Cheetah ecosystems By Isabela
What is the definition of ecosystem? The definition of a ecosystem is made up of all living and nonliving things that interact in an area.
What does biome mean Biome means a large naturally occurring habitat were an animal or plant lives
What does abiotic and biotic mean? Abiotic means nonliving and biotic means living.
Cheetah vs Lynx
Lynx differences The lynx’s habitat is shrubs, reeds, and tall grass. The lynx cat can go 30 to 40 miles per hour. The top speed is 65 miles per hour.
Cheetah diffrences The cheetah lives in the savanna grasslands. The cheetah can go 68 to 75 miles per hour.
Cheetah characteristics The cheetah is the worlds fastest land animal. It is also Africa's most endangered animal.
Nonliving things that the cheetah needs to survive. Cheetahs need water in order to survive. If the cheetah does not drink water it will get dehydrated and die.
Cheetahs ecosystem. The cheetahs ecosystem is the savanna grasslands.
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