Pablo Picasso 1881 - 1973
Picasso’s early paintings represent a phase called “The Blue Period.” “The Old Guitarist” 1903 Pablo Picasso was born in Spain and also spent a lot of time in France. Picasso’s early paintings represent a phase called “The Blue Period.”
“Blind Old Man and Boy” 1903 Paintings from “The Blue Period” portrayed people who were marginalized. *marginalized people are outcasts who are shunned by mainstream society, like beggars, prostitutes, misfits, etc.
“Bowl of fruit, violin, and bottle” 1914 After The Blue Period, Picasso painted pieces that fall under the genre of Cubism. Cubism is a form of abstract art that uses geometric shapes and challenges traditional ideas about painting.
“Three Musicians” 1921 Cubist paintings don’t portray life in a realistic way. This is why Cubism is an abstract form of art.
After experimenting with Cubism, Picasso went on to invent an art form called Collage.
Collage is a form of art in which multiple items (photographs, pieces of paper, and pieces of fabric) are pasted onto the same surface.
“Large Nude in a Red Armchair” 1929 In the 1920’s, Picasso began exploring SURREALISM, another form of abstract art. While Cubism paintings used geometric shapes, Surrealist paintings featured objects that looked like they were “melting.”
* Cubism, Surrealism, and Collage are all forms of ABSTRACT ART. “Girl Before a Mirror” 1932 Paintings like this one combine elements of Cubism and Surrealism, because there are geometric shapes (Cubism) and curvy, uneven patterns (Surrealism). * Cubism, Surrealism, and Collage are all forms of ABSTRACT ART.
Cubism, Surrealism, and Collage are all forms of ABSTRACT ART. This is why Pablo Picasso is remembered as an ABSTRACT ARTIST.
WORKS CITED Falconer, Morgan. "Pablo Picasso." The Art Story. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct 2012. <>.