BEIS Update SEC Panel 21 April 2017
Recent publications Item Date Description Smart Meters Quarterly Statistical Report 30 March 2017 Smart meters quarterly statistical report to end December 2016 Response and Direction letter to enable R1.3 to be made available in the E2E environment 11 April 2017 Removal of the transitional variation to the Common Test Scenarios Document (CTSD) to enable the commencement of testing of the additional R1.3 Service Requests in the End-to-End (E2E) Testing Environment. Change the dates for the DNO User Mandate and Advanced Meter Exception for large suppliers to 12 November 2017.
Upcoming publications Item Approx. Date Description Government response to the further consultation on the DCC opt-out Q2 2017 (TBC) Response to the April 2016 further consultation on the opt-out. Consultation letter on amendments to the DCC User Interface Specification and Inventory, Enrolment and Withdrawal Procedures 21 April 2017 Consultation on changes to these documents to correct a device communication issue identified during testing in time for R1.3. Direction Letter for R1.3 Live May Direction on the removal, activation and introduction of a number of SEC Transitional Variations to enable R1.3 Live. Technical Specifications & GBCS Released Requirements for DCC Live R2.0.
Industry led SEC Modification Governance The timing and process for handing over the ‘Authority’ role from BEIS to Ofgem has now been agreed. There will be a period where BEIS retains the role of the Authority while the mods process beds in. To assure ourselves that the process is operating effectively, we will use the next three modifications* (that have a DCC IA associated with them) that go to the Change Board for vote to assess the maturity of the process before the transfer of the role to Ofgem is triggered. Once this happens, the process will run as follows: BEIS will issue a consultation to remove the relevant transitional variations in X2.3 of the SEC once the third of the next three DCC impacting SEC modifications is voted on by the Change Board. Ofgem will decide on SEC mods whose Modification Reports have not yet been considered by the Panel ahead of Modification Report Consultation at the time that BEIS removes the relevant transitional variations in X2.3 of the SEC). * Note: modifications 4, 8 and 11 or any other Modification Proposal that has previously been returned to the Working Group by the Panel (pursuant to D7.5(a) of the SEC) will not count within the three test cases mentioned above.