SUMMERTIME FREE LUNCH @ YOUR LIBRARY Yes, You Can! The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.
You Want Me To Do What? Summer is already a busy time for librarians serving youth Summer Reading is all encompassing and I can’t add one more thing to my plate Administering another program that requires an hour a day plus paperwork just does not fit into my summer schedule.
BUT …… You Know You Want To Your library is filled with kids all day Some of these kids go the entire day without anything to eat The free/reduced lunch they received at school is unavailable in the summer These are the kids that are constantly hitting you up for money for the vending machine Would you rather serve them a balanced lunch or give away all of your quarters?
If You Feed Them . . . They Will Come !!
It’s All About Partnership The facility that serves the lunch is called a site The facility that actually makes all of the lunches is called your sponsor Your sponsor Makes the lunches Delivers the lunches Picks-up any left over lunches Completes all of the paperwork and sends it to the State My sponsor supplies a volunteer to serve the lunches and complete the daily stats
About the Sponsor Your sponsoring agency can be a school district, local government agency, camp, or local nonprofit organization The administrator at the sponsoring organization will meet with you and familiarize you with the in’s and out’s of how the program works My sponsor is the Willingboro Department of Community Affairs
What Exactly Is Involved? You will need a place where you can seat a group of people You will need to put up a poster in the lunch area. The poster is provided by the Federal Government and designates your library as a lunch site You will need a box of baking soda and a thermometer in your refrigerator You will need to post proper food handling procedures posters on your refrigerator
What Else Is Involved? Set up your lunch area with the milk, juice, and bags of lunch Ensure that each child gets a complete meal – this is a requirement of the program Everyone must eat as a group and in the same area – no food can leave the lunch area Complete the statistics sheet for the day with number of lunches received, served, and left over At the end of the week, transfer the statistics from the daily sheets to the weekly sheet (provided) and return them to your sponsor
Official Government Information Fact Sheet from the Federal Department of Agriculture New Jersey Department of Agriculture Summer Meals Website
Reva Foster Executive Director Willingboro Township Department of Community Affairs 609-877-2200 (1124)