Welcome to Speaking and Writing With Janine!
Class Goals Practice conversational English Practice writing skills Practice presentation skills Have fun!
Introductions What is your name? Which class are you in? What do you want to learn in class?
Personality Types What’s yours?
Personality What is personality? What is your personality?
Personality What kind of person you are
Personality Words to describe your personality: Funny -Joyful Friendly -Serious Honest -Hard-working Intelligent -Independent Creative -Kind Artistic -Outgoing Athletic -Shy Brave -Polite Responsible -Romantic
Personality Practice with your partner. Say three sentences to describe your personality. I am quiet because I do not like to talk. I am intelligent because I read many books. I am creative because I like to draw pictures.
Myers-Brigg Psychology test that describes personality 16 personality types
Myers-Briggs test What is your personality type? Janine Teacher’s is INTJ
Introvert Extrovert
Intuitive Theories, head in the clouds Sensing Facts, physical senses
Thinking Feeling
Judging (likes structure) Perceiving (flexible)
The Test Not graded – it’s for fun! I will ask you a question. There will be two choices. Choose the answer that BEST describes you.
Scoring X X X X
Question 1 I like to work in a group. I like to work alone.
Question 2 I like facts and things that are real. I like ideas and things I can imagine.
Question 3 I make decisions with my head/brain. I make decisions with my heart/feelings.
Question 4 I like to make plans. I don’t like to make plans.
Question 5 I prefer to say the answer in class. I prefer to write the answer in class.
Question 6 I like to make decisions based on past experiences. I like to try new ideas.
Question 7 If my friend has a bad haircut, I will Tell him/her it is ugly, even if it is mean. Say something nice so they don’t feel bad.
Question 8 I like to make plans. I like to do something when I feel like it.
Question 9 I like activities that are loud and outside, like playing sports. I like activities that are quiet and indoors, such as reading.
Question 10 I like things that are popular. I like things that are different.
Question 11 I would rather be a little bit mean, but honest. I would rather always say something nice.
Question 12 I have plans this weekend. I didn’t think about what I will do this weekend.
Question 13 I talk more than I think. I think more than I talk.
Question 14 I think more about now than the future. I think more about the future than now.
Question 15 If a man steals food because he is poor and needs to feed his family, I think… It is wrong. He should be punished. It is okay. His family is suffering.
Question 16 More often, I call my friends to invite them somewhere. More often, my friends call me to invite me somewhere.
Question 17 I prefer to do something active (use my body). I prefer to do something reflective (use my mind).
Question 18 I prefer science and math. I prefer art and music.
Question 19 Which are more important? Truth and fairness Love and kindness
Question 20 I usually follow the rules. I usually do what I want.
Great job! Let’s see your personality types!
Scoring Your score sheet looks like this.
Scoring Four sections with columns A and B. Count the number of X’s in each column. This will give you your score.
