TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Laboratory Manual Professor Gregory C. Herman GCH 01-2016
TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 1 Time-Life-Man.jpg TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 1 Time-Life-Man.jpg One page, hand-written essay on your interpretation of the handout. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 – Minerals and Spectroscopy a. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 – Minerals and Spectroscopy a. This lab is an introduction to minerals and spectroscopy, the latter being the scientific study of how light interacts with solid matter. The Ward’s mineral sets contain different mineral samples that are found in all different rock types, including those formed during 1) the cooling of molten magma into igneous rock, and others from 2) the precipitation of minerals from a) saturated, briny fluids or b) biological processes. By the end of this lab you should have a working familiarity with the 5 most common rock-forming minerals (quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, and pyroxene) and be able to identify them separately from other minerals that appear similar but are usually softer and formed from precipitation ((b) above) GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals b. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals b. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals c. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals c. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals d. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals d. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals e. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals e. Carbonates (CO3)-2 Sulfates (SO4)-2 Phosphates (PO4)-3 derived from the shells and hard parts of marine organisms or are precipitated as seawater evaporates Calcite (CaCO3) is the main constituent in the sedimentary rock limestone derived from hydrothermal activity or are precipitated as saline-water evaporates Gypsum (CaSO4 . H4O) is a main constituent in drywall derived from hydrothermal activity and igneous processes Turquoise CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·5H2O GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals f. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals f. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals g. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals g. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals h. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals h. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals i. Mohs Hardness Scale TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals i. Mohs Hardness Scale GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals j. Silicate Minerals TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals j. Silicate Minerals GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals k. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals k. Quartz – No. 2 of the 5 most common rock-forming (silicate) minerals GCH Rev. 1.0 12-2015 GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals l. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals l. Identify quartz, calcite, and gypsum by checking the type of habit, cleavage, and visual aspects that you observe Quartz (silica SiO4) Calcite (carbonate CaCO3) Gypsum (sulfte SiO4) NOTES: GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals m. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals m. FELDSPAR – No. 1 of the 5 most common rock-forming (silicate) minerals Group of rock-forming tectosilicate minerals which make up as much as 60% of the Earth's crust. Two cleavage directions at 900. Hardnesss of 6 – 6.5. Will not scratch glass or quartz. Alkali feldspars (K,Na)AlSi3O8 Microcline and orthoclase Not usually clear. Often salmon pink or white and milky. Can also be aqua blue. Can have wavy stripes of similar color that go through the mineral. Plagioclase feldspars (Na,Ca)AlSi3O8 Albite to Anorthite solid-solution series Individual crystals a range of colors between white and dark gray. Exhibits striations Can have wavy stripes of similar color that go through the mineral. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals n. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals n. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals o. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals o. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals p. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals p. Identify plagioclase and alkali feldspar by color, microscopic twinning, and mineral habit, hardness with respect to quartz and metal. Note any visual and physical aspects that you observe. Plagioclase feldspar (silicate (Na,Ca)AlSi3O8) Twinning seen on face of large plagioclase sample Alkali feldspar (K,Na)AlSi3O8) NOTES: GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals q. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals q. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals r. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals r. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals s. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals s. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 2 –Minerals t. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 –Minerals t. Identify the following minerals by color, and mineral habit, hardness with respect to quartz and metal and one another. Note any distinctive visual and physical aspects that you observe. Mica (biotite and muscovite) Pyroxene Amphibole Olivine/peridotite NOTES: GCH 01-2016
TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 2 – Part B Spectroscopy GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks a. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks a. Rocks are identified by their textures, colors, and other physical properties like hardness, weight (density or specific gravity), magnetism (magnetite), and reactivity with acids (limestone and marble). Two rock sets are presented for this lab. The Green buckets contain intrusive and extrusive samples of felsic, intermediate, and mafic igneous rocks. The Ward’s mineral sets contain different mineral samples that are found in all different rock types, not just igneous ones. By the end of this lab you should have a working familiarity with the 5 most common rock-forming minerals (quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, and pyroxene) and be able to identify them both in mineral form and in some of the felsic and intermediate igneous rocks. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks b. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks b. Parent magma composition largely determines the composition of igneous rocks but a single magma can, however, yield different rock types. +1 os +2 os os – oxidation state An element having a +2 os (or charge) has a higher electron affinity because it has twice the charge than one with a +1 os. Calcium and magnesium (+2) are proportionately more abundant in mafic rocks that crystallize form magma first with slow cooling and crystal growth. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks c. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks c. Texture in igneous rocks is related to cooling history; the slower the magma cools, the more coarse-grained the rock becomes. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks d. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks d. Typically, the coarsest-grained rocks formed in deep crustal chambers after rising out of the mantle where it can accumulate and pond at the base of the crust or in the crust, or deep in the roots of crustal mountain where rocks begin to melt from burial and heat. They become exposed at the surface Eons after formation from crustal tectonics. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks e. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks e. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks f. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks f. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks g. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks g. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks h. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks h. _____ SS - red sandstone _______ B - basalt dike leading to basalt flow ______ D - diorite stock and sills ______Gr – granite ________ Pg – pegmatite ______ Gb – Gabbro
Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks i. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 3 Igneous Rocks i. NOTES: GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 5 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks a. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 5 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks a. LAB 5 provides samples of all three principal groupings of rocks including: 1) Igneous (plutonic and extrusive felsic, intermediate, and mafic varieties) 2) Sedimentary (detrital and chemical) and 3) Metamorphic (low, medium, and high grade) Because we learned about igneous rocks in LAB3, this will serve as a review for those, but our focus in this lab will be on learning different types and subtypes of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and how they compare to igneous rocks, to one another, and with respect to the rock cycle. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 5 Sedimentary Rocks a. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 5 Sedimentary Rocks a. The two primary types of sediment are detrital and chemical. Detrital sediment consists of solid particles, products of mechanical weathering. Chemical sediment consists of minerals precipitated from solution by inorganic processes and by the activities of biological organisms.| Detrital sedimentary rocks are fomred from detrital sediment Chemical sedimentary rocks (limestone, coal, microcrystalline quartz) are fromed from chemical sediment GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 5 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks a. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 5 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks a. GCH 01-2016
Laboratory 8 Primary and Secondary Rock structures a. TCNJ Physics 120-C Introduction to Geology Lab Manual Laboratory 8 Primary and Secondary Rock structures a. GCH 01-2016