Mrs. Mormack 2016-2017
Mrs. Mormack… a wildcat at heart! Greater Latrobe Graduate – 2006 Indiana University of Pennsylvania – 2010 Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood & Elementary Education; Reading Concentration Special Education Certification – 2014 5th year teaching at Mt. View Elementary 7th year at Greater Latrobe School District
Language Arts StoryTown Core Reading Program Read-At-Home (RAH) card Weekly Spelling List in Yellow Bee Book (individualized lists) Leveled Reading Books/Small Group Instruction (Book in Bag) Assessments: Weekly Spelling and Reading Tests (Friday) Accessible on Think Central Running Records, Book in a Bag, Leveled Readers, D.E.A.R. Time, Book Boxes
Math We will cover four critical areas in math: Addition & Subtraction Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry Accessible on Think Central.
Science We will cover four critical areas in science: Nature of Science Life Science Earth Science Physical Science Accessible on Think Central. Integrated as much as possible
Social Studies Citizenship Holidays Resources for the Future Integrated into guided reading
Health Keeping Healthy Dental Health Nutrition Integrated into shared reading
Homework Monday – spelling words (Bee Book) Tuesday – reread weekly story (reading book and RAH card) Wednesday – poetry folder & high-frequency word practice worksheet Thursday – study for tests Friday – none *occasional math worksheet *Book in a Bag
First Quarter Conference We will have a parent teacher conference to discuss your child’s progress on: Tuesday, November 1st (evening) OR Thursday, November 10th (day) Before you leave, please select a date and time. Sign-up sheets are located on the table by the door.
Classroom Management
Classroom Rules & Manners Listen. Say please and thank you. Raise your hand to speak. Put things away. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Take turns. Share. Help others.
Rewards and Consequences Individual and Whole Class
m&m’s Students have the opportunity to earn paper m&m’s each school day for being kind, completing homework, participating in class, etc. On Fridays, students will trade-in their m&m’s for prizes. m&m’s are easily earned but can also be easily taken away!
Our Wildcats are PAW-some! Wildcat Paws are earned by our class when we exhibit “PAW-some” behavior. Any faculty member can award them to our class. The paws are displayed on our classroom door. At the end of each month, the paws are totaled and the homeroom with the most wins a prize!
Additional Information Birthday Treats Nut-free Pre-cut Provide plates, napkins, forks, etc., if necessary Summer birthdays – choose a day to celebrate in May Water Bottles Label with child’s name Must have a lid Water only
Mrs. Mormack If you need to contact me: Send in a note Email: Call MVES: (724) 834-7399 Other School District Information can be found at: Write notes for dismissals and changes.
THANK YOU! I’m so glad you were able to join me! I’m excited to begin a year of fun and learning with your child! Please take some time to peek around the room. Don’t forget to visit the Spirit Wear table!