Stuyvesant High School


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The College Office is here to help your child make informed choices. HOMEROOM COUNSELOR WORK HOURS Q & A period AA – JA MS. WILSON x.2252 8:30am – 3:40pm 7th period JJ– QQ MR. MAKRIS x. 2256  10th period RR – ZZ  MRS. HUGHES x.2254 8:00am – 3:10pm  1st period Students can see any one of us through the walk-in q& a periods!

September in the College Office: Will meet with all senior social studies classes on Monday, 9/18 Entertaining more than 50 college admissions reps to Stuy…and they’ll keep coming! Begin one-on-one college advisement meetings w. seniors Notify over 100 seniors of their status as National Merit Semifinalists Assisting dozens of students with applying to Questbridge And much more!

Applying to College at Stuyvesant Your child should limit themselves to no more than ten private colleges Use the tools within Naviance (scattergrams, external links, etc.) and the college websites to determine both admissibility and fit Students should meet with their college counselor to share their plans Each student’s final list should be balanced academically and financially -That means including several target and safe schools -The CUNY and SUNY systems provide a financial safety net

College Application Tips Read the admissions pages VERY CAREFULLY …not just the Common Application instructions Continue to show “demonstrated interest” this year…visit, attend Stuy HS visits, interview, Common App supplements, open emails, etc. Clearly communicate early plans and discuss with your counselor Remember that students must have their standardized test scores sent directly to the colleges to which they’ll apply and ACT vs. SAT? Subject Tests? SPECIFIC Subject Tests or the New vs. Old SAT?? EA/ED may need to send scores very soon! Check! ie U Michigan

How will the College Office know where MY CHILD will apply?

Your child must match their Common App account with their Naviance account!

Matching is easy! Create or log in to account at Enter at least one institution in “My Colleges” Complete “Education” section and FERPA Waiver In Naviance, click “Colleges” tab and then “colleges I’m applying to” and enter email address/date of birth where prompted

Once matched, we can see their application list and eventually send documents

Quick reminders for seniors… Remember to match with Naviance a.s.a.p.! Use your College Counselor’s contact info…NOT GUIDANCE! Be careful to complete/submit both the main application and supplemental apps for each college Eligible students request fee waivers online via Common App Stuy does not rank and GPAs are unweighted

“Not so common” applications While most SUNY schools now use it (avoid all colleges use Common App. Students must manually add these schools to “colleges I’m applying to” in Naviance Fee waiver process will differ; eligible students must print CollegeBoard waiver or pick up NACAC waiver from College Office. CUNY waiver info tbd Notable exceptions include: CUNY & Macaulay Honors College ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgetown, McGill… U. of California, Penn State, Rutgers…

Deadlines are ruthless…

Deadlines for informing the College Office: Applying Early Action/Decision If your child is applying to any college(s) ED or EA, or to a BA/MD program, they must indicate this school in Naviance by 10/23/17 Applying Rolling Admission If your child is applying to any college(s) that have rolling admissions, they must list this school in Naviance and then they must inform their college counselor after they have hit submit. Otherwise, we will not know to send their materials. Applying Regular Decision For all other colleges to which your child is applying, they must list these schools in Naviance by 1/02/18

Some Other Important Deadlines Georgia Tech/UNC Chapel Hill EA: 10/15 BA/MD programs – these often have early deadlines. U. of California – 11/30 (must self report grades) Rutgers – application deadlines EA: 11/01 and regular: 12/1 (must self report grades) CUNY Macaulay Honors College – application deadline December 1st @ 6pm (remember to enter OSIS# on CUNY online application) colleges in the UK/outside of the U.S. often have very early deadlines. (for UK colleges, visit and search “Non-UK Students”) READ MS. WILSON’S EMAILS! Some colleges, often large public colleges, have early “Priority” Application or Scholarship Deadlines (often in early – mid November). DEADLINES ARE RUTHLESS…mind them closely! Inform the College Office of any unusual deadlines.

Teacher Recommendations Students must add their teacher rec requests to their Naviance accounts Click the “Colleges” tab, then “letters of recommendation” Students then add requests for their teachers using the second option “all current and future colleges”, unless they have a specific reason to assign a recommender to a specific college Naviance will cover MOST colleges…Common App and otherwise. Some colleges (Macaulay Honors College) require recommenders to submit letters directly through website or by *mail-*provide addressed/stamped envelopes to teachers PLEASE thank your teachers and counselors!

What about supplemental recs? Must communicate something different and noteworthy…one or two MAXIMUM How do colleges feel about supplemental recs? “Supplemental evaluations are also welcome — we simply ask that they provide different or additional context beyond the two we’ve already requested. Some examples of supplemental recommendations include coaches, employers, research advisors, and music teachers. Supplemental letters from a third academic teacher rarely provide additional helpful information.” “Most applicants, and most admitted students, submit no supplemental recommendations. Some applicants and admitted students submit one supplemental recommendation; a few submit two. Submitting more supplemental recommendations will not disqualify you, but it is rarely necessary.” Supplemental recommenders must submit recs independent of Stuyvesant HS…via Common App “Additional Recommender”, direct upload to app portals, or mail, as needed

Your child will submit: College Office will submit: Starting in October: official transcript, current schedule, required school reports & profile, counselor & teacher letters In many EA/ED cases: 2nd marking period report card February: First Term Final Grades ( “Mid-Year Report”) June: Final High School Transcript Your child will submit: Standardized Test Scores via Collegeboard and/or and ACT Inc. Application & Supplements All financial aid documents AP scores will only need to be sent to the ONE college your child chooses to attend

Stuyvesant is an exception with Secondary School Report Forms The College Office does not need any of the colleges’ Secondary School Report forms or High School Counselor Recommendation forms outside of Common App.

And finally…a bit about Financial Aid We will host a financial aid night for parents at Stuy on October 18 and workshops for students in Oct/Nov. Get early aid estimates: - -institutions’ net price calculators DO NOT apply ED without assessing potential costs first! Use those net-price calculators and contact financial aid offices! Financial Aid Forms FAFSA (available in October)) Collegeboard’s CSS Profile (often due in Nov. for ED/EA applicants) TAP (need based grant for NYS colleges) – Deadlines remain ruthless…and you may need to apply for aid by November 1 But don’t let sticker prices scare you away Tuition discounting Merit & need based scholarships Simply include a few financial safe options-don’t ignore CUNY!