Prosiect Ysbyty Llandudno Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg Diweddariad Chwefror 2012 Llandudno Hospital Project Rheumatology ‘Hub’ February 2012 Update
Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg Rheumatology Hub Atgoffa: creodd ailffurfiad wardiau meddygol yn Ysbyty Llandudno ward wag (Marl) a rhoi cyfle i ni ddod â dechrau’r Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg ymlaen A reminder: the reconfiguration of medical wards at Llandudno Hospital created a vacated ward (Marl) and gave us the opportunity to bring forward the start of the Rheumatology ‘hub’ 24/04/2018
Beth rydym wedi’i wneud ers mis Tachwedd What have we done since November? Rydym bellach wedi drafftio a chostio cynlluniau llawr i ddefnyddio Ward Marl fel Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg Datblygwyd y cynlluniau hyn gan Ymgynghorydd a staff Rhewmatoleg eraill Cyllidir y gwaith hwn gan arian cyfalaf ‘dewisol’ PBC Cyflwynwyd y cynlluniau llawr i Grŵp Strategaeth Ystadau mewnol BIPBC i’w hystyried yn derfynnol yn Chwefror 2012 Rhagwelir bydd y gwaith yn dechrau ar y safle yn gynnar ym mlwyddyn ariannol 2012/13. We have now drafted and costed floor plans to use Marl Ward as a ‘Rheumatology hub’. These plans have been developed by Consultant and other Rheumatology staff This work will be funded by BCU ‘discretionary’ capital monies The floor plans have been submitted to the BCUHB internal Estates Strategy Group for final consideration in February 2012 It is anticipated that work will start on site early in the financial year 2012/13. 24/04/2018 3
Beth yw buddion y Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg i gleifion Beth yw buddion y Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg i gleifion? What are the benefits of the ‘Rheumatology Hub’ for patients? Darpariaeth uned achosion dydd un pwrpas ar gyfer cleifion rhewmatoleg y ‘gorllewin’ Darparu addysg, hyfforddiant a chyfleusterau cefnogi o’r radd flaenaf i gleifion a’u gofalwyr – gall fod y cyntaf o’i fath yn y DU. Daw darparu cyfleusterau a grwpiau staff at ei gilydd a mwyafu gwaith amlddisgyblaethol er budd cleifion a’u gofalwyr Provision of a dedicated day case unit for ‘West’ rheumatology patients. Provision of first class education, training and support facilities for patients and their carers – may be the first of its kind in the UK Provision of facilities bring staff groups together and enhance multi-disciplinary working for the benefits of patients and their carers
The ‘Hub’ also includes enhanced meeting and education facilities. Beth yw buddion y Canolbwynt Rhewmatoleg i staff? What are the benefits of the ‘Rheumatology Hub’ for staff? Bydd gan y Canolbwynt le a rennir gan ymgynghorwyr, nyrsys, therapyddion ac o bosib staff gweinyddol o YGC ac YCLl Mae’r Canolbwynt hefyd yn cynnwys cyfleusterau cyfarfod ac addysg datblygedig Gyda’i gilydd, bydd rhain yn cefnogi gwaith agosach ar draws yr ardal a chynnig gwir gyfle ar gyfer addysg ac ymchwil gwell mewn Rhewmatoleg. The ‘Hub’ will have shared space for consultants, nurses, therapists and potentially admin from both YGC and LLGH. The ‘Hub’ also includes enhanced meeting and education facilities. Together, these will support closer working across the patch, and presents a real opportunity for enhanced education and research in Rheumatology.
Gwaith Parhaus/Ongoing Work Mae proses gwerthusiad dewisiadau ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd i benderfynu a ddylid lleoli’r gefnogaeth weinyddol yn YGC neu drosglwyddo i YCLl. Mae buddion cleifion, risgiau clinigol, effeithiolrwydd, amser teithio staff, a chostau i’r sefydliad yn cael eu hystyried Disgwylir i’r holl wybodaeth fod ar gael yn Ebrill 2012. An options appraisal process is currently underway to determine whether the administrative support based at YGC should transfer to LLGH. Patient benefits, clinical risk, efficiencies, staff travelling time, costs to the organisation are all being considered. It is expected that the findings will be available in April 2012.
Beth sy’n digwydd nesaf/ What happens next? Parhau i weithio gyda’r tîm rhewmatoleg i fwrw creu’r Canolbwynt rhewmatoleg ymlaen yn ystod 2012/13, yn ddibynnol ar gymeradwyaeth cyllid terfynnol Cwblhau gwerthusiad dewisiadau ar gyfer staff gweinyddol yn YGC Parhau i weithio gyda chydweithwyr clinigol i fwyafu darpariaeth gwasanaeth i’r dyfodol. Subject to final approval of funding, continue to work with rheumatology team to take forward the creation of the Rheumatology ‘Hub’ during 2012/13 Complete option appraisal for administrative staff based in YGC Continue to work with clinical colleagues to enhance future service provision.
Diolch yn fawr Unrhyw gwestiynau? Thank you Any questions?