WHO’s policy priorities and projects Svenja Herrmann External Relations Officer 28 April 2016 NDPHS Policy-to-project-to-policy Conference UN City, Copenhagen, Denmark
Policy development in WHO Mandate: WHOs is the directing and coordinating authority on international health 12th Global Programme of Work (GPW): sets out WHO’s leadership priorities World Health Assembly and Regional Committee’s: WHO’s Governing Bodies, consist of Member States, determine the policies of the Organization and Endorse resolutions and strategies. Member States adapt national policies to agreed WHO policies
Regional policy priorities Health 2020: the European policy for health and well-being Investing in health through a life-course approach and empowering people Tackling Europe’s major health challenges: NCDs and communicable diseases Strengthening people-centred health systems, public health capacities and emergency preparedness, surveillance and response Creating resilient communities and supportive environments 3 3
Regional policy priorities: Policies and action plans European Action Plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol 2012-2020 European strategic action plan on antibiotic resistance 2011-2016 European Action Plan for HIV/AIDS 2012-2015 Action Plan for the implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of NCDs (2012-2016) European Food and Nutrition Plan 2015-2020 WHO’s Global Plan of Action on Worker’s Health 2008-2017 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control TB Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2016-2020
Examples of projects Projects support Member States in adapting their national policies to the agreed WHO policies. For example: NCDs: Ukraine (funded by Swiss Development Cooperation): Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion in Ukraine Project 2015-2019 Belarus (funded by the EU, implemented with other UN agencies): Preventing non-communicable diseases, promoting healthy lifestyle and support to modernization of the health system in Belarus Tuberculosis: Regional project (funded by the Global Fund) “TB in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Project on Strengthening Health Systems for Effective TB and Drug Resistant-TB Care". Participation of 11 countries, partners, i.e. Moldovan nongovernmental organization Center for Health Policies and Studies, the European Respiratory Society, the Stop TB Partnership and the TB Europe Coalition. Uzbekistan (funded by USAID, Global Fund) : TB Control in Uzbekistan