Church Membership Graeme Sterne 2006
What does church membership involve? Formalising your commitment to a particular group of Christians Hebrew 10:24,25 Publicly declaring your commitment to Christ (like baptism). Are you one of them?
Jesus the Christ Jesus the Christ Ministry I Peter 4:10 Mission Matt 28:19,20 Jesus the Christ Jesus the Christ Community John 13:34,35 Transformation Romans 8:29 “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but by Me” Devotion Ps 27:4 Ps 51:17
Church membership involves Accepting the statements of faith The Apostles' Creed The Nicene Creed (381) Westminster Confession (1646) The Shorter Catechism (1647) The Larger Catechism (1648) The Barmen Declaration (1934) The Faith We Affirm Together (1968) A Simple Contemporary Statement of Faith (1969) An Affirmation of Faith (1993) Accepting the church governance Being part of the national church, PCANZ
Membership has responsibilities attached Regular attendance Hebrews 10:24,25 Sharing the Gospel Mark 16:15 Financially supporting the church Galatians 6:6 Helping out where you can I Peter 4:10 Contributing to the direction of the church (eligible to vote and be an elder) I Timothy 3:1 Praying for the church Ephesians 6:18
ACPC also takes on responsibility To provide spiritual nourishment through: Teaching – messages, Bible Study Pastoral support - advice, counselling, prayer Whatever programmes we can maintain - training, mobilising, coordinating Ephesians 4:11-13
among all generations of Chinese Our Mission: To know Christ and to make Him known among all generations of Chinese in New Zealand
Our goals for 2006 To share the Gospel with our communities Local Family Age groups To mobilise the church in ministry to others Youth (local & overseas students) Families (children and their parents) Young professionals Mandarin speakers