Chapter 1 Staffing Models & Strategy
Staffing Definition the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization's effectiveness.
Staffing as a Process It’s composed of a series of interrelated parts including recruitment, selection, decision making and final match (job offers). See Exhibit 1.4, pg. 17
Person-Job Match Exhibit 1.2, pg. 13 Jobs are characterized by their requirements & embedded rewards Individuals are characterized by their level of qualification. (KSAOs) There are implied consequences for every person-job match
If the Match is Good… There should be positive impacts on the following HR outcomes: Attraction of job applicants Job performance Retention Attendance Satisfaction
Person/Organization Match Exhibit 1.3, pg.15 Additional matching concerns: 1. Organizational Values 2. New Job Duties 3. Multiple Jobs 4. Future Jobs
Staffing Organizations Model Exhibit 1.5, pg.19 Organization, HR, & Staffing Strategy Support Activities Core Staffing Activities Staffing System/Retention Management
HRM Model Exhibit 1.5, pg.19 HR ACTIVITIES: Support-Not intended to directly influence the person/job match Functional- Are intended to directly impact the person/job match
Strategic Staffing Decisions Ex. 1.6 STAFFING LEVELS Acquire or develop talent Lag or lead system External or internal hiring Core or flexible workforce Hire or retain National or global Attract or relocate Overstaff or understaff Hire or acquire
Staffing Quality (Exhibit 1.6) Person/job or person/organization match Specific or general KSAOs Exceptional or acceptable workforce quality Active or Passive diversity
External Influences Economic Conditions Labor Markets Labor Unions Laws and Regulations