People Development & Teamwork K-lead learning experience (Project) People Development & Teamwork Quality improvement project –K-lead (Cohort-3-modul-4) Prepared by: Mr.Talal Al Houli Mr.Abdullah Hedi Al Ajmi Mr.Adnan borsly Mr.Alayan Alanzi
K-lead learning experience (Project) Why teams? People are a fundamental building block of any TQM organization. Teamwork Improves processes and produces results quickly and economically through the free exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and data. Must be driven by a strategy, have a structure and be implemented thoughtfully and effectively.
K-lead learning experience (Project) Teamwork benefits vs Individuals I ND I V DUALS Little sharing of ideas and information Independence TEAMWORK Exchange of basic information and ideas This develops into exchange of feelings and sharing of ideas The turning point for the team approach-elimination of fear Trust A progressive development that accelerates rapidly following the establishment of trust Free communication Critical for continuing improvement and real problem solving Interdependence
People Development & Teamwork Roles within teams Dr Meredith Belbin identified a set of eight roles, which, if all present in a team, give it the best chance of success. These roles are: Co-ordinator (clarifies group objectives, sets the agenda, establishes priorities, selects problems) Shaper (looking for pattern in discussions) Plant (source of original ideas, suggestions and proposals) Monitor-Evaluator (stops the team committing itself to a misguided task) Implementer (turns decisions and strategies into defined and manageable tasks) Resource Investigator (goes outside the team to bring in ideas, information) Team Worker (operates against division and disruption in the team) Finisher (maintains a permanent sense of urgency with relentless follow-through)
K-lead learning experience (Project) Individual’s behavioural performance scale The interaction between the different personalities of individuals can be a frequent source of friction. However, this can largely be avoided by understanding and valuing people’s differences. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a powerful aid to both team and personal development by providing a well-researched framework for understanding these differences. It is based on identifying an individual’s behavioral preferences on four scales.
K-lead learning experience (Project) Individual’s behavioural performance scale 1) (E) Extroversion–(I) Introversion how we prefer to give/receive energy or focus our attention 2) (S) Sensing – (N) Intuition how we prefer to gather information 3) (T) Thinking – (F) Feeling how we prefer to make decisions 4) (J) Judging – (P) Perceiving how we prefer to handle the outer world
K-lead learning experience (Project) Individual’s behavioural performance scale Example: ESTJ represents an extrovert (E) who prefers to gather information by sensing (S), prefers to make decisions by thinking (T) and prefers a judging (J) attitude towards the outside world. The person with opposing preferences on all four scales would be an INFP; an introvert (I), who prefers to gather information by intuition (N), prefers to make decisions by feeling (F), and prefers a perceiving (P) attitude towards the outer world.
K-lead learning experience (Project) The sixteen MBTI are therefore: Individual’s behavioural performance scale ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ ISTP ISFP INFP INTP ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ
• Norming(co-operation) • Performing K-lead learning experience (Project) Team development Four stages that all teams will go through: • Forming(awareness). • Storming(conflict). • Norming(co-operation) • Performing
K-lead learning experience (Project) A model for teamwork For performing, the team leader or facilitator must perform the following functions: Planning Initiating Controlling Supporting Informing Evaluating
K-lead learning experience (Project) A model for teamwork Team work improvement (success) involves the following features: • Team selection and leadership • Team objectives • Team meetings • Team assignments • Team dynamics • Team results and reviews
K-lead learning experience (Project) Proposed implementation Plan • Individual performance behavior scales should be set for employee through a structural well defined appraisal schemes. This should be designed by H.R department and attached to employee performance annual appraisal. • An appraisal set of behavior for each employee on different scales and positions should be highlighted in the main HR computer system for retrievals. • Team structure based on objectives should be selected according to behavior needed to achive target indicated by using these different behavior schemes.
K-lead learning experience (Project) THANK YOU