Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Program Update Terry Meisinger Enforcement Officer Office of Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Office of Enterprise Assessments
Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Activities Notices of Violation Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services Y-12, LLC Worker injury from lithium hydride exposure Unintentional firearm discharge Los Alamos National Security, LLC Worker exposure to chlorine UT-Battelle, LLC Worker injuries - material handling and ergonomic hazards National Security Technologies, LLC Worker injuries from chemical drum explosion Sandia Corporation Worker safety and health program implementation Nuclear Waste Partnership Underground salt haul truck fire Electrical safety program implementation/arc flash injury
Lithium Hydride Exposure and Unintentional Firearm Discharge B&W Y-12 / Y-12 National Security Complex LiH exposure - worker sustained first and second degree burns and respiratory injury Firearm discharge - minor worker injuries (potential for fatality) Regulatory deficiencies Worker training Personal protective equipment Hazardous energy control Firearms operations Firearms handling Recordkeeping Five violations - $150,000 civil penalty + contract fee reduction Mitigation for responses and corrective actions for both events
Worker Exposures to Chlorine Los Alamos National Security, LLC / Los Alamos National Laboratory Multiple workers exposed to chlorine Job scoping task to plan for legacy apparatus removal Regulatory deficiencies Hazard identification, assessment, and control Management responsibilities Civil penalty waived – significant award fee reduction Corrective actions address regulatory violations to prevent recurrence LANS to provide NNSA with quarterly corrective action plan status and institution-wide measure assurances
Worker Exposures to Material Handling / Ergonomic Hazards UT-Battelle, LLC / Oak Ridge National Laboratory Programmatic investigation – Three events - two with injuries Regulatory deficiencies Management responsibilities – providing a safe workplace Material handling hazard identification and assessment Hazard prevention and abatement through the hierarchy of controls Material handling limits (ACGIH TLVs and NIOSH RWLs) Worker training on material handling Four violations - $131,250 civil penalty 50% mitigation for response and corrective actions
Worker Injuries – Drum Explosion National Security Technologies, LLC / Nevada National Security Site Detonation of isopropyl alcohol (peroxide forming) NNSA/NSTec joint accident investigation Regulatory deficiencies Hazard identification/assessment in work planning and control process Chemical management Hazard communication Fire protection Five violations – contract fee reduction of $2.05 million Corrective actions address regulatory issues
Lithium Ion Battery Fire and Unintentional Detonator Initiation Sandia Corporation / Sandia National Laboratories Events revealed deficiencies in Part 851 Worker Safety and Health Program implementation Regulatory deficiencies Management responsibilities Hazard identification/assessment Hazard control Emergency response Training and information Recordkeeping and reporting Six violations – contract fee reduction of $686,000 Four recurring violations of Part 851 Corrective actions address regulatory issues
Underground Salt Haul Truck Fire Nuclear Waste Partnership, LLC / Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Joint worker safety and nuclear safety investigation with radiological release event DOE-led accident investigation Regulatory deficiencies Title 30 and NFPA 122 plans and assessments Fire prevention and preventative maintenance Emergency Response Recordkeeping Four Part 851 violations – contract fee reduction of $356,438
Electrical Safety Program Los Alamos National Security, LLC / Los Alamos National Laboratory Arc blast event and other near miss electrical events Five Severity Level I and three Severity Level II violations Regulatory deficiencies Integrated work management Hazard assessment Worker involvement Hazardous energy control Electrical work practices Personal Protective Equipment Training and information Applying relevant lessons learned (R- 2009-OR-BJCECP-0302) Civil penalty waived – significant award fee reduction
Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Activities Consent Orders (CO) and Enforcement Letters (EL) EL Skookum Contract Services Partial Finger Amputation URS Energy and Construction, Inc. Silica Exposure Monitoring National Security Technologies, LLC N-propyl Bromide Monitoring Mission Support Alliance, LLC Crane re-spooling operation CO Brookhaven Science Associates Construction Consultants L.I., Inc. Armor Tower, Inc. BNL Meteorological Tower Shock Chemical Storage Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC PM on a vacuum breaker Heat Stress
Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Activities Current Investigations Potassium hydroxide injury Worker retaliation and occupational medicine program Partial finger amputation Confined space
Part 851 Implementation Challenges Consensus standards – ACGIH TLV’s and NFPA Supervisory/management oversight Subcontractor oversight Hierarchy of controls Training and information Medical emergency planning and response Recurrence of violations