5th Grade Feature March 18, 2016 In school, we have been; At home you can; Reading Analyzing how poems are structured and how these choices affect meaning Studying techniques writers use to create sound and understanding the role of each (rhythm, repetition, alliteration, and onomatopoeia) Next Week Visualizing poetry with mental images to support comprehension Determining the author’s purpose, inspiration, and big idea when reading poetry Math Exploring fractions and their properties (equivalent fractions/common multiples) Learning how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators using multiple strategies Learning how to add and subtract mixed numbers Writing Revising our persuasive essays to include more support for our claims using the idea-details strategy Science Building terrariums to illustrate how Earth’s Systems interact with each other Reading and Writing: -Have a conversation with your child about a poetry book they have listened to in class or are currently reading. Ask them to tell you what sound techniques the author uses in the poem. Discuss their interpretation of the poem’s meaning. -Have your child tell you one idea from their persuasive essay. Ask them to support that idea with three additional details. Math: -Study multiplication and division facts. -Have your child explain how to add 2/3 + 1/6 using a model. Have them estimate the fractional sum and compare it to the actual answer. Science: -Ask your child to draw a picture to illustrate how the hydrosphere (water) interacts with the biosphere (life). Have them explain their picture in writing. Upcoming Events NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK 3/24-4/4 REPORT CARD DAY Wednesday April 6, 2016
Spelling/Vocabulary List for April 4- April 15 Websites/ Video Links Scan QR code with QR reader app and get there faster! cred = believe accreditation credential credible credit creditor credulous creed discredit incredible incredulous Math Lessons on Video! http://www.mathwingo.com/apps/videos/ This Week’s Featured App: Math ELA Grade 5 Common Core http://www.spellingcity.com/ahugelier/