©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF GLOBAL PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Chapter 1 Public Policy and Administration in an Era of Globalization by Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
Public Policy and Administration Public policy and administration are central features of modern societies Public policy is the setting of goals that are approved by legislators, while public administration is the execution or implementation of these goals Public policy and administration have a history that reaches 5,000 years into the past and commences with earliest urban civilizations ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Recent Changes The rise of democracies The rise of the welfare state The application of the scientific method Globalization ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Rise of Democracies Give citizens more say in the decisions made by rulers Greater pressures and responsibilities on politicians and civil servants More direct linkages between the demands of citizens and the (re)actions of government ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
Rise of the Welfare State Government taking a larger role for the health and well-being of citizens Public education, health care and income security for the old and injured Expansion of the role of government resulted in a much larger scale of organization ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
Application of Science Public policy and administration have become subjects of study for scientists and scholars Focus on efficiency and rationality Several disciplines (economics, political science and others) are used to study public policy and administration ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Global Aspect Even as the other three changes occurred, public policy and administration remained largely local and national … until now Currently for the first time there is a global component to the study and practice of public policy and administration ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Global in that … No country, region or group of scholars has a monopoly on excellence, innovation or knowledge in public policy and administration There are more aspects of public policy and administration than in the past on which no one nation or government can reasonably effect change For example, the environment, public health, terrorism, financial regulation and … ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
This Handbook – for New Students For students beginning or in the middle of their studies, we invite you to use this book as a way to engage with a specific topic or group of related topics And also as a way to gain an overview of public policy and administration as a whole ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
This Handbook – for Experienced Students and Scholars For more senior students, as well as researchers and scholars, we hope the book is a way to help you keep ‘on top’ of the latest developments It may also stimulate your interest in further exploring aspects of public policy and administration ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
This Handbook – for Practitioners A reference book to turn to when faced with new or recurring challenges in serving citizens or clients Exposure to new perspectives and ideas Help in situating your day-to-day work ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Part I The first section – Contemporary Challenges of Public Policy and Administration: A Global Perspective – explores key challenges faced by public policy makers and administrators, as well as analyzing the state of the discipline Focus on how public policy and administration increasingly – in all regions of the world – involve the regulation of capitalism. That is how government imposes rules on the operation of free enterprise or capitalism ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Part II Cross-Sector and Cross-Level Policy and Administration Responses – examines some of the chief responses to public policy and administration challenges of the 21st century, especially those posed by regulatory capitalism Including collaborative governance, citizen co-production, citizen engagement, risk governance and much more ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Part III Forging a Resilient Public Administration – looks to the future by considering how a robust and innovative public administration can be crafted that meets the needs of the 21st century Topics: leadership, strategic management and long-term thinking, performance management, program evaluation, public budgeting, policy capacity, motivation, public procurement and e-government ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah
©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah Happy Reading! For more information about the book, please click here. Thomas R. Klassen Professor, York University, Canada email: tklassen@yorku.ca http://www.thomasklassen.net/ July 25, 2016 ©Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah