Entrustable Professional Activities AFMRD EPA TASK FORCE
Outline and Objectives Understand what an Entrustable Professional Activity is and IS NOT. Recognize the differences and similarities between EPAs and subcompetencies. Understand implementation opportunities for EPAs in your residency. Understand examples of how to use EPAs in residency education.
Working Definitions Competencies: Six core competencies as defined by ACGME Subcompetencies: 22 Family Medicine subcompetencies as defined by the Family Medicine Milestone Project Milestones: “Developmentally-based family medicine-specific attributes that family medicine residents can be expected to demonstrate as they progress through their programs.” CCC: Clinical Competency Committee
Subcompetency Developmental progression or set of MILESTONES General Competency Milestone Description Milestone Level
What is an EPA? A task or responsibility ENTRUSTED to unsupervised execution by a trainee once sufficient specific competence is obtained Independently executable, observable, and measurable Written to describe activities that family physicians will perform when they are in independent practice
Why EPAs? The implementation of subcompetency and milestone evaluations focused evaluations and observations on specific dimensions of resident abilities, rather than integrated performance. The EPA scale allows for developmental enstrustment (independence) in these abilities. However, this determination is too often based on insufficient direct observation of behaviors and inadequate assessment methods that focus on specific dimensions of residents’ abilities rather than their integrated performance.3,4 EPA assessment allows for the evaluation of whole clinical tasks, providing an opportunity to observe, and intentionally entrust, residents to practice important clinical tasks independently.1
EPA Entrustment is Context Dependent Trainee Factors: Fatigue Confidence Resident experience Supervisor: Lenient vs strict FM vs non-FM Care Setting: Out patient vs hospital Night shift vs days EPA type Rarely occur Frequent/common Complexity Global vs specific Program Setting Rural vs urban Community vs university Large vs small Single vs multiple residencies In practice, entrustment decisions are affected by 4 groups of variables: (1) attributes of the trainee (tired, confident, level of training); (2) attributes of the supervisors (eg, lenient or strict); (3) context (eg, time of the day, facilities available); and (4) the nature of the EPA (rare, complex versus common, easy).
Entrusting the EPA Scale of Evaluation Observation only Execution with direct, proactive supervision Execution with direct, reactive supervision Supervision at a distance and/or post hoc Trainee supervises more junior colleagues ten Cate, O. Nuts and Bolts of Entrustable Professional Activities, JGME March 2013, 157-158
EPA and Subcompetency EPA Subcompetency Observed patterns, actions, and behaviors that may overlap several different competency areas Knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors within one competency area Evaluated based on level of independence. Evaluated on a developmental scale Related to many subcompetencies Specific to one competency with little overlap Develops over time
EPAs for Family Medicine Provide a usual source of comprehensive, longitudinal medical care for people of all ages. Care for patients and families in multiple settings. Provide first-contact access to care for health issues and medical problems. Provide preventive care that improves wellness, modifies risk factors for illness and injury, and detects illness in early, treatable stages. Provide care that speeds recovery from illness and improves function. Evaluate and manage undifferentiated symptoms and complex conditions. Diagnose and manage chronic medical conditions and multiple co- morbidities. Diagnose and manage mental health conditions. Diagnose and manage acute illness and injury.
Perform common procedures in the outpatient or inpatient setting. Manage prenatal, labor, delivery and post-partum care. Manage end-of-life and palliative care. Manage inpatient care, discharge planning, transitions of care. Manage care for patients with medical emergencies. Develop trusting relationships and sustained partnerships with patients, families and communities. Use data to optimize the care of individuals, families and populations. In the context of culture and health beliefs of patients and families, use the best science to set mutual health goals and provide services most likely to benefit health. Advocate for patients, families and communities to optimize health care equity and minimize health outcome disparities. Provide leadership within inter-professional health care teams. Coordinate care and evaluate specialty consultation as the condition of the patient requires.
EPAs Mapped to Subcompetency and Milestone Level EPA Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PC1 Cares for acutely ill patients - Lvl 3 Lvl 2 Lvl 4 PC2 Cares for patients with chronic conditions Lvl 5 PC3 Disease prevention and health promotion PC4 Manages unclear diagnoses PC5 Performs appropriate procedures MK1 MK2 Applies critical thinking SBP1 Cost conscious care Lvl 3/4 SBP2 Emphasizes patient safety SBP3 Advocates for individual and community health SBP4 Coordinates team based care PBL1 Locates, appraises and assimilates evidence PBL2 Self-Directed learning PBL3 Improves systems Prof1 Completes process of professionalization Prof2 Professional conduct and accountability Prof3 Demonstrates humanism Prof4 Maintain emotional, physical and mental health C1 Develops relationships with pts and families C2 Communicates effectively with pts and families C3 Relationships within Medicine C4 Use Technology
Entrustment for Independence in an EPA Maps to Specific Milestone Levels Competency Subcompetency Milestone Patient Care PC-1: Cares for acutely ill or injured patients in urgent and emergent situations in all settings Level 2 PC-2 Cares for patients with chronic conditions Medical Knowledge MK-2: Applies critical thinking skills in patient care Systems Based Practice SBP-1: Provides cost-conscious medical care SBP-4: Coordinates team-based care Professionalism PROF-3: Demonstrates humanism and cultural proficiency Level 3 Communication COMM-1: Develops meaningful, therapeutic relationships with patients and families COMM-2: Communicates effectively with patients, families, and the public
Specific Methods for Using EPAs Resident evaluation Resident education plan development Curriculum evaluation and design See separate documents and PowerPoint presentations for each of these areas
References ten Cate O. Trusting graduates to enter residency: what does it take? JGME, March 2014 ten Cate O. Competency-based education, entrustable professional activities, and the power of language. JGME, March 2013 ten Cate O, Scheele F. Competency-based postgraduate training: can we bridge the gap between theory and clinical practice? Academic Medicine, June 2007 ten Cate, O. Nuts and Bolts of Entrustable Professional Activities, JGME March 2013, 157-158
Case #1 Ready Resident March, CCC meeting: Evaluating an R1 who is receiving comments on his evaluations that he is consistently not evaluating emergencies on the hospital service well. Overall his evaluations are above average, in management of the patients, presentations, notes, communication with peers and patients and professionalism. However there are several comments under PC1 sub-competency and MK1 sub-competency and C1 subcompetency regarding need for direct senior resident supervision for these situations. Get EPA from roger and flesh out defninition
CCC Action The CCC recognizes that despite passing all of the rotations this resident still had one global area that needs to be improved before supervising other residents. The CCC gives feedback to the resident and PD that this resident needs to focus on EPA #14 “Manage care for patients with medical emergencies” Resident is currently meeting this level Observation only Execution with direct, proactive supervision Execution with direct, reactive supervision Supervision at a distance and/or post hoc Trainee supervises more junior colleagues
CCC Recommendation In order to supervise as an R2, resident needs to be at Observation only Execution with direct, proactive supervision Execution with direct, reactive supervision Supervision at a distance and/or post hoc Trainee supervises more junior colleagues A specific remediation plan is recommended by the CCC in order to increase skills in emergent care. Needs to grow from direct supervision to supervision at a distance before he will be a second year supervising on In Patient service.
EPA #14 Definition: Graduates of family medicine residencies will be able to intervene in an abrupt change in patient status. This EPA applies to situations that are more emergent and are higher risk for morbidity and mortality than those described in EPA #9. These are the corresponding subcompetencies: MK1 PC1 SBP1 SBP4 C1 C2 C3
Case #2 Specialist Situations As the Chair of your CCC you have been tasked with updating your off site evaluations from the surgery subspecialists. When you added the subcompetencies to the forms last year, the preceptors stopped returning them altogether. You are trying to come up with meaningful questions to add to the evaluation form.
Evaluation Update You create an evaluation form that asks the level of independence for the following EPAs EPA 20 Coordinate care and evaluate specialty consultation as the condition of the patient requires EPA 10 Perform common procedures in the outpatient or inpatient setting. You could provide the specialist with examples where each of these may fit into their interactions with the resident.
Case #3 PD Problems As the PD you have been asked by the GME office to update a summative (biannual evaluation) of residents in the out patient setting. You have recently transitioned to subcompetency based evaluations to support your CCC process but don’t want to add just subcompetencies to this evaluation as this is what you are doing for the other evaluations.
The addition of several EPAs could enhance this evaluation form. You develop a summative evaluation that includes the following rated on resident levels of independence. EPA1 Provide a usual source of comprehensive, longitudinal medical care for people of all ages. EPA3 Provide first-contact access to care for health issues and medical problems. EPA4 Provide preventive care that improves wellness, modifies risk factors for illness and injury, and detects illness in early, treatable stages EPA6 Evaluate and manage undifferentiated symptoms and complex conditions. EPA 7 Diagnose and manage chronic medical conditions and multiple co-morbidities.
Each of the EPAs, once entrusted, maps to specific milestones levels achieved Eg. EPA3– “Provide first-contact access to care for health issues and medical problems” entrustment maps to: PC3 Level 4 Integrates disease prevention and health promotion seamlessly in the ongoing care of patients MK2 Level 3 Recognizes and reconciles knowledge of patient and medicine to act in patient’s best interest. SBP-3 Level 3 Identifies specific community characteristics that impact specific patients’ health. PBLI-1 Level 2 Evaluates evidence-based point-of-care resources PBLI-3 Level 3 Uses an organized method, such as a registry, to assess and manage population health Prof-3 Level 3 Incorporates patients’ beliefs, values, and cultural practices in patient care plans Comm-1 Level 3 Respects patients’ autonomy in their health care decisions and clarifies patients’ goals to provide care consistent with their values Comm-2 Level 4 Educates and counsels patients and families in disease management and health promotion skills. Maintains a focus on patient-centeredness and integrates all aspects of patient care to meet patients’ needs
The addition of these 5 EPAs could inform the CCC based on level of entrustment Any ”fully entrusted” activity provides additional milestone level data for the CCC review of resident progress.