What is multigenre? "A multigenre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative nor a collection of poems. A multigenre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language, images, and content. In addition to many genres, a multigenre paper may also contain many voices, not just the author's. The trick is to make such a paper hang together." ~~ (Romano, Blending Genre, Altering Style i-xi)
EXAMPLES OF MULTIGENRE Part-Time Indian is MG Looks at NA culture My wedding MGP Looks at the wedding industry This paper on Disney Looks at princess image This paper on video games Looks at violence
What will it show me you know? Presents multiple, even conflicting perspectives of one event or topic. Provides a rich context for an event or topic. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of audience needs and interests. Permits meaning to dictate form, rather than vice versa. Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of various genres and uses of language. Integrates factual information into a meaningful text, verses copying or simply recall. Permits the author to highlight personal interests and special expertise. Stimulates critical analysis and higher-level thinking skills. Makes coherence and unity a genuine rhetorical problem to be solved. Requires research skills and knowledge of source documentation. Can make full use of new media literacies. Is almost impossible to plagiarize. Results in an interesting, engaging product. Demands careful reading and response.
How do I start? Brainstorming topics What are your interests? Example: weddings Who’s a person you’re curious about? Example: Peyton Manning What are you known for? Example: teaching, lime green room, being energetic What’s a question you have about the topic? It’s easier to write about it if you’re trying to figure out something specific. Example: why are weddings so dang expensive?
What’s next? Once you have a topic, start thinking of pieces you could write about it. Brainstorm genres! Journal entries Twitter feeds/facebook pages Short stories Poems Newspaper articles Collage/sketch
PROJECT DESIGN ALL PROJECTS MUST INCLUDE: Title page with creative title Thoughtful ‘first piece’ Expository piece (200 words) One poem One visual element A repetend This is an element that ties each piece together, also known as “the golden thread” Works cited (show me your research!) MLA Style
IMPORTANT DATES Today/tomorrow: choose topic Thursday/Friday: figure out how to find out more about your topic (library/lab) Week of May 6: writing pieces and writing workshops; 1day of lab time Week of May 13: writing poems, choosing a repetend; 2 days of lab time PROJECT IS DUE MONDAY, MAY 20!!
GRADING DETAILS We will create a rubric in class together. This project will be worth around 200 points—so, most of your 4th quarter grade. Students who must take the exam will present their MGP as their exam grade.