Living conditions
Those aged 17 - 24 not in education or training, as % of total population of same age
Persons who are difficult to employ (structural unemployment), as % of persons aged 15 - 64
Lone homeless persons per 1000 inhabitants
Household-dwelling units with children living in overcrowded conditions, as % of all households with children
General at-risk-of-poverty rate for the municipality
Inadequate physical working conditions, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Distribution of welfare
Gini coefficient, disposable income
Perceived welfare and participation
Has no close friends, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Pupils who have been bullied at school, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Persons who rate their quality of life (EuroHIS-8) as good(%), age 20-64
Persons who rate their quality of life (EuroHIS-8) as good (%), age 65 and over
Persons who feel themselves lonely (%), age 20-64
Persons who feel themselves lonely (%), age 65 and over
Persons who are satisfied with the safety of their neighbourhood (%), age 20-64
Voting turnout in municipal elections, %
Participating in activities organised by associations etc Participating in activities organised by associations etc. (%), age 20-64
Daily smokers, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Daily smokers (%), age 20-64
Heavy drinking at least once a month, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Persons who drink too much alcohol (AUDIT-C) (%), age 20-64
Proportion of those who report having used cannabis during the past 12 months (%), age 20-64.
Overweight, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Obesity (Body Mass Index BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) (%), age 20-64
Less physical exercise than one hour a week, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Leisure-time physical inactivity (%), age 20-64
People who eat fresh and cooked vegetables poorly, aged 20-64 (%)
Health status
THL's morbidity index, age-standardised
Potential years of life lost (PYLL) at ages 0-80 per 100 000 inhabitants
Potential years of life lost (PYLL) due to suicide at ages 0-80 per 100 000 inhabitants
Self-rated health moderate or poor (%), age 20-64
In moderate or poor health, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Severe mental strain (%), age 20-64
Hospital care for injuries and poisonings, patients per 10 000 inhabitants
Coronary disease events in people aged 35-79 per 100 000 persons of same age
Moderate or severe anxiety, as % of all pupils in 8th and 9th year of comprehensive school
Functioning and work ability
Great difficulties to run 100m (%), age 20-64
Great difficulties in walking 500 meters (%), age 65 and over
Great difficulties in activities of daily living (%), age 75 and over
Persons who do not receive adequate assistance (%), aged 75 and over
People who have great or greater difficulties in taking care of themselves, over 75 year olds (%)
Those who experience poor memory, over 75 year olds (%)
Self-rated deterioration of work ability (%), age 20-64
Persons who think that they probably will not be able to continue working until retirement age (%), age 20-64