BESTIA (Brookhaven Experimental Supra-Terawatt Infrared at ATF) Laser: A Status Report.
Outline ATF’s Terawatt CO2 laser overview BESTIA concept (as presented at AAC ’14) Progress since AAC ’14 Current vision of the roadmap to 100 TW
ATF’s Terawatt CO2 laser: Active medium “1 ps” 1 bar 10 bar 10 bar, isotopes 3 ps @ 10.2 µm 1.7 ps @ 9.2 µm
ATF’s Terawatt CO2 laser: Scheme 1 µJ 10 mJ 6 J СЩ2 CO2 CO2 “Master oscillator” Produces a picosecond seed pulse Regenerative amplifier Provides most of amplification Small active volume Isotopic Final amplifier Main source of energy Large active volume No isotopes (yet)
ATF’s Terawatt CO2 laser: Specs Two amplifiers Single amplifier Maximum achievable Routine operation Peak power 2 TW 0.5 – 1 TW 5 GW Pulse energy 6 J 2 – 4 J 10 mJ Pulse duration 3 ps 3.5 ps 1.7 ps Rep. rate 0.05 Hz 3 Hz Wavelength 10.2 µm 9.2 µm
100-TW concept (as of AAC ’14) OPA: fs seed Stretcher + compressor = Chirped pulse amplification High-pressure, isotopic amplifiers Nonlinear compressor Collection of innovations: Non-linear compressor 70 J 50 J 2 ps 25 TW OPA Ti:Al2O3 Amplifier 1 Stretcher 35 µJ 350 fs 10 µJ 100 ps 100 mJ Amplifier 2a Amplifier 2b Amplifier 2c 10 J 100 fs 100 TW
Progress: solid-state frontend In routine operation 0.35 ps 25 µJ 5 ps 0.1 µJ New system: OPA Old system: TEA CO2 laser with amplifier and multi-stage pulse slicing
Chirped-pulse amplification: what’s done In routine operation CPA in regenerative amplifier only Str. Amp. Cmp. 0.35 ps → 80 ps → 50 ps → 1.7 ps Compressor Stretcher YAG Coupler Semiconductor switch (Si) Amplifier vessel Pockels cell Polarizing splitter Photo- detector Osc. OPA Ti:Al2O3 (1.6 ps) Polyanskiy, Babzien, Pogorelsky, "Chirped-pulse amplification in a CO2 laser," Optica 2, 675-681, 2015
Chirped-pulse amplification: work in progress 75 mm Self-focusing of a 3.5-ps pulse in NaCl window 0.5 J 0.7 J 0.9 J 1.3 J 1.7 J 2.5 J Full-power compressor test stand Vacuum chamber for BESTIA’s compressor: 1.5 x 2.4 m2 165x220 mm2 75 lines/mm 1 TW (3.8 J, 3.5 ps) demonstrated
Non-linear compressor non-linear material aperture (spatial filter) Pair of small-density gratings (linear compressor) >1 ps <1 ps 2.5 J 20 mm 3.5 J Spectrum 2.5 J OUT IN Proof-of-principle test: simulations Pulse Polyanskiy, "Pulse compressor,” US Patent Application 20160013605 A1 (Jan. 14, 2016) OUT Polyanskiy, "co2amp: A software program for modeling the dynamics of ultrashort pulses in optical systems with CO2 amplifiers," Appl. Opt. 54, 5136-5142, 2015 IN
Optical materials considerations F=50 cm sample laser vacuum: <= 0.1 mbar Cu mirror 100 µm I0 = 8.0 J/cm2 “Replica” Cu grating I0 = 3.4 J/cm2 Damage threshold (J/cm2) 1.7 ps @ 9.2 µm Bare Grating (replica) Grating (master) Cu 5 1.5 ??? Al 0.5 Mo 2.5 - 100 µm
6 m Ø1 m New final amplifier Discharge 3 × (8.5×10×100 cm3) isotopic CO2 50% 18O BESTIA’s design energy: 70 J before compression Present system: demonstrated 18.5 J in chirped pulse
Roadmap Present system CPA Real-life test of full-power CPA at 0.5-1 TW More stretching, reach 100 mJ in regen Test master Cu grating Non-linear compressor: proof of principle (R&D) BESTIA Final amplifier Start with two amplifier sections Start without isotopes Demonstrate 30-35 J in chirped pulse In-vacuum compressor Demonstrate 15-20 J after compression (5 TW, 3.5 ps @ 10.2 µm) Isotopes Install and test CO2 freeze-out system for isotope recovery Add isotopes to main amplifier Demonstrate 15-20 J after compression (10 TW, 1.7 ps @ 9.2 µm) Non-linear compressor (R&D) Achieve 25 TW Future BESTIA R&D towards 100 TW