Spread of The cold War
The world would now live with the threat of nuclear war. NUCLEAR AGE The world would now live with the threat of nuclear war. Arms race between Soviet Union and U.S. who could build the most nuclear weapons. U.S. would use nuclear weapons as a “deterrent” Peace through strength…… “nuclear diplomacy” atomic bomb
The Arms Race: A “Missile Gap?” The Soviet Union exploded its first A-bomb in 1949. Now there were two nuclear superpowers!
Brinkmanship Belief that only going to the brink of war would protect the U.S. from going to war with the Soviet Union. U.S. would threaten mass retaliation with Soviet Union in order to try to get them to back off.
Suez Crisis Egypt’s president Gamal Abdel Nasser tried to construct a dam on the Nile River. U.S. and Britain offered to pay for project but Nasser began communicating with Soviet Union and Recognized the People’s Republic of China. Eisenhower administration withdrew its offer.
Suez Crisis In Response, Nasser Nationalized the Suez Canal making it under government control. Before it was managed by the British and French and protected with British armed forces. This threatened the flow of Middle Eastern oil to Europe.
Suez Crisis Britain and France teamed up with Israel to try to get the land back without consulting the U.S. President Eisenhower did not like this and refused to support them. As a result of lack of U.S. support, Britain, France, and Israel were forced to withdraw its troops.
Eisenhower Doctrine Stated that the U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism.
CIA Central Intelligence Agency- 1947 Intelligence gathering organization. 1953 helped install a new government in Iran and in 1954 same thing in Guatemala Both helped to place anticommunist leaders in power and also created long term resentment toward U.S.
Cold War Technology 1948- Microwave 1946- Computer 1948- Hang Glider 1958- Nuclear Energy Plant 1960- Communications Satellite 1070s- Smoke Detector 1980s- Global Positioning System
Kennedy’s Background Wealthy Family that expected public service. 43 years old Roman Catholic Charismatic and highly appealing to American Public.
Election of 1960 Democratic Nominee-John F Kennedy Republican Nominee-Richard B Nixon Economy was in recession Cold war: Were we winning?
Televised Debates Ist ever televised debate 70 million viewers Kennedy appeared confident and at ease. Launched a new area of politics: the television age.
The Results
Inauguration Speech “And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.”
Camelot Years JFK’s youth, glamour and his talented advisors were compared to the mythical court of Camelot and King Arthur. His wife, Jacqueline and his young children: Caroline and JFK Jr. Called for hope, commitment and sacrifice.
Civil Rights MLK Jr. arrested at a sit-in and sentenced to hard labor. Kennedy and his brother, Robert, persuaded judge to release MLK. Captured the attention of many African Americans and won their vote
New Frontier His vision for America Hard time passing his proposal through Congress because of a conservative coalition.
New Frontier Goals Provide medical care for elderly Rebuild urban areas Education Bolster national defense Increase international aid Expand space program
Building up Defense JFK’s policy of Flexible Response Build-up of the nation’s conventional forces (non-nuclear forces) Created an elite branch of the Army The Special Forces or The Green Berets
Peace Corps Created the Peace Corps in 1961, an organization that trained volunteers to help underdeveloped countries by providing social and humanitarian services.
Alliance for Progress Offered economic aid to Latin American countries $12 Billion dollars An attempt to contain Communism.
Space Race After successes such as the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik in 1957, Kennedy pushed the race to put a man on the moon, nicknamed the “Space Race,” by encouraging the growth in the studies of math and sciences in the public education system.
Bay of Pigs April 1961 Kennedy learned of a CIA plan to overthrow Castro by Cuban exiles in the Bay of Pigs. Failed due to unanticipated military support of the Soviet Union A Humiliated Kennedy paid ransom to free exiles.
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 After receiving info that Soviets, under Khrushchev, were building nuclear missile sites on Cuba, JFK imposed a blockade on the ships and demanded a removal of the missiles, leading to a brief, intense standoff that could have resulted in nuclear war.
Easing Tensions Hot line: Direct phone line that linked the White House and the Kremlin. Limited Test Ban Treaty: barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere.
Tragedy in Dallas JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963 on a visit to Texas. His shooting is still a source of disagreement among many, but Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime, and was assassinated himself shortly thereafter.