Who wants to be a Millionaire?
$100 True or False You must use your headlights when using your windshield wipers? A –True A – True B – False
$200 If you come to a red light and a police officer is standing in the middle of the road motioning for you to proceed. What should you do? A – Obey the light then the officer B – Obey the officer then the light C –Obey the police officer only C – Obey the police officer only D – None of the above
$500 What should you do if you are behind or directly beside a school bus that is loading & unloading children? A – Proceed with caution B –Stop till all children have cleared the roadway & bus moves again B – Stop till all children have cleared the roadway & bus moves again C – None of the above D – All of the above
$1,000 Passing is prohibited? A – Within 100 feet of railroad Crossing B – On shoulder of the road C – When a solid line is on your side D – All of the above D – All of the above
$2,000 What is the most common cause of traffic crashes between motorcycles & vehicles A – Weather conditions were poor B – The driver hated motorcycles C – Motorcycle was driving frantically D – The driver inability to see the motorcycle D – The driver inability to see the motorcycle
$4,000 True or False: A motorcycle is entitled to the full width of the lane they are in regardless of size? A – True A – Tue B – False
$8,000 True or False: Bicycles are not considered vehicles and do not have to obey the same rules as motorists? A – True B – False B – False
$16,000 If you move you must notify the DMV ______days before you move. A – 30 A – 30 B – 60 C – 90 D – 120
$32,000 You can not park within ____ feet of a fire hydrant? A – 10 B – 15 B – 15 C – 20 D – 25
$64,000 What is the proper hand signal for a right hand turn? A – Left arm out window straight up A – Left arm out window straight up B – Right arm out window straight up C – Left arm out window straight out D – Right arm out window straight out
$125,000 You may not park ______feet from an intersection? A – 5 B – 10 C – 15 D – 20 D – 20
$250,000 Is a school bus is stopped loading and unloading children. Do you have to stop if you are travelling in the opposite direction while being separated by a physical barrier or unpaved median? A – Yes B – No B – No
$500,000 Headlights should be used from sun____ to sun_____ and in ________ weather A – rise, set, sunny B – set, rise, sunny C – rise, set, inclement D – set, rise, inclement D – set, rise, inclement
$1,000,000 Combining alcohol with other drugs usually ______ the effect both can have on the body. A – Multiplies A – Multiplies B – weakens C – Strengthens D – None of the above
Also know Virginia’s implied consent law means any one must submit to a chemical test upon request by law enforcement.
When passing someone it is safe to return to the right hand lane when you can see the front of the past vehicle in your rear view mirror.
Dotted white lines always separate traffic going in the same direction.
On a interstate or highway the right lane is the slow lane and the left lane is the passing lane. If you are traveling slower then everyone else you should be in the right lane.
If people are crossing the street and your light turns green you must wait till they have finished crossing to proceed
When passing a motorcycle you can never use any portion of the lane the motorcycle is in.
When seeing someone who is using a white cane or seeing eye dog on the street or in a parking lot, you should always yield and stop if necessary till he or she passes.
You can turn right on a red light unless this sign is present