Welcome to THE 4RB Parent Information Session 2017
Communication between teachers We keep in constant contact with each other ensuring all information relevant to the children is communicated, as well as any issues or concerns raised by parents. This is done by way of a diary recording the day’s events/issues etc and by numerous phone calls and emails.
Advantages of Job Sharing: Advantages of Job Sharing: The students … experience a variety of teaching styles get the best of all teachers gain a greater sense of independence receive specialised teaching are provided with additional role models The teachers … can utilise the knowledge and skills of each other maintain a positive, enthusiastic teaching attitude can work together to create optimal programs catering for each student Advantages of Job Sharing: The students … experience a variety of teaching styles get the best of all teachers gain a greater sense of independence receive specialised teaching are provided with additional role models The teachers … can utilise the knowledge and skills of each other maintain a positive, enthusiastic teaching attitude can work together to create optimal programs catering for each student Advantages of Job Sharing: The students … experience a variety of teaching styles get the best of all teachers gain a greater sense of independence receive specialised teaching are provided with additional role models The teachers … can utilise the knowledge and skills of each other maintain a positive, enthusiastic teaching attitude can work together to create optimal programs catering for each student
Class Climate and Philosophy We believe in a classroom that promotes … consideration of others a positive environment challenging activities with support independence a balanced curriculum meaningful and stimulating learning strict but fair rules approachable teachers positive self esteem (be your best) a love of learning developing individual abilities and talents positive reinforcement (Honour Board – AAA award) school based behaviour awards system
Days to Remember Monday - Canteen, homework distributed, Italian and any written homework tasks due. Tuesday - Canteen Wednesday - Canteen, Scripture, Bounce Back (PD and Road Safety) lessons. Thursday - Band, Choir and Music Groups, Library, assemblies, spelling and reading homework due. Got Game (Term One) Friday –Sport and Maths homework due
Reminders Permission Notes - Please send in any permission notes/money in an envelope (school system) clearly labelled (name, class, reason). All money is to be taken to the office. Absence Notes - Send them to the teacher on the day your child returns to school. Awards can be kept in the document wallet/display folder at school in the child’s under-desk to keep them altogether for easy self-monitoring.
School Events: Term One: Term Two: Swimming Carnival February 21st Got Game – Terms One and Four Science Incursion – Force and Movement (March 13th) Easter Holiday period (April 8thth – 25th) Parent Teacher Interviews – Week 11 Term One Science Club (Yrs 3-6) If you have experience or a hobby that is science related please consider coming along to a session as a guest speaker. Term Two: OC Testing – Package sent home with information upon parent request. Yr 4 students sit the exam (maths, English, general ability) at a testing centre (high school). School provides assessment results in maths and English. Test date: 26th JULY SPAF – Stage 2 Concerts Athletics Carnival ICAS tests – Digital technologies 23/5 Science 30/5 Writing week beginning 12 -16/6 Spelling 14/6 English 1/8 Maths 15/8 See: Oatley Organiser – dates and current information
4RB Program ENGLISH Writing Related to the novel and our Integrated Unit with various types of texts explored Teaching Focus: T1 Persuasive, T2 Narrative Sentence building Independent writing (free writing) Journal writing (7 Steps) Report writing tied to units of study and the media Grammar Related to the novel Within text type analysis Specific grammar lessons (needs of students) Within guided reading groups Reading Novel study (The Indian and the Cupboard Guided reading (Tues,Wed.) Independent reading Home reading School Comprehension programs (eg. STARS, Focus on Reading) School magazine Contract work Spelling Pre test Monday Post test Thursday Words are related to areas of study and scope/sequence Students write out corrections from the Pre- test and should include additional extension words when errors are < than 5 Activities follow a sequential school based program teaching rules, patterns, visual knowledge, prefix, suffix, word origins, word usage etc. Poetry A variety of poetic forms will be explored throughout the year. We aim to develop an appreciation of poetry through a focus on the poet’s use of the resources of sound and imagery, since these are the motivating forces of poetry. Themes relate to the class novel, PBL and science or history units Speaking and Listening Novel activities (discussions, points of view, dramatic role play) Impromptu and prepared Projects during the year will have a sharing to the class component (eg PBL) Discussion/Debate: history or novel related
PBL: Project Based LEARNING Relates to our S2 Unit: Design a Theme Park PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. Placed in groups (businesses) to design a theme park and promote it (Links to KLAs). “The new world gave me a new perspective to learning and having fun. It was one of the best in-school projects I have ever done in my lifetime.” (4RB student 2016)
HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY MATHS Year 4 Maths Groups: Monday and Tuesday (Number and Algebra) Class Maths: Wednesday (Statistics and Probability) and Working Mathematically) Thursday/Friday (Measurement and Geometry) HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY Term One: HISTORY: Community and Remembrance Term Two: GEOGRAPHY: Australia and its Neighbours
SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Term: Smooth Moves - Physical Science (force, motion, gravity) Ties in with PBL unit. Term Two: Package it Better – Chemical Science (properties of materials, what makes a successful package) Technology: Imbedded into our programs E.g. creating, search engines, cyber safety, differentiation with iPads, 4RB blog, choosing tools to meet specific requirements of a task or design criteria, research etc. Develops critical thinking and creativity.
Personal Development and Health PE and Sport School rules/ code of conduct (our values) Drug Education Peer Support Program Buddies Child Protection Life Education Teacher led discussions when appropriate Term One: Swimming Carnival, Cross country training, Got Game Term Two: Athletics (speed, strength and timing) Term Three: Team activities Term Four: Fitness and team activities, Got Game P.S.S.A: A variety of team sports are offered again this year. School Sport: Participation in Friday sport activities is skill based, stamina building and varied to maintain interest.
THE ARTS Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts Focus upon making and responding Experiences will be theme related and explore a range of media and techniques, design theory and creative interpretation. Music Choir- Miss Shannessy (3-6) Bands – Training, Intermediate and Concert Music Groups: Drama, dance, singing, percussion, and organising sound. Thursdays - 9:30am.
CTD. THE ARTS Dance and Drama Monday 3:20pm Boys’ Dance, Tuesday morning Dance group Dance- structured and creative Drama – Novel related, role play, short dramatic skits, mime Class plays Activities/experiences will assist students to: Express themselves through a variety of dramatic forms Perform in front of an audience Evaluate their own and other’s dramatic performance positively.
ITALIAN Taught by Penny Johnstone (MONDAYS) LIBRARY Skills taught by Ros Ingram and Nicole Thomas Lessons held each Thursday Tied in with History and Australian Poetry
Worksheets to be kept in the Homework Display Folder – Due Thursday/Friday Please advise if the content or amount becomes problematic so that possible adjustments may occur. General Homework Spelling revision and Reading Log due Thursday English sheet due Thursday Maths (Revision) due Friday Occasional Maths Concept (relevant, revision, need) due Friday or Mathletics due Monday Occasional Additional Homework Reports, written responses and research projects as required (Due Monday.) Optional Creative Projects (related to topics being studied in class) to be handed in as completed. Students receive recognition and AAA points. HOMEWORK
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for coming along this evening. We look forward to a productive and happy year working with your children. Paula Richardson and Jodie Bannister www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au