Ford & Carter 1974-1980
Roots of the Economic Crisis Began during Johnson’s Administration Increased Federal deficit spending to fund Vietnam War and Great Society programs without raising taxes Inflation Rise in costs of goods Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 1973 OPEC embargo of petroleum to countries supporting Israel Nixon & Congress Before embargo: price controls on gasoline and heating oil Shortages of oil Stagflation Combing rising prices with economic stagnation Due to international competition U.S. factories closed Nixon cut spending and increased taxes
Gerald Ford Granted a full pardon to Richard Nixon Whip Inflation Now (WIN) program failed Encouraged people to save and spend wisely Continued Détente of Nixon’s Presidency “Thawing period” between the U.S. and Soviet Union Helsinki Accords Ford met with NATO & Warsaw Pact leaders Agreed on borders of Eastern Europe at the end of WWII Soviets promised to honor certain basic human rights
Jimmy Carter Energy Crisis Panama Canal: control transferred to Panama National Energy Program: conserve oil, promote coal and renewable resources Created Department of Energy Panama Canal: control transferred to Panama Human Rights Soviet Union: imprisoning government protestors Embargo on grain after Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan Boycott of the summer Olympic Games in Moscow Camp David Accords (1978) Facilitated treaty between Israel and Egypt Arab nations opposed the treaty Bound nations to full diplomatic relations, phased evacuation by Israel of Sinai Peninsula, form of autonomy for Palestinians living in West Bank and Gaza Strip
Hostage Crisis in Iran Iran’s monarch (The Shah) forced to flee in 1979 Islamic Republic is formed: led by ultra-orthodox religious Ayatollah Khomeini Khomeini supported Iranian students stormed American Embassy in Tehran 52 Americans taken hostage American seen as “The Great Satan” Wanted America to surrender the Shah, apologize for supporting him, and turn over his assets to Iranian government America froze Iranian assets in U.S., Cut off trade with Tehran, and asked for assistance from the U.N. and World Court Hostages were finally released on Carter’s last day in office (444 days later)
Leaders of Iran…