Linked Data Theatre Federated data
The Challenge A lot of structured data is available on the web But we don’t have a easy way of access client ?? data data data data website website website website
The Challenge We want some easy way to access the data, using all the advantages of Linked Data and RESTfull API’s SPARQL endpoint are not the (only) solution
An example
Why not like this?
Architecture Any23 To retrieve any structured data, and deliver RDF jSoup To clean the response and return valid syntax Apache httpClient To fetch the data from a http server Website with data
Combining results: federated SPARQL But: lot’s of websites don’t have SPARQL endpoints! SPARQL endpoint SPARQL endpoint service Local data Remote data
Virtual sparql endpoint service Jena in memory SPARQL endpoint Any23 jSoup Apache httpClient Website with data
Non-RDF structured data A lot of RESTfull API’s are available, but aren’t linked data We should be able to use those API’s!
Virtual sparql endpoint service Jena in memory SPARQL endpoint Script per API XSLT jSoup Apache httpClient Website with data
Example (service call)
Example (sparql call)