Rocks and Minerals With NGSS
Contact Info. Denise Trenner Nohl Canyon Elementary
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Cross Cutting Concepts Patterns Cause and Effect Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Systems and system models Energy and Matter Stability and change From NGSS Appendix G
Scientific and Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations and designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information From NGSS Appendix F
Enduring Understandings: The Earth’s materials are formed and change over time through natural processes and human action. Minerals for in rocks are necessary to humans and used to make our lives easier. Essential Questions: How do rocks and minerals cycle through our environment? How are rocks and minerals use? What forces are responsible for changes to the Earth’s surface?
Lesson 1- Observing Rocks CCC Structure and Function STC Lesson 2, Text 208-213 Students will explore and sort rock samples Students will record observations of rock samples SEP Asking questions Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 2 – Igneous Rocks Introduce layers of the Earth Do pictorial CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Pg. 208-209, 248-249 Introduce layers of the Earth Do pictorial Guiding question: How can you identify an igneous rock? Discuss volcanoes Optional Make an igneous rock (root beer float) Optional place to discuss plate movement and earthquakes SEP Construction explanations Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 3 - Sedimentary Rocks CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Pg. 210-211 Do pictorial Guiding question: How can you identify a sedimentary rock? Teach hand motions Introduce the Erosion Song Optional: Peanut Butter and Jelly Geology SEP Asking questions Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 4 - Weathering Physical Weathering activity CCC Cause and Effect Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Systems and Models Stability and Change Additional Lessons 9 and 10 pgs.236-241 Physical Weathering activity Guiding question: What will happen to granite if we shake it in a container? Chemical Weathering activity Guiding question: What will happen to limestone if acid rain falls on it? Physical weathering with ice Guiding question: What will happen to a plastic bottle if we fill it up with water and then freeze it? SEP Asking questions Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Construction explanations Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 5 – Erosion by Water CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Additional Lesson 11, pg. 242-245 Students use stream tables to observe erosion by rivers and streams. Guiding question: How does running water change the shape of the land? SEP Asking questions Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Construction explanations Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 6 – Erosion by Waves CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Additional lesson 12, pg. 240-241 Students will use stream tables to model/observe erosion by waves. Guiding question: How does wave action change the shape of the land? SEP Asking questions Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Construction explanations Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 7 – Erosion by Ice and Wind CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Additional Lesson 13, pg. 240-241 Students will observe how a piece of ice erodes sand Guiding question: How will the ice change the “land”? Students will use boxes to observe the affect of wind on the sand Guiding question: How will the wind affect the land? SEP Asking questions Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Construction explanations Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 8 – Landslides (Deposition) CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Lesson 8 – Landslides (Deposition) Additional Lesson 14, pg. 246-247 Students will use stream tables to use observe deposition Guiding question: Where does eroded material go? SEP Asking questions Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Construction explanations Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 9 – Metamorphic Rocks CCC Cause and Effect Systems and Models Stability and Change Pg. 212-213 Read about metamorphic rocks Guiding question: How can you identify a metamorphic rock? Take notes on metamorphic rocks Do Starburst activity SEP Developing and using models Construction explanations Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 10 – Rock Identification CCC Structure and Function STC Lesson 2-3 Students will use rock information cards to determine names of rock samples. Information cards pg.132-137. Have students sort rocks into igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic groups. Guiding question: How can you determine what type of rock you have? Students will use rock information cards to determine names of rock samples. Answers on pg. 26. SEP Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 11- Rock Cycle Do rock cycle pictorial CCC Patterns Cause and Effect Systems Energy and Matter Stability and Change Pg. 214-217 Do rock cycle pictorial Guiding question: How does one rock type become another type? Play the rock cycle game SEP Developing and using models Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 12 – Mineral Observation CCC Structure and Function STC Lesson 4-6 Have students start mineral observation sheets Students will observe and record the color, and texture of mineral samples Guiding question: How will the properties of a mineral help to identify it? SEP Asking questions Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 13- Streak Color CCC Cause and Effect Structure and Function STC Lesson 7 Students will learn about mineral streak color. Guiding question: How does streak color help to identify a mineral? Students will test minerals to determine their streak color. SEP Asking questions Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 14 – Light on Minerals CCC Cause and Effect Structure and Function STC Lesson 8-9 Students determine how much light travels through a mineral (transmissivity). How does the amount of light that travels through a mineral help to identify it? Students will determine how much light reflects off of a mineral (luster). How does the amount of light that reflects off a mineral help to identify it? SEP Asking questions Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 15 – Hardness of Minerals CCC Cause and Effect Structure and Function STC Lesson 10 Students will learn about Mohs scale of hardness. Guiding question: How does the hardness of a mineral help to identify it? Students will use the scratch test to determine the hardness of mineral samples. SEP Asking questions Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Lesson 16 – Identifying Minerals CCC Structure and Function STC Lesson 13-14 Students will use mineral observation sheets and mineral information cards to determine the name of the mineral samples. Guiding question: How can you use the physical properties of minerals help you identify them? Answers on pg. 48 Optional Wrap up- Do The Adventures of Carla Calcite SEP Asking questions Engage in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate, and communicate info.
Resources United States Geological Survey (USGS) – Science in Your Backyard has real time monitoring of landslides in California. Gemological Institute of America (GIA) - Mineral Information Institute - National Geographic apps The Rock Cycle app Rock Types app Folds and Faults app
Extensions Create a new rock cycle story like The Adventures of Carla Calcite Create a classroom rock collection Chocolate Chip Geology Make a model of a volcano Design a method to control flooding Create a model to show the rock cycle Research uses of minerals