Cyber Safe – WGC Parents Mark Knowles Director of Cyber Security and Risk May 2017
What we plan to cover? What is a Cyber Attack Keeping yourself Cyber safe So what? Why would anyone want my details Who can help? How can you protect yourself Cyber Security and Risk at IAG A Career Option?!
What is a Cyber Attack? Cyber attacks according to international law enforcement have become a bigger crime than the world drug trade, Last year more than $400 billion. So what are cyber attacks (Here are a few): Whaling, Phishing Malware, Ransomeware (Cypto Locker) Cyberwarfare and Cyberterrorism Sink Holes Exploit kits Drive byes Grooming, Identity theft
Click here Many cyber attacks are simple emails You could win, just click HERE You have won $1,000, all we need you to do is to transfer money to this account number and the funds will be relea$ed Emails that look like SPAM usually are SPAM People that you have met online sending you links to documents may not be the most trustworthy …..
How well do I know you?
So what? And what do I do? Your identity is really valuable NZ Passports are one of the most sort after in the world An adversary may want to sell your details to someone Its not about how much money you have in your bank account So what do you do? Talk to your kids Contact the department of Internal affairs…. (Do a google search on Identity Theft) Don’t ignore it! Its not OK
How good is the support?
So what? And what do I do? Cyber Bullying Cyber Bullying Facts. “Cyber bullying” is defined as a tormenting, threatening, harassing, or embarrassing another person using the internet or other technologies, such as posting embarrassing pictures on social media or sending hurtful or threatening text messages. Over 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying. About half of young people have experienced some form of cyber bullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience it regularly. So what do you do? Talk to your Kids Contact Netsafe and or the Police, they will be great Don’t ignore it! Again its not OK
How hacking works? My Mobile phone
What else can you do? Do the basics right Have a great password Change your password regularly Don’t share your password (except maybe with your parents, yeah right Dad!!) Don’t write your password in a book, under your keyboard Don’t use easy to guess passwords e.g: Password001 P@ssword001 P@$$w0rd001 001P@$$w0rd 12345678
Be smart with your online activity Don’t post anything online you might regret later Photos of you away from home on holiday (when no one is at home) Be careful of sending photos that you don’t want shared Don’t make comments that could be taken out of context Potential employers will look at your Online presence Be careful of Cloud environments that are Public Clouds – As soon as you put something there you no longer own it. E.g. Presentations, Photos, Letters, CV’s
Questions about you??
Cyber Security and Risk at IAG What do we do? I thought we’d tell you a bit about what we do at IAG to protect our company and our customers from Cyber attacks. We’ll give you a few examples.
What about a Career in Cyber? On the good team Why consider a role in cyber security? How many women are working in cyber security? Are there many options? What do you need to study? How long would it take for me to get a role in cyber security? What about if you don’t want to be in a technical role? What is it like when you get into the Cyber Security and Risk team? (Great question for Ben and Murray, Mark may need to leave the room??)
Cyber crimes