Weeks of: December 19th –January 6th KINDERGARTEN OFFICE HOURS: Mondays from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. Things to remember this week: Please review high frequency words regularly. Your child will be expected to master the reading and spelling of these words. The mastery of these words will ensure your child’s success in reading. Enjoy your Winter Break! School resumes on Wednesday, January 4th, 2017! P.E. Schedule Monday: Mrs. Lopez/Ms. McIntyre Tuesday: Mrs. Lopez/ Ms. Schrengohst Wednesday: Ms. Schrengohst/Ms. West Thursday: NO P.E. Friday: Ms. McIntyre/Ms. West Code of Respect The essence of good discipline is respect. Respect for authority and respect for others. Respect for self and respect for rules. It is an attitude that begins at home, is reinforced in school, and is applied throughout life. Remember…Each day is 2:30 dismissal Tuesday 1/3/17 Professional Development Day NoSchool Wednesday 1/4/17 School resumes Monday 1/16/17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)
Review High Frequency Words/Read!!!! Weeks of December 19th – January 6th Below is a list of the homework you can expect to see for your child this week. Please make sure you support your child to complete ALL of their homework every night. In addition to the homework listed below, please work with your child to learn the high-frequency words by sight and spelling. Many of these words cannot be sounded out, so kindergarteners will memorize how to read and spell them. Please review them nightly with your child, as this is a very important component of our curriculum. Students are assessed on these words and rewarded with a colored gumball on our Kindergarten Bubble Gum Wall once they master a group of words. Monday: 1/2 (NO SCHOOL) Tuesday: 1/3 Wednesday: 1/4 Math: Worksheet Spelling: 3 times each Phonics: Worksheet Read 20 minutes (Please be sure to sign READING LOG) Thursday: 1/5 ELA: Worksheet Friday: 1/6 Review High Frequency Words/Read!!!! Spelling Words: (game, wake, bite, ride, poke, cone, cube, mule, *your, *they)