Word Wall Week Twenty-seven
sojourn (noun)
sojourn (noun) a temporary stay < Did you enjoy your sojourn with your grandchildren?>
supplement (noun)
supplement (noun) something that supplies what is needed < The teacher used a supplement of worksheets in addition to the problems in the book.>
unarguably (adjective)
unarguably (adjective) not open to argument or question <She is unarguably the greatest soccer player ever.>
sinister (adjective)
sinister (adjective) especially evil < The sinister hiss of the snake caused the children to freeze.>
globalization (noun)
globalization (noun) increasing global connectivity < The internet and air travel have led to globalization.>
petulant (adjective)
petulant (adjective) often rude < The petulant young man had no respect for the people he worked with.>
evanescent (adjective)
evanescent (adjective) tending to vanish like vapor not lasting <The pen gives permanence to the evanescent thought of a moment.>
galvanize (verb)
galvanize (verb) to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock <Her speech galvanized the crowd of voters.>
consultant (noun)
consultant (noun) a person who gives advice to another <I met with an interior design consultant before I painted the house.>
congregate (verb)
congregate (verb) to come together as a group or crowd <Students like to congregate at the basketball courts before school.>