WHAT IS CLEAN ENERGY DC? WHAT IT IS WHAT IT IS NOT The District’s New Climate and Energy Plan Roadmap for achieving the SustainableDC 2032 climate & energy targets Companion to Climate Ready DC Both a visionary and action-oriented plan Beginning of a conversation WHAT IT IS NOT Not a detailed business or economic plan Not a collection of bylaws Not a measure-driven engineering plan Not “shovel-ready”
DC CLIMATE AND ENERGY GOALS Clean Energy DC is the District’s First Quantified Roadmap to meet Sustainable DC’s Climate and Energy Goals Greenhouse Gas Goal was prioritized
HOW TO TRANSFORM AN ENERGY SYSTEM The CEP has been developed with over 15 years of experience and research on market transformation. Everyone has an opinion how best to transform a market. It always includes one of these things. The truth is it needs the alignment of all of these things in order to happen. Achieving the District’s 2032 goals requires a comprehensive market transformation. Regulations Engagement & Training Defined Targets Incentives Data & Metrics
PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS SO FAR Visioning Workshops Interactive Workshops 90+ Actions This was our process in developing this draft. Its mixes both qualitative research methods, collaborative problem solving, and quantitative energy and emissions modeling. Interviews Peer Review Interviews Global Best Practices Analysis Revision Peer Review Draft Published Draft Plan with 55 Actions & Summary Report Community Energy Modeling Consultant & DOEE’s own ideas Iterative Modeling Aug.-Dec. 2015 Jan.-March 2016 March-July 2016 August 2016 Sept. 2016 Oct. 2016
CLEAN ENERGY DC APPROACH (1) BUILDINGS New Construction Existing Buildings cross-cutting building actions (2) ENERGY SUPPLY SYSTEM Clean & renewable energy supply Electricity system modernization (3) TRANSPORTATION Electric vehicle readiness & adoption
NEW CONSTRUCTION Establish Pathway to Net-Zero Energy Building Codes Between 2020 and 2026 Provide Net-Zero Energy Incentive Package Issue Net-Zero Energy Innovation Challenge To The Federal Government
EXISTING BUILDINGS Increase Access to Building Energy Performance Data Increase DCSEU Flexibility Coordinate District-wide Energy Retrofit Program Coordinate Efficiency and Finance Programs Lead by Example Implement Building Energy Performance Standard Drive Efficiency at Tenant Build-out Encourage Green Leases Develop Virtual Energy Audit Program
CROSS CUTTING BUILDING ACTIONS 18 SUPPORTING ACTIONS IN FOUR AREAS: Increasing and Improving Access to Funding Policy and Program Recommendations Education and Training Leadership and Catalyzing Change
ENERGY SUPPLY RENEWABLE ENERGY OUTSIDE DC Set 100% RPS Target For 2050 Provide Standard Offer Service through a Long-Term Power Purchase Agreement Set GHG Targets For Electricity Supply RENEWABLE ENERGY WITHIN DC Implement Solar Proliferation Strategy and develop centralized solar platform Adopt Solar Energy Code Requirements THERMAL ENERGY & MICROGRIDS Undertake Thermal Decarbonization Study Develop Neighborhood-Scale Energy Strategy
ELECTRICITY SYSTEM MODERNIZATION 11 ACTIONS IN FOUR AREAS: Planning and Coordination Analysis of the Electricity System Needs and Capabilities Immediate No Regrets Actions Proof of Concept Projects
TRANSPORTATION Electric Vehicle readiness EV-Ready Building Code EV-Ready Parking Lot Requirement Electric Vehicle Adoption Implement an EV Bulk Buy Program EV Showcase and Purchase Center Provide EV Purchase Incentive Pursue an EV-Only Car Share Fleet transportation demand management & mode-shifting actions from MOVE DC The key issue here is that while EV’s form a small portion of total savings today they are critical to achieving 2050 targets. EV’s are also an opportunity to make significant gains over the conservative estimates in the model.
AREAS NOT YET ADDRESSED Waste Urban Heat Island Methane Leakage Equity Economic Development Interagency Collaboration
NEXT STEPS Public engagement will continue throughout the rest of Fiscal Year 2017 Final Draft to be published in early 2018 Intended to serve as living document Will be closely coordinated with Climate Ready DC and other plans Download Plan at: www.cleanenergydc.org
THANK YOU Edward Yim Associate Director edward.yim@dc.gov Marshall Duer-Balkind Program Analyst marshall.duer-balkind@dc.gov cleanenergydc.org Clean Energy DC Produced for: Clean Energy DC Produced by: