2017 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Serving Youth Development & Education at Agape Agape Youth & Family Center 2353 Bolton Road NW Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30318 JULY 28TH The Great Backpack Give-Away Backpacks filled with school supplies distributed to 2,000+ kids in need Host a Drive or Volunteers needed Volunteer sign up begins June 1 For details, visit AgapeBackpack.org OCT 13-14TH Extreme Bedroom Makeover 10 kids receive new beds, new bedrooms and a whole new outlook. Sponsor and redecorate one room Volunteer sign up begins July 1 For details, visit AgapeMakeover.org NOV 17TH The Great Thanksgiving Basket Give-Away Agape provides turkeys and all the fixings for 500 local families in need Volunteer sign up begins September 1 For details, visit AgapeGivesThanks.org DEC The Agape Holiday Gift Store Provides gifts and holiday cheer for 300+ local children from generous contributions. Approved gift list available for toy drives Volunteer sign up begins October 1 For details, visit AgapeHoliday.org 11-15TH Homework Buddies to provide mentorship and homework assistance One hour each week during the school year 3:15-4:15pm For details, visit AgapeHomeworkTime.org YEAR-ROUND Corporate Tutor Day at Trinity Presbyterian Church September through May during school year 2:45-4:45pm For details, visit AgapeTutors.org Fresh Produce for Families September through May during school year Sign up to sponsor or shop for produce For details, visit AgapeProduce.org Dinner for Kids in the after-school program Choose a day to feed the kids dinner For details, visit ChefAgape.org For more information, please contact Neka Harris, Event Coordinator, at nharris@agapeatlanta.org
Supporting Youth Development & Education 2017 EVENT SCHEDULE Supporting Youth Development & Education 20th ANNIVERSARY! SPRING BENEFIT CELEBRATION! May 4 at Flourish by Legendary Events This is the largest Agape community gathering of the year. The Spring Benefit is an elegant, “cocktail party” style event with open bars, hors d’oeuvres, student success stories, live auction and live musical guest Yacht Rock Revue For details, visit AgapeSpringBenefit.org ANNUAL AGAPE GOLF CHARITY TOURNAMENT September 18 at Druid Hills Golf Club Join us for a beautiful day on the greens, benefitting the Youth and Education Programs at Agape. Sponsorship Opportunities are available. For details, visit AgapeGolf.org MOTHER DAUGHTER TEA November 18 at Piedmont Driving Club The Tea is an annual social for middle school girls and their moms to benefit youth development and education programming at Agape. This intimate, fun-filled affair is an amazing event to form stronger bonds, create memories and celebrate mothers and daughters. For details, visit AgapeTea.org For more information, please contact Neka Harris, Event Coordinator, at nharris@agapeatlanta.org