Brief Response What caused the radical revolutionaries to take control of the revolution and create a more violent government? Foreign governments attacked.


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Presentation transcript:

Brief Response What caused the radical revolutionaries to take control of the revolution and create a more violent government? Foreign governments attacked France Factional conflict in the revolutionary slowed reform Enemies in France working to overthrow the revolution Radical desire to completely end the old social order and create a new one

The French Revolution Fails A Dangerous France Emerges p. 121

Why Failure? The French Republic’s failure showed how vulnerable democracy is to the immediate needs of people. Most people just wanted affordable food and jobs. Radical policies disrupted reform that could heal the economy and society. Invasions by anti-revolutionary forces also complicated things. People finally preferred the dictatorship of Napoleon, to all the political fighting.

Two radical factions argued in the Legislative Assembly Jacobins wanted to get rid of any traces of the old social order Seizure of nobles’ and Church’s lands Noble titles abolished Tried, convicted, and executed the king and other “traitors” Girondins wanted a National Assembly the Committee for Public Safety to arrest and deal with traitors. a Convention to once again reform the revolutionary government.

Suffrage: the right to vote. All men would have the right, not just property owners.

Maximilien Robespierre: Jacobin who rose to head the Committee for Public Safety. He absolutely believed in protecting the revolution from counterrevolutionaries at all costs. “liberty cannot be secured, unless criminals lose their heads” He assumed dictatorial powers to protect the revolution. He wanted to end slavery and promoted religious tolerance.

Reign of Terror: 1793-4. Under the Committee for Public Safety, thousands of suspected traitors were arrested, tried, imprisoned and/or executed. This is called the “radical phase” The brutal execution of the monarchy The violent, paranoid rule of the Reign of Terror

What did Robespierre Mean? “Hail the Republic! Death to the Traitors!” Robespierre, p. 123. The government must survive and anyone against it must be eliminated. How serious was Robespierre? The man who designed the revolutionary justice system, Georges Danton, was Roberpierre’s best friend and fellow revolutionary. The popular Danton criticized Robespierre’s methods. Robespierre had him censored, arrested, tried, and executed as a traitor.

Remember? What other persons have we studied who suspended democracy, and used dictatorial powers in a very strict way to protect his nation from a bad legislature? Julius Caesar, Rome Oliver Cromwell, England.

Treason The radical Legislative Assembly put nobles and, eventually, the king on trial. Louis was found guilty of treason and executed with Marie Antoinette. Many nobles and other “enemies” of the revolution were executed as well.

Image analysis When do you think this painting was made? During the radical revolution? After the radical revolution was overthrown? After Explain: The image makes her look like a saintly martyr (later, French people would regret the brutality of the radical Reign of Terror)

Guillotine: “Humane”, scientific, beheading device used first in the revolution. Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin developed it as a humane way to execute criminals. It became a symbol of terror. Dr. Guillotin, who criticized the revolution, wound up executed on it. The guillotine would be used by France until the early 1970s.

Tired of Terror Soon, the French public was weary of bloodshed and demanded justice! The revolutionaries feared for their own lives, Members of the Convention ordered the arrest of Maximilien Robespierre and other radicals. Robespierre attempted suicide They tried them and executed them.

1795, Another Constitution? The Convention revised the Constitution The Directory was created to run France. For reasons we already know, it was another failure.

Napoleon Bonaparte: 1797. Successful French army general, took an army to Paris to help take control of the government. French politicians sought to use him to help them restore order. He outwitted them, told the government he was in control to save France. later became dictator.

Nationalism: A passionate love for one’s country. The French revolution was driven by this new force. People were encouraged or forced to think of the country, Oaths, School Flags Statues Memorials songs For most of European history, people barely knew the region they lived in, let alone the entire country.

Nationalism What made the French people so nationalistic in such a short time? Invasions made the French people very nationalistic—wanting to defend their homelands Kept them able to fight with little money Another advantage was a rising, patriotic military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte Defeated more powerful invaders with acute skill. This also made the French people proud of their nation.

Marseilles Port city of southern France. Revolutionary nationalists marching from there sang a marching song….. It would become the French national anthem.

End hwk Begin class notes

p. 122, On the Execution of the King. For execution Against execution He lied to the nation; secretly planning treason. Instead of protecting the French people, he oppressed them. He worked against the revolution. He used public money to support enemies of the people. He paid foreign mercenaries to kill French people. He manipulated the food supply to starve the French people. Republicans have no evidence for any of the crimes. The actions of the Republicans are diabolical, savage, cruel, poisonous, villainous, against peace and happiness.

Standards Check, p. 122 Question: They called for a new legislative body Extended the right to vote to all male citizens Abolished the monarchy Established a republic Executed the monarchs.

Biography, p. 123 Question: Snubbed earlier by the king and queen. Growing up in poverty He hated the Ancien Regime

Standards Check, p. 124 Question: Robespierre believed terror was necessary to deal with the enemies of the revolution

Standards Check, p. 125 Question: Moderates created the Constitution of 1795 a five-man Directory a two-house legislature.

Thinking Critically, p. 124-5 To deal with the political threats from other countries in Europe To deal with domestic enemies of the revolution (counter-revolutionaries) 2 People weren’t as fearful of execution and began to look for more moderate solutions to political problems.

Standards Check, p. 126 Question: The monarchy was overthrown, the old social order was gone, the state controlled the Church

p. 127, Thinking Critically 1. David: Napoleon is place in the center Looks strong, powerful Vibrant colors glorify Napoleon Goya: Dark colors, blood show French as fearsome and brutal. Shows a sense of doom at the hands of the French. 2. French revolutionary ideology initially aimed to secure and protect rights and opportunities for French citizens. The French atrociously denied the rights of other people’s in the act of protecting the French Revolution.

V = violence in the revolutionaries’ minds La Marseillaise—The French national anthem….. uses lyrics of nationalist pride and struggle. Mini-project: circle the lyrics that show handout (for EC only; not available to absentees when posted) N = French nationalism V = violence in the revolutionaries’ minds R = Reasons for the French Revolution

La Marseillaise—The French national anthem….. Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé ! Contre nous de la tyrannie, L'étendard sanglant est levé. (bis) [7] Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats ? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes ! Arise, children of the Motherland, N The day of glory has arrived! Against us, tyranny's Bloody banner is raised. (repeat) V, R Do you hear in the countryside The braying of these ferocious soldiers? V They are coming into our midst To cut the throats of our sons, our wives!

La Marseillaise—The French national anthem….. Aux armes, citoyens ! Formez vos bataillons ! Marchez, marchez ! Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons ! Formons nos bataillons ! Marchons, marchons ! To arms, citizens! V, N Form your battalions! V March, march! May tainted blood Water our fields! Let us form our battalions! Let us march, let us march!

La Marseillaise—The French national anthem….. Que veut cette horde d'esclaves, De traîtres, de rois conjurés ? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves Ces fers dès longtemps préparés ? (bis) Français, pour nous, ah ! quel outrage, Quels transports il doit exciter ! C'est nous qu'on ose méditer De rendre à l'antique esclavage ! What does this horde of slaves, Traitors, and plotting kings want? N, R For whom these vile chains These long-prepared irons? (repeat) V, R Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage, What fury it must arouse! It is us they dare plan To return to the old slavery! R

Brief Response Why did the French Revolution Fail when it represented the same values and goals as the more successful American Revolution?