Implementation 2012/2017 INSPIRE thematic scope Implementation 2015/2020 Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex III Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and governmental services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution – demography Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Energy Resources Mineral resources The natural hazard domain has always been considered as a key use case of INSPIRE Annex II Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology
Key pillars of natural hazard (NH) interoperability framework Common NH terminology framework Based on international standards (UNISDR 2009) Cross-domain applicability (floods, forest fires, etc.) Based on a common data sets holdings Clear and unambiguous to implement Common data model for NH Min. set of features for NH data interoperability Domain extensibility Covers both spatial data representations Utilizes common types from INSPIRE GCM Common NH assessments models To harmonize the way of expressing level or intensity, likelihood of occurrence, vulnerability To allow for qualitative and quantitative assessment Contextual information required Common NH extensible classifications For type of natural hazards and category of exposed elements To facilitate comparability and interoperability of data sets Allow also more specific NH types from local vocabularies (Tomas R, Barredo J, Harrison M, et al. 2015)
Common NH terminology Definition (source) Risk Hazard Vulnerabi lity Framework Terms Definition (source) Risk Risk is the combination of the consequences of an event (hazard) and the associated likelihood/probability of its occurrence (ISO 31010, 2009). Hazard A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage (UNISDR, 2009) Vulnerabi lity The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset, that makes it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard (UNISDR, 2009). Exposure People, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that are thereby subject to potential losses (UNISDR, 2009). Observed event An observed event refers to the spatial representation of a natural phenomenon relevant to the study of natural hazards which occurred, or is currently occurring (as included in the INSPIRE DS) Exposed element An exposed element refers to the spatial representation of people, property, systems or other elements present in hazard zones that are thereby subject to potential losses (as included in the INSPIRE DS) Common NH terminology from INSPIRE NRZ Data specification 8
Common NH data model Simplified representation of the main classes of the INSPIRE DS V3.0 UML data model (Tomas R, Barredo J, Harrison M, et al. 2015) 9
Common data NH model Main features: The data model provides for locations of natural hazards (as observed events, NH models or Risk zones ) > does not address the processes of defining their location. The final content of a data model is a result of the search for a minimal common set of features (spatial object types) that standardise and formalise the best representation of spatial data properties related to the natural hazard domain. It is intended that the data model is to be extended to address the specific requirements of a specialised hazard domain (e.g. floods, landslides, disaster losses etc.) 10
Common NH assessment model Common assessment model for NH The provision of this essential background information (e.g. methodological reference within which the assessment was carried out) is always required. Common assessment model for the main classes of the INSPIRE DS V3.0 UML data model (Tomas R, Barredo J, Harrison M, et al. 2015) 11
Extensible classifications of NH framework Natural hazard category: two level simple and extensible classification – required, specific/local hazard type additional classification - optional Exposed element category: two level simple classification – required, extensible by any categories specific/local category of exposed element - optional INSPIRE Registry 12 12
Real tests (EU projects) of the INSPIRE NH infrastructure Picrit – cross border (IT/FR) for civil protection in natural hazard scenarious eENVplus - eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIRE Fortress - to identify and understand cascading effects of a crisis by using evidence-based information from a range of previous crisis situations. InGeoCloudS - INspired GEOdata CLOUD Services Life+Imagine - the integrated management of coastal zone
Status of implementation in EU EU Member States are required to provide NH data compliant to the interoperability framework by 11/2020. That includes data being online and: Discoverable (Metadata) Viewable (WMS - OGC) Downloadable (WFS, WCS, - OGC) Harmonized with the common NH data model Currently 4000+ NH datasets (MD records) available at INSPIRE Geoportal
Important global “Business Case” for the INSPIRE NH framework Applicability of the NH interoperability framework for the Disaster damage & loss recording Important global “Business Case” for the INSPIRE NH framework
Aim of the Pilot To harmonize relevant natural hazard/risk data / service requirements stem from INSPIRE legislative and technical framework (e.g. Data specification on Natural Risk Zones) with the Guidance for Recording and Sharing Disaster Damage and Loss Data; to achieve a synergetic goal in which the EU Member States will provide one set of spatial data services that would satisfy (be compliant with) both legal frameworks set of requirements.
Major pilot phases: Phase 1 (December 2015 – April 2016) – scoping of the data harmonization and identification of the main problematic parts Phase 2 (April – December 2016) – creation of the common data model (extended INSPIRE model) Phase 3 (January–March 2017) – demonstration pilot transforming a few MS data sets to the common data model, and deploy and configure the remaining INSPIRE components (Metadata, Network services on selected 1-2 MS datasets).
Technological scope of the pilot: Test data discovery through standardised discovery services & metadata; Test data (re)use and interoperability by adopting common cross-domain model to exchange data. Test online data access by allowing standardised view, download and transformation services; from Guidance for recording disaster damage & loss data JRC Science and Policy Report 2015
Methodology for common data model Two major use cases analysed: Recording of damage & loss data after an event Gravity on the damage/economic/human losses recording Provision/maintenance of past event information Gravity on the natural hazard event register (landslides, floods, earthquakes..)
Common data model Damage & Loss data extension New feature type – Affected element New code list – Assessment Method Type – (JRC Guidance on D&L Recording, Sendai, ..) New data types specific to the JRC Guidance on D&L Recording – Damage, Human Loss, Economic Loss Extensions to INSPIRE code lists on types of natural hazards and categories of exposed elements INSPIRE Core Data model
Expected benefits Possible use at the EU level as well as at the national level Facilitates country collaboration among various data providers Aggregation of different types of NHs for better hazard/risk/damage/loss assessments Use the power of common geo-location Make stronger connections to other INSPIRE data themes to enable e.g. capture of aggregated loss & damage data (per e.g. administrative units). Saving time/effort for MS (INSPIRE x D&L recording requirements) Online / distributed infrastructure (e.g. data stays with the owner)
Summary The Interoperable Framework (IF) for Natural hazards is based on the INSPIRE data specifications work (published on 10/12. 2013) The key interoperability pillars of the IF are: Common NH terminology (based on standards), Extensible data model (generic and easy to understand concepts) Harmonised model for quantitative and qualitative assessments Extensibility of the code lists used (natural hazard types and exposed element categories) The implementation of INSPIRE in Europe is on its way = more interoperable natural hazard data are / will be soon available. The results of the INSPIRE for Disaster & Loss data recording harmonization pilot = base for a follow up project regarding definition of data specification for Sendai indicators proposed by OEIWG (tbd).
More information INSPIRE INSPIRE Thematic Clusters INSPIRE GeoPortal INSPIRE Thematic Clusters INSPIRE GeoPortal INSPIRE Registry INSPIRE data specifications Towards a cross-domain interoperable framework for natural hazards and disaster risk reduction information (Tomas R, Barredo J, Harrison M, et al. 2015; DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-1786-7
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