Let’s learn about the different personality types
INTP Only 2.9% of people in Korea have the personality type INTP! Albert Einstein Thinker (사상가) Curious (이상한) Logical (논리적)
INTP - Careers Scientist Mathematician University Professor Computer Programmer Engineer Lawyer Mechanic
INTJ Only 2.1% of people in Korea have the personality type INTJ! Mark Zuckerberg Confident (자신감) Determined (결정된) Independent (독립)
INTJ - Careers Scientist Engineer Professor Teacher Doctor Business person Military Lawyer Computer Programmer
INFP Only 6.2% of people in Korea have the personality type INFP! JK Rowling Romantic (로맨틱) Sensitive (민감한) Compassionate (인정 많은)
INFP - Careers Writers Counselors Teachers Psychologists Musicians Clergy / Religious Workers
INFJ Only 2.4% of people in Korea have the personality type INFJ! Mohandas Ghandi Idealistic (관념론적인) Humanitarian (인도주의자) Deep-thinker (슬기로운)
INFJ - Careers Clergy / Religious Work Teachers Doctors Health Care Psychologists Counselors Musicians Artists Child Care
ISFP Only 8.5% of people in Korea have the personality type ISFP! Michael Jackson Gentle (부드러운) Trusting (신뢰할 수 있는) Caring (배려)
ISFP - Careers Artist Musician Designer Child Care Counselor Teacher Psychologist Veterinarian Pediatrician (Children’s doctor)
ISFJ 7.1% of people in Korea have the personality type ISFJ! Mother Theresa Sensitive (민감한) Loyal (충성스러운) Kind-hearted (종류)
ISFJ - Careers Interior Decorator Firefighter Nurse Business Manager Child Care Counselor
ISTP 6.6% of people in Korea have the personality type ISTP! Bruce Lee Realistic (현실주의의) Energetic (정력적인) Risk-taking (위험합니다)
ISTP - Careers Police Officer Detective Computer Programmer Engineer Mechanic Farmer Pilot Athlete Entrepreneur
ISTJ 13% of people in Korea have the personality type ISTJ! Queen Elizabeth II Honest (정직한 Responsible (책임) Serious (진지한)
ISTJ - Careers Business person Accountant Police Officer Detective Lawyer Doctor Computer Programmer Military
ESTJ 11.1% of people in Korea have the personality type ESTJ! Emma Watson Decisive (결정적인) Organized (조직) Proactive (사전)
ESTJ - Careers Military Business person Athlete Police Officer Detective Judge Teacher Coach
ESFP Only 10.6% of people in Korea have the personality type ESFP! Beyonce Charming (매력적인) Playful (놀기 좋아하는) Optimistic (낙관적 인)
ESFP - Careers Artist Actor Sales Counselor Child Care Fashion Designer Athlete
ESFJ 8.4% of people in Korea have the personality type ESFJ! Pope Francis Friendly (친한) Outgoing (외향적) Cooperative (협력적인)
ESFJ - Careers Nurse Teacher Administrator Child Care Doctor Counselor Accountant
ESTP Only 5.8% of people in Korea have the personality type ESTP! Taylor Swift Adventurous (협력적인) Persuasive (설득력이있는) Versatile (변하기 쉬운)
ESTP - Careers Sales Marketing Police officer Paramedic PC Technicians Computer Technical Support Entrepreneurs Athlete
ENFP Only 8.4% of people in Korea have the personality type ENFP! Walt Disney Imaginative (상상의) Optimistic (낙관적 인) Creative (창조적 인)
ENFP - Careers Psychologist Teacher Counselor Politician / Diplomat Writer / Journalist Television Reporter Computer Programmer Scientist Engineer Artist
ENFJ Only 2.6% of people in Korea have the personality type ENFJ! Martin Luther King, Jr. Responsible (책임) Enthusiastic (열광적 인) Insightful (통찰력)
ENFJ - Careers Psychologist Counselor Teacher Human Resources Event planner Sales Politician / Diplomat Writer
ENTP Only 2.3% of people in Korea have the personality type ENTP! Thomas Edison Resourceful (재치가 풍부한) Innovative (혁신적인) Multi-talented (많은 재능을 가지고)
ENTP - Careers Lawyer Psychologist Entrepreneur Engineer Scientist Actor Sales Marketing Computer Programmer
ENTJ Only 2.1% of people in Korea have the personality type ENTJ! Bill Gates Efficient (실력 있는) Inquisitive (알고 싶어하는) Visionary (공상가)
ENTJ - Careers Business Entrepreneur Lawyer Professor Computer programmer
What do you think? Was the test right? Why or why not? Write AT LEAST four sentences.
Example According to the Myers-Brigg test, my personality type is INTJ. I think the test is right because the INTJ qualities are like my personality. I am introverted because I like to work alone. I also make decisions with my head rather than my heart. Last, I am confident, determined, and independent.
Let’s share! Tell your partner what you think!
Birthday activity! Line up from youngest to oldest—using only English!